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Pat & Pete

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Everything posted by Pat & Pete

  1. Good you worked it out . Can't have the kiddos too uncomfortable .
  2. Hmm ... Best to replace the awning with some decent canvas and never worry about bubbles again . Until then , I'd simply puncture each bubble , so it deflates . Then spray an appropriate amount of 3M Super 77 Multipurpose Adhesive through the hole you made . Press the 'liner' back into place . And , hope it stays . Hope no more bubbles show .
  3. Same for us . But , our Monaco is 22 years old . Just keep your rig in nice condition and you'll feel much better about life .
  4. Sometimes we have to do a little bit of sifting to find ... And , agreed . It ain't like it use to be , just like everything else , including your knobs .
  5. Maybe simply Google 'replacement Atwood ( or who yours is made by ) cooktop knobs' .
  6. As I implied , I wouldn't waste time or money if the generator runs fine as it is . But , that's me . If you feel the need to have a new needle , buy the cheapest repop carb you can and simply use its needle in the current OEM carb .
  7. Hmm , in 12 years of sea level to well over 4000 feet , I've never changed anything for altitude and never had a problem with the generator doing its job .
  8. I have to wonder why you think you need a new carb ? Did you smash it with a huge hammer or run over it with a 'dozer or some such ?
  9. Yup , been there , still there .
  10. Maybe you read this over a year ago :: Anyway , I did the same as you . For less than 20 bucks the fuel pump I installed is still doing fine , having put in more hours of service than we would normally have used the generator .
  11. I always went outside and grabbed a handful of dry dirt . Spread it over the stain and ground it in with my foot . Sweep it up and all is right with the world .
  12. See the attachment from the 5000 generator manual . Note that any recently stocked oil on the shelves today more than meets requirements . If in doubt check the API classification , run the latest which is "SN" . It replaces all previous classifications .
  13. Try Googling : minimum freeway speeds in ( the state of your choice )
  14. Why not do everyone a favor and be aware of what the minimum speed limit is ? Anyone driving on any road should be ready for anything .
  15. Not sure this will help : https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/JvUAAOSwbG5gPoZ9/s-l500.jpg
  16. Same here . I generally drive up to 55 on state and US roads . If we have to take a freeway , I kick it up to about 60 . Everyone passes us on the freeway .
  17. Maybe Resistor : https://www.amazon.com/Notonparts-Compatible-FH-FH12-FM12/dp/B098KXTZFM Blower assembly : https://www.acparts.com/product/blower-assembly-12v-3/
  18. Hmm , maybe , but : Usa is a city located in Ōita Prefecture, Japan at the tip of Kunisaki Peninsula in northern Kyushu.
  19. Hmm , I wonder if it's tow able 4 down ?
  20. Sounds right to me . That's the way I had to install new springs in our awning . BUT , ours is not motor driven , so ??? for sure . Maybe find instructions for your particular awning .
  21. Maybe : https://extraextrabooks.com/ebook.html?pid=6&offer_id=617&ref_id=8c07804cd1398dff48dcrZAKmRYQqRDr_33224042_3f0e4cf5&sub1=33224042&keyword=cobra motorhome owners manual.pdf&sub8=cobra motorhome owners manual.pdf&m=cobra motorhome owners manual.pdf
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