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Everything posted by Ray,IN

  1. Neat! Looks like a variation of the OEM thing that raises the head of the mattress for slide retraction in the same situation.
  2. In this area of IN the established mobile techs, trip charge $150, $125/hr. I called a recent graduate of RV tech school(school in TX), his rates were, $50 trip charge, $100/hr. I assume as he gains experience his rates will increase.
  3. Jack, for future needs, DigiKey electronics carries about everything.
  4. It would be interesting to know the average age of forum users, by year and type of device they prefer. I suspect todays technologies interest younger people more than we older folks. The have instant communication at their fingertips via facebook, twitter, etc.; and from my observations very few use a desktop computer today, mostly they use a smart phone.
  5. Ya, should'a been thinking. It didn't even occur to me Linux has links to their discussion forums in the menu setting. 🤦‍♀️
  6. I replaced my desktop 1TB, HDD (crashed) with a 1TB, SSD. While I was in there I added 8GB memory. Since I had a new SSD I thought it's a great time to install Linux Mint-Tina. It's so much faster than W10 it's amazing. Now I want to go to Cinnamon since Tina has reached end of life, gotta figure out how to accomplish that.
  7. Yes, replace the faulty circuit breaker. Don't cheap out on the motor, buy the same NM torque rating.
  8. Yep, oversizing an air conditioning unit results in high humidity and cool air, my dad did that and his house always felt clammy during summer. The A/C company rep argued with dad, but the money won out.
  9. I was given a pint can of DeoxIT about 50 years ago by an uncle who was an electrican, still have about 1/3 can. Doubt I'll live long enough to empty the can. It wasn't full when I received it.
  10. I have one of those (RV's post) 50A receptacle testers for quick N dirty testing. If it displays anything but OK I grab my VOM and do the real testing. If that too results in good numbers, then I plug in the MH, and the built-in EMS will only allow connection if it is satisfied everything is OK. I am not an electrician; I did school myself in what to test for without frying me.
  11. Never apologize for your opinion, right or wrong it's yours; 7% of the U.S.A. population served in the military to preserve your right to express your opinion.
  12. That sounds like a paraphrase of Confucius.😁
  13. The selling dealer is only allowed to issue a temporary paper license plate for the state in which they are licensed to do business. Dealing with MO is entirely your responsibility.
  14. Yes it is not hard to break a wrist or hand if the installer makes a mistake. This is for Dometic 2 step awings: https://documents.dometic.com/media/download/56240?templateId=0 Here is the A&E pdf for replacing awning fabric with a chart on page 7 showing number of turns with,as you said, awning tube 2' from coach: https://bryantrv.com/docs2/docs/aespring.pdf If anyone is interested.
  15. I've posted it previously, can't remember where. The inventors of AI are now asking congress to pass laws governing the how, when, why, where, and to what limits AI can be used before it's too late. IMO they know something the rest of do not-yet. https://hai.stanford.edu/news/congress-gets-serious-about-artificial-intelligence
  16. This is my opinion, so don't hit the ceiling. IMO we RV buyers have done this to ourselves by shopping for the lowest price and accepting less than first-class workmanship. I wonder what percentage of Rvers choose to buy a Airstream trailer or other high quality TT vs a lower quality/ cheaper trailer. Complaints about poor workmanship and quality of materials are common, but the RV mfgrs. build what sells best, which IMO is glitz and fancy electronics. My first TT did not have electric lights inside It had one propane light, but it was built very solid and tight, It never developed a water leak or require something fixed after a trip that fell apart. The bottom line is, "we actually do get what we pay for."
  17. It is a somber day for me. I have traced my military roots to the revolutionary war. When I learned the history of Decoration Day, it originated with Confederate widows after the civil war.
  18. Look for a Cummins Coach Care location nearby. There is one at 1800 Fryar Avenue Sumner, WASHINGTON 98390 425 235-3400
  19. The commercial interstate trucking industry has been doing that for decades already. reference: https://hbkcpa.com/trucking-companies-adhering-to-a-complex-network-of-state-taxes/
  20. FWIW, the previous owner of my MH changed the inverter/charger which was mounted on the ceiling of the compartment. He mounted the new inverter/charger on the floor of the compartment instead, if his instance all the cables were a bit too long because the batteries are under that compartment.. That makes it easier for me because now I have to replace that inverter/charger unit.
  21. IMO walking through an unoccupied campsite is no different than walking through any grassy area around the office, no harm no foul.
  22. Thanks again Derek! That reads like, yes there must be staffing changes at the VA, starting at the top. IMO everyone working for the VA- in admin, must be a military veteran.
  23. I agree,IMO his driving demonstrated how much he thought of his family.
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