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Everything posted by Ray,IN

  1. Humm, FireFox has a dark theme selection, does that mean it is has a nefarious intent too? I understand a dark theme uses less electricity than a light theme. (dark screen, white lettering)
  2. I respect a man who keeps his priorities in order.
  3. The published figures are only a beginning point. For instance, the published weights are normally for a 150# driver, no passengers or equipment in the bed or cab, ½tank of gas. That does not include the W/D hitch weight. To eliminate salespersons hype and chest-beating from other Toyota owners, use this online towing calculator to accurately and impartially match your tow vehicle to a trailer. You'll note some actual scale weights are required. Finaly, NEVER use tthe UVW of a trailer when making calculations, unless that is now you plan to go camping-nothing in the trailer.
  4. Or lay it in front of the radiator, remove immediately when stopped. Oh-wait, newer vehicles don't have that optional cooling place.
  5. That article states Neeva search engine is 77% rated for privacy. However this seems to contradict that statement: https://www.makeuseof.com/reasons-you-shouldnt-use-neeva/ IMO it's all in the eye of the beholder. As stated in that article, nothing is completely safe and private on the internet.
  6. Speaking from experience, as walking distance declines (IMO it's a self-feeding issue) so does the ability to walk (muscle tone). After a month of serious illness, regaining my leg muscle tone is quite difficult at 80 yrs old; but I'll get back to a higher percent of walking. I now have a stationary bike in front of the TV here at home when weather doesn't permit walking in my fields. I don't even consider using an electric scooter at business's. It's best to avoid riding when walking is possible IMO.
  7. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/government-debt-to-gdp Here is the debt to GDP for all countries: https://worldeconomics.com/Debt/ I noted, as that percentage declines so does the standard of living. IMO the U.S.A. is living in a bubble, will it break? Then there is the congressional millionaires club that oversees the national debt.
  8. After reading all the linked articles and many I've found using a search engine, the U.S.A. debt is a house of cards. The Federal Reserve owns 78% of the national debt, and stays afloat by printing money out of thin air. This of course is completely legal since U.S.A. currency is no longer based on gold or silver. I suppose we could run a family like this, borrow from your wife and each child to spend more money than we have, with the expectation of never repaying anyone; but in the beginning we gave them the money, so we'd have to print more money to be able to borrow from them, however that is illegal for all except the federal government. I find this very interesting: "Intragovernmental Debt The Treasury owes this part of the debt to other federal agencies. Intragovernmental holdings totaled more than $6.89 trillion in January 2023.1 Why would the government owe money to itself? Because some agencies, like the Social Security Trust Fund, take in more revenue from taxes than they need. These agencies then invest in U.S. Treasurys rather than stick this cash under a giant mattress, source: https://www.thebalancemoney.com/who-owns-the-u-s-national-debt-3306124 This transfers the agencies' excess revenue to the general fund, where it's spent. They redeem their Treasury notes for funds as needed. The federal government then either raises taxes or issues more debt to raise the required cash. Japan holds $1.3 trillion in U.S.A. debt; China holds $1.1 trillion. Sure that is a small fraction of $31 trillion, but what happens if they call that debt?https://finmasters.com/who-owns-the-us-national-debt/ This entire thread is quite useless, as nothing we can do will make a difference. It is all ran by what some refer to as the shadow government. An interesting fact I came across during searches is this: Which President is responsible for the highest percentage increase in national debt? https://www.self.inc/info/us-debt-by-president/
  9. Docj that is a very interesting article. However nowhere does it explain what happens when some or all the national debt is called by the lenders. The author states it is indefinite, as the government goes on forever.
  10. Check with SD DMV about state taxes. I know In Indiana when a resident buys out of state, whatever taxes they are charged must be forwarded to Indiana DMV. Then if you paid more that what Indiana charges, you get a refund of the excess amount.
  11. The key to resolving this is fiscal responsibility, exactly like we run our household. What happens when we run up more debt than we can repay? Yup, not pretty.
  12. X2. RoyB, The cooling system works by boiling the heat transfer liquid, then as it cools it draws heat from inside the freezer and refrigerator. That is why covering the wall openings is advised, otherwise the heat transfer liquid cannot reach boiling temperature.
  13. One good thing about making mistakes at our age is plausible deniability. I would've likely done the same as you John.
  14. Gae engine-powered MH's often have a 4,000 -7,000# maximum hitch rating, depending on year of mfgr. This might limit towing a 20' loaded cargo trailer. IMO it's not so much the total weight as it is weight on the hitch affecting MH handling. You can read the specs in this Newmar Baystar sales brochure, down about 3/4 of the page.
  15. So it's really not a traffic camera, now I understand-not.
  16. Then there's the BMW EV chargers: https://www.autoevolution.com/news/bmw-wants-a-charging-network-to-rival-teslas-superchargers-89605.html
  17. As Californian's are experiencing, humans cannot stop the flow of water, they can only redirect its path to an extent. It IS the most powerful force on earth. Build a house in a floodplain, and expect the worst. Not many decades ago no lender would approve building a house in a floodplain. Interesting article about water collection in CA: California flooding reveals an unexpected solution to endless droughts (msn.com)
  18. Some are anyway: https://cdec.water.ca.gov/resapp/RescondMain I hope this is also contributing to the aquifer levels. I watched a TV segment about them, One water driller said today he must drill down 1,000' to find water, whereas when he began he found water at 80'.
  19. I read that Thor is allowing Tiffin to operate as a stand-alone company, just like Winnebago is doing with Newmar. Perhaps dropping the towable line is a cost-saving measure by the Tiffin BOD.
  20. There is internet speculation this is financial strategy to manipulate Tesla stock values without violating any SEC rules. We've got to face it, Elon Musk is a financial genius. Just wish I'd bought stock when it was $17/share.
  21. Things change when a company is bought out. Thor already has a huge towables division.
  22. I agree, all this water at once is just running off into the ocean instead of filling all the lakes and reservoirs; leaving havoc in its wake. I listened to a weather report saying the drought stricken and burned off land is so hard It's like raining on concrete.
  23. Yes, I've seen many power units with a twisted frame. In videos of power unit pulls and drag races some lift the LF wheel a foot off the track.
  24. If you were close I'd invite you to come and visit, and bring your chain-saw. I have a 80' tall dead oak tree that has fallen and must be cut-up small enough I can drag sections out of the field to a ditch. P.S. I'll supply the 2-cycle gas.🤪
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