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Everything posted by Ray,IN

  1. Our first national muster with the SMART organization was the same as what jc2 experienced. After we had returned home I pondered on this a while and formed a solution, that in my mind would rectify this negative feeling. EVERY new member/attendee is assigned a mentor and guide( experienced escapees member) for the entire rally. The guides duties are to first make the new member comfortable with this new experience, introduce them to every group( in this case BOF) present at the rally and explain their purpose. That is not all-inclusive, but everyone reading this gets the idea. The mentor's duties do not end with the rally, they maintain contact with the new member until next years national. At that time the former new member has a good feeling for knowing the workings of the organization and they do feel welcome, and hopefully encourage people they know to become members. This method may also be incorporated into welcoming younger generations into Escapees. Of course this depends on the dedication and personality of long-term escapees members. OK, those are my thoughts on this subject. 2gypsies, thanks for making me think again.
  2. Years ago on irv2.com a member( electrician) from LA did this on his 5er. He had a portable genset mounted in a frame he built and bolted onto the pin-box. He could start the genset an hour prior to arriving at a CG, and the 5er would be cooled off by arrival time. Now Boliy gensets have an optional remote electric start feature, which would enhance that configuration.
  3. There are several places to rent a1/2T pickup capable of towing trailers up to 6,000#, have you considered that option? Also, I imagine almost any towing company would move your trailer, you might call around for pricing. This would allow you to purchase a larger TT that is roomy enough for longer trips if you should decide, and buy a pickup large enough to haul your family and all the necessities for camping. This online towing calculator will be quite helpful if you decide to proceed as planned.
  4. Consolenut, that is the exact reason I refer people to this 5th wheel towing calculator. It saddens me when I see something like this happen. The truck or 5er salesmen did not lie about their product. They simply said "it will pull that just fine", which is true, but not the complete facts. I'm glad you are mentoring him about safe RVing.
  5. Rover, find a plan better than Express-Scripts and I'll join you in switching. I do understand your point though, when I was drafted the "free" retirement benefits were a huge inducement to re-enlisting. I retired in 1992, still with that same promise. "My oath of enlistment has no expiration date"
  6. I'm sure you will really like the new Sailun ST637 tires. Having them balanced was a good move, 5ers receive enough vibrations from the wonderfully smooth roads, without purposefully adding more from unbalanced wheels.
  7. What is the ideal charging rate for that setup?
  8. Thanks for the links Kirk! That was very informative reading, exhausting, but informative. That last link seems to infer the big 300' towers will be used like a collector for the small "towers" when/if 5G becomes a reality everywhere.
  9. Some Canadian provinces have made mfgrs weight ratings law, if one is proven to be exceeding one or more those ratings, the consequences are much greater than what this guy experienced.
  10. I'm running W10 home version on a HP desktop, firefox 69.0.2 browser. I don't know what to say.
  11. No I did not say that, what I said was almost 1/3 were using class 3 duallys. What I did not say was, the rest were towing with either medium-duty (4,5,or 6) or heavy duty trucks -cl 7or 8. Enforcing the law is not a slippery slope, it's not enforcing laws that is a slippery slope. You have no doubt heard/read of "selective enforcement" complaints. The overweight ticket was due to rear axle weight rating. ref:http://www.irv2.com/forums/f45/hey-weight-police-464062.html post #30.
  12. $208 is really cheap, in Indiana an overweight ticket can be up to $3,000.
  13. Website states 3% on groceries: https://www.americanexpress.com/us/credit-cards/card/blue-cash-everyday/
  14. Kroger also owns Ruler stores, which is owned by Smiths.
  15. Do you mean 3, 7,000W battery packs? I would trust this website's calculations over what someone told me on the internet.https://www.altestore.com/howto/wire-sizing-tool-for-12-24-and-48-volt-dc-systems-a106/
  16. He also posted that on irv2.com Hey weight police! We still do not know absolutely, as he wrote, this is second-hand information.
  17. Yes you can; my local REMC wants to bury the utility cables coming to our house, _at my expense.😒 My reply was, leave the overhead power lines there if you wish, or bury them on your dime, just be timely when those 3 huge trees fall on them, and restore power. As to local cell towers, more power to them, I want one nearby, presently have NO cell phone signal = signal ampflier will not work when there's nothing to amplify. When 5G becomes commonplace, there might be a mini-tower on every block I've read.
  18. That's the way I read the TRICARE webpage. If you are satisfied with your current dental/vision plan, do nothing, it will automatically roll-over to 2020. I still have the same old Delta Dental plan, but @ $20/month less than 2019, I'll just sit back and do nothing. I did do comparison shopping already.
  19. This is for health, dental, and vision care. https://www.tricare.mil/openseason19
  20. Thanks Derek! Now I know why my desktop was acting weird the last 2 weeks, flashing various pop-up menu's very frequently, changing to diagnostic screens, etc. It's fine now, since the update yesterday.
  21. This is one case of trying to do things correctly, and everything goes wrong. In the U.S.A. the weight ratings on light-duty trucks/vehicles stickers are not legal requirements, but rather mfgrs. recommendations. The only USDOT legal requirement is 20,000# per axle, or total of axle tire weight ratings-whichever is less. But the financial costs of protesting the tickets would be more than paying them. In some Canadian provinces however, those sticker weight ratings are legal and binding. The officer will make you drop the trailer until the violation is corrected, then you get to pay the fines too. Consolenet, we stayed at an RV park in 2008 where there was a DRV rally, I would guess almost 1/3 were using a Class 3 truck/1T dually.
  22. Both Dexter and Dexter owned Al-ko-Kober state every 12 months or 12,000 miles whichever comes first, for standard bearings.
  23. Well, after using that website for 10-15', I discovered most of the 3 advertised places with 50 miles of my house, have incorrectly described(shortened) distances from their property.. One place is described as being 16 miles away, 26 would be more in line with actual mileage. If they cannot be relied upon to be accurate in their advertisement, what else lurks?? Then there is one advertising $30/night for water =15A electricity. Thanks, but no thanks, I'll stick with established CG's.
  24. I agree; then he could be just reading replies and trying the suggestions as he comes to them. The 12V solenoids on the gas valve are grounded to the valve body, so tapping could have disturbed corrosion enough to somewhat reconnect a ground. When I was working on my water heater, I counted 5 possible grounding sources/issues. My reply was not my opinion, everything described is contained in that Atwood service/training manual.
  25. Ray,IN

    junk mail

    That has been tried, USPS rejected the "package". A prepaid envelope must meet USPS specific criteria.
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