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Pat & Pete

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Everything posted by Pat & Pete

  1. Our Valterra valves are about 22 years old and still function . My black tank valve does leak a small amount , so I installed a third and final valve . Anyway , when the valves start feeling 'stiff' , I spray lube and probably more than enough . Some times it doesn't last a long time and others it seems to be fine a lot longer . Back flushing seems to help alot . With the third valve in place and open , I first dump the black . Then close the third and open the grey and let it back flow into the black until something close to equal . Then pull the third for a final drain .
  2. Michelins aren't the only ones getting short . We tried to buy a new set of Toyos this fall , but , ran into the same thing as you . Like you , we could get the no name brands easy enough . At least I've heard of Falkens . I have no idea as to reputation .
  3. What are the manufacturers tire size recommendations for your rig ?
  4. The tire width is 255 mm from sidewall to sidewall . The tread width will likely be less than that . 80 series tires will be a little taller than 70 series tires and the difference should have an effect on the speedometer readout . How much is ??? The reason I asked about space between is that if tires are too close , problems might crop up . 3 inches allows for some variation .
  5. How much different are the Toyos ? They make excellent tires . We've had them on our coach for about the last 30 thousand miles . The 70 series are a little wider than 80 series . How much room between your current mounted Michlins ?
  6. Don't forget cookies ( the kind we eat ) ... use to get 10 in a pack that filled the inner pack , side to side . Now , 8 much smaller cookies that are thinner .
  7. They better , every day , or they take the risks involved .
  8. It might , if you have a time machine motor home .
  9. This kind of an old thread , but ... I tried using the built in bubble in our Monaco . Didn't like it . Now I use a 6 inch level , placed on the dash . I can get the rig pretty close to perfectly level .
  10. Hmm , Video title : " "Sizzling October" 1921"
  11. ... that doesn't have a chance of ever happening in our rig . Poop wipe goes in the same place as the poop ... down the tube . 12 years of that has never presented even an inkling of a problem .
  12. Which provider do you use ? From what I understand each major provider has a different date for cessation of 'lower' G service .
  13. Our Onan has a fuse in line . Bad or No fuse , no start .
  14. $271 for our '00 Monaco Monarch . GVW 20,500 Pounds . GCWR 25,500 Pounds . Arkansas is only 52 bucks , but , there are other considerations to be made .
  15. I use Ace as there's a good chance one will be in most of the small towns we camp in or at least fairly close . I find Ace is usually higher priced , but , generally the convenience makes it worthwhile .
  16. Manards in pretty much only in the northern midwest . Menards location map : I prefer Menards , but , use the others when the need arises .
  17. Maybe this will help : https://www.google.com/search?q=fhu+rv+park+with+heated+pool+ontario+canada&newwindow=1&sxsrf=ALeKk01Q6uSW_YdOIvvncOH4Pqte3wIHsw%3A1630009297775&source=hp&ei=0fcnYeXELMujwAPEub_wAQ&iflsig=AINFCbYAAAAAYSgF4WgWi5iRGheY6EEQ8UHySrQ7rbvL&oq=FHU+RV+park+with+heated+pool+Ontario&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYADIFCCEQoAE6BwgjEOoCECc6BAgjECc6EQguEIAEELEDEIMBEMcBENEDOgUIABCABDoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBEKMCOgsILhCABBDHARCjAjoICAAQgAQQsQM6DgguELEDEIMBEMcBEKMCOggIABCxAxCDAToICC4QgAQQkwI6CwguEIAEEMcBEK8BOgcILhCABBAKOg0ILhCxAxDHARCjAhAKOgcIABCABBAKOgcIABCxAxAKOgUILhCABDoGCAAQFhAeOggIABCABBDJAzoJCAAQyQMQFhAeOgUIIRCrAjoHCCEQChCgAToFCCEQkgNQmyBY2KYDYIXLA2gBcAB4AIAB6gKIAf0zkgEJMC4yNC4xMC4ymAEAoAEBsAEK&sclient=gws-wiz
  18. Seems every camp has a host . if they can't solve the problem , then the ranger ... Sorry , but , I think you're barking at the moon .
  19. Between Vinyl or Acrylic , Acrylic would be my choice . I'm old school and like canvas . If you're sewing them yourself , here's a source of decent quality acrylic canvas : https://www.bigduckcanvas.com/categories/find-the-best-fabric-for-your-project/fabric-for-awnings.html
  20. You have that the wrong way 'round . Cut the vehicle off the tree . The tree looks to be much more alive and vibrant than what ever the vehicle carcass shows .
  21. I can't say about the Endurance tires , but , There's not a single chance that I'd ever buy Goodyear tires for any of my vehicles . Your quest to find what you're looking for sounds very much like our search for replacement coach tires . There seems to be a shortage , maybe due to Covid , but ???
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