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Twilight zone, outer limits, Alfred Hitchcock presents etc. ??

Deezl Smoke

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 Hey all. Any of you folks watch any of those shows? I'm looking for an episode in particular that I am having trouble finding, and hope that someone here may know of the episode and can point me to it. I do not recall which show it was on, but likely outer limits or Alfred Hitchcock. It started with the mother of a young boy telling him to clean his room or she would throw all of his stuff in the garbage or something like that. A "troll" appeared to the boy and convinced him to put all of his belonging into a car, and they would drive off to a barn and wait for many years, then return to town and all of his possessions were worth huge money. The car, the comic books etc.

 Anyone recall this episode and which show it was on?

 Thanks for any help.

I'm a work'n on it.

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Are you thinking of the TV show, Alfred Hitchcock Presents or of one of his many movies? The TV show was on for 10 years and I watched most of the later ones. We didn't have a TV when they first started in 1955.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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I loved the show but don't remember your show. Per Kirk, We also didn't have a TV when Alfred started playing the tube. There are re-runs and METV but I'm asleep then.


Clay & Marcie Too old to play in the snow

Diesel pusher and previously 2 FW and small Class C

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I thought that I had seen most of his movies but did some research and I found this interesting history.  The first movie that he directed was in 1925 and he directed 51 of them and produced several more. The first that I saw was Rear Window, released in 1954. I have also seen The Man Who Knew Too Much and North by Northwest. I really became a fan with Psycho in 1960 and have seen most of the ones that followed. I believe that I saw nearly all of the shows from The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (1962-65) but only a few of Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1952 - 62).

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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2 hours ago, Pat & Pete said:

But , that film made a lasting memory

Pam (my wife) watched that movie one night in the late fall when I was out at sea (Navy) and as the starlings and grackles were flocking through the area headed south for the winter. She had nightmares as a result and to this day she hates both of those birds! I liked the movie but she refuses to have it run in her house. On the other hand, I took her to see Psycho while we were dating and she loved that movie! 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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The Birds gave me nightmares. As did one Twilight Zone so badly I could not watch that program ever after. (A guy spent the night in a museum and thought his neck had been cut by a wax figure. He was found dead with not a mark on him.) I hope saying that doesn't cause bad dreams again tonight. I no longer watch any of the scary programs or movies.



Blog: http://sandcastle.sandsys.org/

Former Rigs: Liesure Travel van, Winnebago View 24H, Winnebago Journey 34Y, Sportsmobile Sprinter conversion van

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2 hours ago, Kirk W said:

Pam (my wife) watched that movie one night in the late fall when I was out at sea (Navy) and as the starlings and grackles were flocking through the area headed south for the winter. She had nightmares as a result and to this day she hates both of those birds! I liked the movie but she refuses to have it run in her house. On the other hand, I took her to see Psycho while we were dating and she loved that movie! 


40 minutes ago, sandsys said:

The Birds gave me nightmares. As did one Twilight Zone so badly I could not watch that program ever after. (A guy spent the night in a museum and thought his neck had been cut by a wax figure. He was found dead with not a mark on him.) I hope saying that doesn't cause bad dreams again tonight. I no longer watch any of the scary programs or movies.



Proof positive of the power of suggestion . ;)

Goes around , comes around .

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The birds didn't give me mental issues. The birds that gave me mental issues were chickens at thosands per coup that I had to gather eggs from twice a day.  They constantly peck at your legs. Just lightly, not painfull but just constant although if a hen was hurt even slightly she would be attacked by the others and often killed.  Eggs were gathered in flats with either 3or 4 dozen eggs per flat  stack on each other in a rack that I want to say was about 8 or 10 flats. When you got the rack filled you set the rack just outside a door to be picked up by another and transported to the the washing- candleing  area then packaged and refrigerated until transported to stores.

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5 hours ago, Pat & Pete said:

But , that film made a lasting memory , I'd bet . ;)

I love scary movies, not the full of gore scary kind, but the Hitchcock kind that what wasn't shown was scarier that what was. Then on the other hand I took the DW to see "The Poseidon Adventure" the night before I left for sea again. Guess I am quirky like that.  


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1 hour ago, bigjim said:

The birds didn't give me mental issues. The birds that gave me mental issues were chickens at thosands per coup that I had to gather eggs from twice a day.  They constantly peck at your legs. Just lightly, not painfull but just constant although if a hen was hurt even slightly she would be attacked by the others and often killed.  Eggs were gathered in flats with either 3or 4 dozen eggs per flat  stack on each other in a rack that I want to say was about 8 or 10 flats. When you got the rack filled you set the rack just outside a door to be picked up by another and transported to the the washing- candleing  area then packaged and refrigerated until transported to stores.

My uncle had an egg farm . He had a few thousand that were all in cages with tilted bottoms , so the eggs would roll into a side tray for easy gathering . Then to the candle and into the cooler .

He started with just a few and it didn't seem long before it grew to be his livelihood . 

Smelly business , I recall . ;)

Goes around , comes around .

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1 hour ago, Chalkie said:

I love scary movies, not the full of gore scary kind, but the Hitchcock kind that what wasn't shown was scarier that what was. Then on the other hand I took the DW to see "The Poseidon Adventure" the night before I left for sea again. Guess I am quirky like that.  

I like a good 'thriller' , too . 

Quirky ? Some might say you were next to mean . LOL

Goes around , comes around .

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6 hours ago, Pat & Pete said:

My uncle had an egg farm . He had a few thousand that were all in cages with tilted bottoms , so the eggs would roll into a side tray for easy gathering . Then to the candle and into the cooler .

I wish I had worked in one like that. Sometimes I even had to reach under setting hens to get eggs. We did have a mostly automated feeder which helped. I was 17 and in pretty decent shape but that was hard work.

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9 hours ago, bigjim said:

I wish I had worked in one like that. Sometimes I even had to reach under setting hens to get eggs. We did have a mostly automated feeder which helped. I was 17 and in pretty decent shape but that was hard work.

They always told me me 'if it doesn't kill you , it makes you stronger' . 

According to that , I should be able to put Superman to shame , but ... LOL

I recall a few of those menial jobs . Piles of manure and the like . :(

Goes around , comes around .

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