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Everything posted by Ray,IN

  1. We once boondocked for a few days on S. Padre Island, the free beach parking on sand. Even the sand contains salt, I still have our old 2 bikes sitting behind our RV garage, eaten up be salt, must haul them to the dump some day. The Dually frame corroded badly, undercoat slowly flaked off ever since, almost all gone when I sold the truck(spray paint covered it enough to look good). Our 5er required a lot of touch-up paint for the visible steel too. We will NEVER purposely camp on a beach again. We used to winter at Ft. Myers Beach(ironic), 2 miles inland, never had a corrosion issue.
  2. This is the same minature water/oil filter I use on my pancake compressor in the MH. I use another on my Harbor Freight 150#, 12V compressor, which required a bit of reworking the supply hose. It catches more moisture from the Harbor Freight unit simply because there is no storage tank to condense water vapor prior to entering water filter in the supply hose. https://www.ebay.com/itm/1-4-Mini-Water-Filter-Oil-Water-Separator-Filter-For-Air-Compressor-Spray-Tool-/153661825407
  3. The basics of our MH is in my signature. We bought it in April 2013 through Camping World, on consignment. The first owner became too ill to use it, so it sat parked in his barn from 2008 until it was moved to CW to sell in 2013. It has always been stored in our RV garage when not in use. I bought an extended service contract at time of purchase due to the MH not even being started while in storage for 5 years. The ESC more than paid for itself during the 3 yr contract, all expenses were for the chassis portion, no claims were filed on the chassis portion. Other than scheduled maintenance, the only parts I've bought were broken exhaust manifold (common on ISC engines) and a lift pump(usually fails due to gaskets incompatible with biodiesel) We have been throughout most of the U.S. and CA maritimes with this RV. We have been diligent with upkeep and normal maintenance, as a result we have never been stranded, broken-down, or had a flat tire _yet. Although it has only one (living room, kitchen) super-slide, it is enough living space for two people. That slide positioning was important to us because we wanted to be able to live in the MH without opening the slide when necessary - and we do. If anyone has questions about our MH, I'll be happy to converse by PM. Thanks for beginning this thread Kirk!
  4. I'll agree with that Kirk. It also goes hand in hand with: Good decisions come from experience, experience comes from bad decisions. Only, I"m still in the bad decision stage_.😄
  5. Were it my rig, I would advertise both ways, let buyers decide. Of course that depends upon your desires.
  6. I haven't read this thread in a long time, just noticed your reply. FWIW, we drove 101 from Portland down to Cresent City in 2012. Our rig then was a Chevy LB, CC, dually, towing a 40' Dutchmen Grand Junction 5er. I don't recall ever having any problems due to overall length. One does have to be aware though. I think our biggest issue was locating parking space along the highway for sightseeing.
  7. If you are so-inclined, consider a DIY kit:https://www.daverootrvglassrepair.com/window-repair-kits.html
  8. That is your decision, I just presented the facts as I understand them. You will not notice water in compressed air until it condenses, that happens when compressed air(it heats when compressed) temperature declines to ambient air temperature. If you are in the SW it is not usually a concern.
  9. Whatever brand or type you choose to use; remember to buy and use an air filter/dryer on the pressure hose. This is more critical on a small tank compressor, as the compressed air doe not have time to cool and condense air before it enters a tire. I have a 120VAC Fini pancake compressor with built-in regulator, and always use a small air filter when adding air to tires. That moisture is what causes unusual tire pressure rise at interstate speeds.
  10. MIne is hard to access also. Thankfully the extended service contract paid the bill to replace all three leaking valves, except for the $50 deductible.
  11. Ray,IN


    You be the judge if this is relevant. I bought Sailun S637 235/78R16 ST tires for our 5er some years ago, they turned out to be larger in diameter than the Cooper's of the same size; so much so I had to have the rear axle moved rearward by 3", as there was 3/4" between the Sailuns when mounted on the 5er. When they got hot(I was told) they could "grow" in diameter by as much as 1/2" per tire when at speed. BTW a HDT repair and tire shop in Chamberlain, SD is the source of my information. You may want to verify this yourself, it's your money you''re spending.
  12. page 5 of https://www.frakco.com/TravelSoftHD.html
  13. If cost is the same near you, it's gonna take a hunk out of your wallet. When I began using Potassium Chloride it was $8 per 40# bag, then began increasing in price to the point buying bottled water for consumption was cheaper than the difference between salt and potassium Chloride.
  14. Thank you! The description said it was for use with an RO system for dishwashers. Scratch that idea. Would this "filter" be better? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PHTTBWY/?coliid=I2MN2K8SA6EMPZ&colid=IIT191TPI0O4&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
  15. Thanks; We can't travel much since DW's wreck, however, I've been considering these "filters" to use with the MH when hard water is encountered, but they have a low capacity. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00S7KE9P2/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_10?smid=A3EIVBCQ1ZC8U1&psc=1 Thanks for the suggestion to buy RO water, we presently use an undercounter carbon filter for drinking, ice maker, cooking, and the coffee maker, but I doubt it removes trace salt.
  16. We began using salt, DW's blood pressure rose, changed to Potassium Chloride, then it went to $24 per 40# bag, (salt is $5 a bag). That price jump was aggravating however in a few weeks all local store stopped selling Potassium Cl. That forced us to return to salt.DW's heart Dr increased her meds.
  17. Actually not, return to the original topic post and read the contents and thread title, which pertains to switching to LED lighting.Yea, I know nitpiking.🧐 Now if anyone wants to drive where stop signs are optional, drive into a town in Mexico.
  18. We still have the old dinner bell on a post in the yard, used it before cell phones were invented. DW said she's going to buy a dog training collar for me, and whenever she wants me she'll just push the button. This way even if I'm operating the tractor she can get my attention.
  19. That is not however, the entire story. For instance, I have an AT&T tower 3 miles from my house, BUT, my house sits in a small valley surrounded by hills that are 200' higher than my house . I am lucky to get one bar so my cellular amplifier will have something to amplify. The closest Verizon tower is 5 miles in the opposite direction, never any signal. I finally upgraded our cell phones so I may connect to the cellular service via the internet, but must be within signal range of my router. I still cannot call DW (in house) while I'm out on the farm somewhere. That IMO is not the result of any devious intent by cellular providers. This "dead spot" is less than a mile sq. and would not be visible on any nationwide coverage map.
  20. 👍 I just did(new CC phone) that last month, thus my question. It's kinda hard to read intent.
  21. My engine is a 1999 ISC, when I visited the QuickServe website last night I discovered it may be covered by a current open campaign/TRP covering 3 different engines, the ISB, ISC, and ISL; this is for the Cummins air compressor front bushing. This is a heads-up for owners of those engines to log-in to Cummins QuickServe and check for your engine by serial number.
  22. Back to basics, just what is CC? Consumer Cellular? I have that on autopay.
  23. Been there, done that too. Everyone has a starting point, as Barbraok said. When we began, I too didn't know to open both tanks so the automatic changeover function could do its job. Quite often sales folks know even less than the prospective buyers.
  24. I apologize dutch, I was wrong. that liquid level gauge is an option. I assumed it was just another pressure gauge. It is not shown or listed on Worthington's website that I could find.
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