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Everything posted by Chalkie

  1. I find this interesting since the apps in the Amazon Appstore are already generally "curated" for Amazon devices.
  2. I would like to add to this. SOME home BP monitors can be unreliable but most are very reliable and accurate which is the most critical. My cardiologist stresses home BP monitoring as it is the best way to get an accurate picture of BP at various times of day and circumstances. I take my unit the doctor's office periodically and they calibrate it against both automatic and manual systems.
  3. Very true but all of those are subscription services. I suppose you could time it so as to use a service during a free trial, for example Sling offers a 7 day trial, and then cancel at the end of the subscription.
  4. "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch." Well, think you are likely going to have to have a subscription of some sort. When you offer ad free or ad limited streaming you have to have to some way of generating revenue. I guess it will be up to you to pick out the service that provides you the most benefit, but I do not see anyway of watching it without a subscription somewhere.
  5. I don't think you need worry. This is from the Fox Now app description on Amazon. That sounds to me as though there are a number of "providers" and you are not limited to Dish. I just went to the Firestick app store and went to the Fox Now app it let me start watching no login required but I do have an active Youtube TV subscription.
  6. Good luck with a discount. My son is an electrician and obviously needs the code book for reference on the job and study when it is time to renew his license. He is a member of the union with around 775,000 members and even they can not get discounts.
  7. Actually, no I don't. I think Montana actually made an effort to have a large number of different keys, kind of like cars only not so many as that I think.
  8. There are commercially made battery shackles that lock the batteries that are exposed on a travel trailer but they are somewhat expensive. My son fabricated his own with some leftover electrical strut material. The batteries for my fifth wheel are in their own compartment does not have a lock but I have considered putting a lock on that cabinet if I can find one that uses the same double sided keys that that rest of the bay doors use.
  9. You forgot to add your link. 😉
  10. We are in Cedar Park, TX and so far the temp is still in the 50s but it is supposed to drop into the lower 20s/upper teens. Not looking forward to the cold but it has got to be better than where my son lives in Colorado. They had 10" of snow overnight and it is still snowing off and on with a high of 15 and a low of -6.
  11. If you want to stay in that area you ought to look for a piece of property out east with great views of the Peak and then custom build or have a modular placed over a full basement.
  12. We happened to drive by the Austin Tesla plant last night on our way to the Circuit of the Americas to see the Christmas light in their Peppermint Parkway. Anyhow, let me tell you that plant is HUGE!! It seemed to go in forever as we drove by and based on all the lights inside I think construction must be going on around the clock. I had to look it up when we got home and it has a 1.9 million square foot footprint with 5.3 square fee of operation space. Now if helps in visualizing 1.9 million square feet is almost 44 acres.
  13. The article on VA loans was interesting. When we sold our house we had two offers, one conventional with the offer to pay closing and the other for VA with a higher offer price. I wanted to accept the VA offer because it was higher and, as a veteran myself I wanted to sell to another veteran. The real estate agent ran the numbers on the VA and all of the mandatory things that the seller had to pay for and it turned out that the VA loan was not good deal at all so we went with the conventional offer. The VA does indeed make it harder on the seller to meet their requirements. I guess the VA is trying to make it easier on the veteran buyer but it isn't working and in today's hot seller market likely never will as intended.
  14. The CDC disagrees with this statement. https://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/sodium.htm
  15. Would you buy some? You have more disposable income than me I think. I looked them up and for our RV it would be north of $3K! I am not sure I could ever get my ROI on that.
  16. Looking at Land Ark's website it appears that they have lenders that they have worked with so perhaps one of them? There site also says they are RVIA members so are they building this to RVIA standards? If so, perhaps they could name this, as they have their other two models, so it would no longer be "custom"? Just me thinking out loud as it were.
  17. Just FYI Medicare/Tricare for Life will pay for (or lease for you) a portable if you can get you doctor to stand up to the BS rules that Medicare has. I've had one for several years now but it took a persistent doctor at the Academy to make it happen.
  18. Ken check your update queue. Win11 showed up there as if it was a normal security update on my laptop so I am playing the delay game while I wait for someone to find a way to permanently block that particular update.
  19. I too put my deposit down in February. Now they are saying in my area will not be until late 2022 or early 2023. Seems like an awful long time to let the richest man (or second richest depending on source) in the world use my money interest free. Maybe that is why he is so rich??
  20. Chalkie


    Better yet a roll of white Eternabond.
  21. I wasn't talking about them being stuck but lost. My cell phone, at least, will allow me to use the GPS function without actual cell service to get a lat/long position. If I thought ahead and preloaded maps then better yet. Oh, and the cell phone has a compass function as well.
  22. Yes, and it failed based on my processor type (AMD Ryzen). However I just ran the check again this morning and it passed. Guess it just took people complaining so that Microsoft would fix it. Still not sure I am interested in upgrading.
  23. That's OK, I have a W10 laptop that is only 1 year old and is not W11 compatible.
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