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Pat & Pete

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Everything posted by Pat & Pete

  1. Merry Christmas to all from sunny , hotter than^ (84°) south Texas. It is very comfortable outside in shorts and T shirt , with a smooth breeze to even things . I hope all of you are well and happy .
  2. I see how it is . Some just can't let it go .
  3. I suppose that might be true for 'someone' , just not me . All I want for Christmas is peace . Anyway , Merry Christmas Everyone . Be careful what you wish for .
  4. True That^ . Sorry for hijacking the thread .
  5. I'm just guessing that you don't see it . That's OK , as it takes all kinds to make the world go 'round.
  6. Hmm , isn't impatience a real big part of being foolish ?
  7. Congratulations , Barb . How long do you think it will take you before you stop lifting your foot to flush ? LOL
  8. Those are the ones that folks who now have only memories and way too much money want .
  9. Obviously you have little idea of the value of old dolls and soldier figures . That's alright . Not everyone knows everything .
  10. They are only foolish because they usually don't know any better . They simply haven't been around long enough to have a genuine idea of what might lie ahead . Just plain and simply stating what should be obvious .
  11. You could have simply said that it was an inch too big .
  12. Hmm , maybe the tech just bought an GC10A-4e-10 water heater . Other than that , why won't it fit ?
  13. I'm the same way about 'stuff' that takes it's leave . Always good to have a spare . 👍
  14. Lathing ... you probably have a few months to practice that 'ND winter sport' .
  15. Choices , choices ... I wouldn't expect the virus to 'settle down' anytime soon . Hospitals are full with Covid patients , with no end in sight . New variants pop up on a seemingly regular basis . Pretty sure your mentioned normal is a thing of the past . Anyway , I'd do it while you can .
  16. Maybe a replacement will 'soon' fill the void ?
  17. I'll start : One day , a short while ago , I turned on the TV and there were no stations available . Just the night before we watched a couple hours of prime time OTA . So , no TV since . I'd checked all connections and thought about what might be the cause . After eliminating everything else , I tore the original Batwing antenna off it's perch and took it apart . Inside , I found a couple decades of dust and a couple of stink bugs . Stupid stick bugs , anyway . There is also a small circuit board . It was covered in a few layers of dust . I cleaned that off to find a small char on the underside of the board . Hmm . turned out to be a connecting link between two components . That link was about the width of a human hair and it traversed about a quarter inch . I ended up using a piece of bread bag tie wire to reconnect the two components . That job required the use of my reading glasses and a magnifying glass to see the where and what ... Anyway , re-installed the circuit board in the antenna body and freshened up all contact points and put the antenna back together . Put it back on it's perch , connected the cable and went inside to try a channel search . Dang , only good for a dozen channels . I guess that's pretty decent , considering the closest tower is over 50 miles away . I'm calling it a good save .
  18. At least the rivets are in a symmetrical pattern . LOL
  19. Without reading the above , sometimes the furnace can poof back when the propane supply is low . Maybe that's due to less pressure ???
  20. Thanks Kirk . It was a little tricky , as the whole project , other than hanging the doors , had to be done on a picnic table outside . Not exactly preferred wood working conditions . LOL
  21. A late update ... Just to take this thread to an end , below is a pic of how I finished the cubby alongside the new fridge . I made the two doors from the wood panels we saved off the front of the Norcold 1200 . I found matching 'screen' on the internet so I could tie them in with the doors for the washer/drier cabinet . DW is happy with the outcome and that makes me happy .
  22. Local gas has dropped about 4 cents this past week . A single drop from 2.99 to 2.95 .
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