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Everything posted by Ray,IN

  1. This is a bullet statement from your link: " Not suitable for plastic gas cylinders, refillable gas cylinders, gas tanks or butane cylinders (Campingaz) ". Rather confusing to me.
  2. Plus, Amazon has an excellent return policy, even for outside sellers.
  3. X2, And be aware of the dangers of second-hand smoke_.🤣 Kidding aside, I wish you both the best Derek!
  4. Back when we owned a 40' 5er, we were surprised by a "frost Heave" in Canada. A kitchen cabinet door opened and almost all of the Corellware fell out onto the marble countertop. It did not break, it EXPLODED!, all over the main portion of the 5er. We cleaned up glass shards as much as we could, vacuumed the carpet at every overnight stop. When we finally returned home 10,000 miles later, we had the carpet professionally cleaned and had notified the cleaner prior to making the appt. That Corelleware was DW's from 1983, the 3' drop from the cabinet to the marble countertop was more than enough to destroy her set of Corellware. We are readying for Florida, and DW is packing a new set of Corellware in the MH.🏳️
  5. I agree, like this one: https://www.sears.com/klein-tools-cl700-600-amp-true-rms-ac/p-A058028491?plpSellerId=Savings Kingdom&prdNo=1&blockNo=1&blockType=G1 The HWH hydraulic system is also 12VDC powered, so works for both systems.
  6. FWIW, all diesel fuel today contains a minimum of 2% biodiesel, unless the retailer informs you of what alternative chemical was used to replace the lost lubricity during the refining process. If there is nothing in that diesel fuel to replace lost lubricity, plan on replacing an engine in the future.
  7. UPDATE: This is a direct copy N paste from the Express-Scripts website: " The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year (FY) 2018 established changes to TRICARE prescription copayments every two years for the calendar years 2018 through 2027. These changes are for retail and home delivery only. There is still a $0 copayment for all formulary drugs at military pharmacies. To find out more about these changes effective January 1, 2020_____"
  8. Monument Valley is part of an Indian reservation, they run everything. The tours are operated by the tribe and those roads are not open to the public, there is one road for public access. If you have 4WD rain will not stop you, 2WD however is a personal decision to drive the road or not. While we were there the weather was fine until we almost returned to the entrance. It began to rain hard, then turned to hail. The hail/rain mix was filling the side ditches and coming down so hard I had to stop at the nearest wide spot. I engaged 4WD on my dually to maintain traction - on blacktop. That was in September. I advise pulling up the website for current information.
  9. I understand that, if you cannot provide a link, please point me to your source so I may return to that Verizon rep and show him the proof he is wrong, otherwise it is your word against his and he is a company rep.
  10. Please post a link to your source, I'd like to know for sure. I only know what I was told, bumped was the wrong word I apologize for that. I should have said lowest priority for service, and when the tower is full Verizon contract accounts receive priority over all others. This is off-topic anyway, I apologize for that also.
  11. This is somewhat off-topic, but a Verizon rep told me that contract Verizon customers are first in line on cell towers, if the capacity becomes full, prepaid Verizon, no-contract customers are bumped off the tower. Non-Verizon cell-phone companies are first to be bumped off though.
  12. Contacting each state's bureau of firearms is the absolute authority. If you wish this individual state's listing also contains each state's regulations/statutes for reference. However, no-one can claim ignorance of the law because they referenced an internet webpage.
  13. Grest explanation John! FWIW, it will be 49/16 here tomorrow, snow,rain, ice mix. Tue 26/17, and Wed 35/30.Hope you are headed South; wish we were___.
  14. I think Glenn installed a Leaf battery bank with an enormous capacity, covered the roof with solar.
  15. I investigated this a bit and found that this website is designed for the Western U.S. A different address to the map and cameras, without the tools is here: http://oss.weathershare.org/m/?clat=38.27836&clng=-109.07804&zoom=6 I looked further to find contact information to suggest additions to the map, but found none.
  16. I left my desktop on today while I was out on the farm mowing the hayfield weeds off. When I returned to my computer the screen was out whack (self-update?)it appears permanently magnified, cannot see log-in button at top of some pages, which is too wide. I've been trying to return it to normal-with no success. I even went to download in setting and installed a download that said "waiting for install". The screen is stretched out sideways too, the back arrow in a circle is now in an oval. I had to increase font size to 125% just to be able to read anything on the forum. I'm wondering if my 6 yr old monitor was made outdated by whatever happened today while I was on the tractor??
  17. I removed all the halogen bulbs in the MH last year, they get too hot.
  18. I'll make this decision if the Norcold conks out before I can no longer drive.
  19. One tool for staying current of weather is the One Stop Shop for Travelers. It takes a bit to learn how to use all the tools on the website, however it is as current as the information of each states road conditions website.The Western half of the U.S. has a lot of live road cameras, East half, not so much.
  20. Speaking of Ecobee thermostats, this article explains how the man adapted an Ecobee for use in their MH. Perhaps it may be useful in your project. That particular Ecobee SI model is obsolete/no longer available since the article was written. https://www.janeandjohn.org/pages/Ecobee1.html
  21. I've been doing a lot of reading on the internet since I began following this thread. There is so much conflicting information, mostly from blog writers about 5G, I just quit reading. I did find several technical documents that were interesting reading, one in particular was somewhat disturbing, it stated the leading carriers are trying to get a law passed that will prevent local cities from any participation in where mini-towers are placed or how many. This pdf is dry reading-and long IMO, however it seems factual. This was my search terms and results: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=5g+cell+tower+diagram&t=ffnt&ia=web
  22. I suppose you can revert to carrying an "antique" pistol, they are exempt from federal firearms laws. Years ago when the outbreak of rocks being thrown off interstate overpass's was widespread, OTR truckers discovered this exemption and began carrying muzzle-loading pistols. After a few throwers got shot in MN the rock throwing quickly declined. That's how I remember listening to the national news anyway.
  23. According to CBS news tonight you will likely get reimbursed from AT&T, about $2 for throttling your service.
  24. It will not harm anything to add Biobor to your fuel tank; however the best protection from condensation forming is to always buy fuel from a high-turnover station(when no tanker is unloading) to lessen the odds of buying water contaminated diesel fuel. Always top off your fuel tank just prior to extended parking periods. This greatly reduces the empty space for the heating/cooling of air space to condense moisture out of the air. Since algae only grows at the interface of water and diesel fuel, when water is absent so is the chance of algae problems. Truck stops cannot afford to risk causing fuel problems for trucking companies, it would put them out of business rather quickly. That's where I buy diesel fuel. During my lifetime I have never had an algae problem, either in my farm tractors or diesel trucks, some of those diesel tractors were un-started all winter. Farmers combines sit from this harvest season to next years harvest season, I've never talked to one of these large farmers who had an algae problem
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