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New River Gorge is now National Park number 63


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can you say PORK.

Virginia’s U.S. Sen. Shelley Capito  added this into another bill that had nothing to do with any park or game refuge.

this is why the fed and state governments are way too deep in debt.. if only we Americans could spend like our government can.

so much land is locked away where most people can never get to anyhow. aka: no roads, trails, etc.

only those who are rich and like to hike out into the boonys for weeks at a time can enjoy these areas.

put away your flame throwers, i to believe places should be allowed to be left alone (but no human should be allowed in there.). and then when a plane crashes, or a major fire hits, no way to help save lives, or put out the fire. no roads=no access.

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11 hours ago, agesilaus said:

RV Miles


The article is a bit out of date since Trump has now signed the bloated bill. I just wish they would spend more on park maintenance backlogs and hold off on new acquisitions until they can at least get close to dealing with that.

Your wish was granted just last November when the Dept. of Interior released more information on the largest ever restoration bill ever signed.

DOI historic deferred maintenance news release

There were other news releases from different government agencies regarding this event.
And yes, the Trump administration was responsible - which is why there was no media coverage of the event - but none-the-less. . .




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51 minutes ago, Rich&Sylvia said:

Your wish was granted just last November when the Dept. of Interior released more information on the largest ever restoration bill ever signed.

DOI historic deferred maintenance news release

There were other news releases from different government agencies regarding this event.
And yes, the Trump administration was responsible - which is why there was no media coverage of the event - but none-the-less. . .


I sure saw a lot of media coverage about the deferred maintenance bill.  

Most interesting is that 102 Republican Congressmen voted against the bill and only 81 voted for it, while only 2 of the Democrats voted against it. 

Al & Sharon
2006 Winnebago Journey 36G 
2020 Chevy Colorado Toad
San Antonio, TX


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15 hours ago, agesilaus said:

I just wish they would spend more on park maintenance backlogs and hold off on new acquisitions until they can at least get close to dealing with that.

But your article says "Still, the change is only in the name. Funding for National Parks is no different than the other National Park Service units. Since the Gorge was already facilitated by the park service, the primary changes will be to signage, brochures and the website."  

Doesn't seem to be about acquistion or more money.  

Hope your days seems better soon.

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7 hours ago, packnrat said:

he state has required said areas to be gated off.

Have you ever considered why or asked why.  I guess states are the same but I know federal management is required to protect the resource as much as possible.  They have to do it with limited funds and staffing and try to give  access to people as much as possible.  These days that is a real chore as even though the mass of of the public will try to do the right thing the few will do massive damage.

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 OK a reality check!! Here in Australia we have over 680 National Parks. With half of nothing funding. The USA has some of the best NPs to be found anywhere in the world. I would happily pay more fees/taxes to have 'only' 60+ National Parks.

The CCC improved many parks just so folks can enjoy them today. Politics? Sure but what a great assets the USA have.

Love them and forget what politics got them there.


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We have a very, and overly confusing, system of parkland management in the US. There are actually over 400 units in the National Park system. National Parks, Monuments, Grasslands, historic sites, wilderness areas, battlefields and on and on. Only 63 are designated National Parks.

There are other departments that manage parks land, the BLM Bureau of Land Management, the National Forest Service, Corp of Engineers, and Bureau of Reclamation are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Plus the individual states also manage parks, Florida is getting close to 200 and doesn't have the most parks. So all together there are probably several thousand parks. Some tiny and some very large. It takes 6 hours or so just to drive across some of the largest ones. And some of the really large ones, up in Alaska, don't have roads.

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Bruce T is right on. I traveled internationally for 30 years.  Whenever I'd return from a trip abroad someone would ask what was the impressive country I'd seen. Without hesitation I'd say USA. Then I'd ask have you seen the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, the Patriarchs in Zion, the Rockies, fished the trout streams in Montana or Appalachia,etc. Some would quickly realize they did not have to travel far to see some of the most beautiful sights on earth right here in USA. Our National and State parks are treasures waiting to be discovered. 

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The campground bathroom at Capitol Reef National Park was/is a typical 1950's camp bathroom - room for two toilets, painted a hundred times, metal mirrors cracked concrete and many stains.  A national disgrace.  Hopefully, this sort of worn out dilapidation will be attended to.




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2 hours ago, Rich&Sylvia said:

The campground bathroom at Capitol Reef National Park was/is a typical 1950's camp bathroom - room for two toilets, painted a hundred times, metal mirrors cracked concrete and many stains.  A national disgrace.  Hopefully, this sort of worn out dilapidation will be attended to.


I have volunteered almost every summer since 1997 with the Forest Svc.  just outside Albq.  and the vandalism is a constant problem and added expense.  I sure it is worse because we are so close to the city. We used to have some pretty decent toilets  that had lighting base on solar. They constantly broke the lights and solar panels. We have one NM road that everyone bitches at us about since it goes through the forest. Every year they put up different  signs but a lot of no parking along roadway most are aluminum. If they are not shot up they are stolen.  I could live very well on what they spend every year replacing them. Graffti is a major problem.

Edited by bigjim
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7 hours ago, agesilaus said:

My theory on that is that vandalism increases in direct proportion to the distance to the nearest metropolis. Remote parks probably see very little. I know some won't like this but ORV use seems to be tied to vandalism too. Joshua Trees...

I would say that is more right than wrong but still no where near completely true.  Lots of parks and rec areas are so busy during season that you cannot avoid the du--As--s.  Remember the incident with the guy that has the Anderson hitch company.   I liken it to the incidence of people getting too close to dangerous animals dispite in spite of all the signs and personnel telling them not to. Death or really serious injury can cure stupid but not much else will.

Inverse proportion-direct proportion.  Guys don't confuse me please.🙃

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