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Everything posted by Darryl&Rita

  1. That's what I was looking for. See a few familiar faces, and familiar trucks. Thanks, Dave.
  2. Truckdown search for Moab area.
  3. I didn't buy it, Ray. I don't get to buy anything, beyond my own toiletries for inside the RV. We used it on an Teflon electric frypan, used for bacon and then flour-coated chicken breasts. It was applied as soon as cooking was done, and sat while we ate. The pan wiped out with a piece of paper towel, and de-greased with a wet dish cloth. She liked it.
  4. Test driving it tonight. Will report back.
  5. My understanding is only those with ties to Alaska are allowed, and only to directly cross into Alaska. No sight-seeing, no touristing. Some fined Americans here.
  6. Looks like maybe a zip code they didn't approve. Just signed up, and received a confirmation email, that says I will be notified if Beta testers in my area are needed.
  7. Hey, Vern. Just looked at it. The only thing I can think if, and it might just be a trick of the light, but the only electroplating I've ever seen had the solution a lot "greener". Maybe your solution is weak? What's the surface of the base metal look like? Too smooth, the plating metal has nothing to bite to, too rough and it takes longer to get a smooth copper base.
  8. What I meant was that Commercial endorsements don't carry over to RV's. Just like Commercial rules don't apply to RV's. Those with CDL's aren't required to run logbooks or track hours behind the wheel, in their RV's.
  9. RV's don't run under Commercial laws, and your CDL doesn't cover you in an RV. You've only been lucky ,to no be pulled over.
  10. That's some quality recycling, right there. Post some pics when the plating passes inspection.
  11. Congratulations on the shop find.. These guys sound like the real deal.
  12. 4 20 lb tanks would give an equal amount of propane, with less weight. More tank changes, though.
  13. Leaf, not lift. Arguably the best riding suspension in the HDT world. No torque rise on acceleration, no drop on trailing throttle. Fairly easy to retro-fit, and common as dirt.
  14. I'll pass. If it had square shoulders, then maybe.
  15. All day, every day. Yards full of them. Just need to pick your diff ratio, and suspension style. Now's your chance too step up to Pete Low Leaf.
  16. Next winter, travel a little further South for a day trip to Ben Avery, 1000 yd range. That's a hell of a shot with modern ammo and weapons, but muzzle loading black powder? Wow. If you decide to day trip to Ben Avery, let me know. I'll buy the coffee.
  17. Our Binkley chewed itself up a few years ago. ET was in the process of adapting a Super head to the TrailerSaver base, but they weren't in production yet. It was replaced with a new Binkley head, that is continually monitored. I have know idea of it's previous life, so I don't know the expected lifespan. I monitor religously.
  18. They rent them bitches by the hour, or half day/full day. Usually have to buy the Annular bits, but they're not bad prices.
  19. From Google: RVForum.net, and here on Ecapees. It looks like it's a generic low voltage controlled relay, used to switch 120 v circuits. What's in the compartment that might have been connected to it?
  20. Due to work related exposure to catalytic heaters, I can't take them anymore. None for us.
  21. And has a fairly good chance of blowing out part of the block. More than one truck has been scrapped because the accumulated expense is worth more than the truck. It`s right up there with the Killer Dowel Pin, in the early B series Cummins.
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