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Everything posted by bobsallyh

  1. Jim & Alice, I just thought about something else. Brain fade at times. If you have slides, try some white Styrofoam sheets or blue board to lay on the slide roofs. It isn't anything fancy or expensive but it sure does help keep the heat coming thru the thin slide roofs. Another thing if going to be away from the rig for a couple months or more, get a couple of five gallon plastic buckets, cut a couple inch hole in the lids and fill about 3/4 full of water. Don't use gallon milk or water jugs as they have a tendency to leak at the bottom over time and get brittle. Also don't forget to top off batteries. If I think of more stuff I'll update, you know brain strain!
  2. Jim and Alice, as 17 year winter season veteran, I can give you some ideas. We have many friends here that have park models and RVs that stay here all year. Having helped many here is what we do. For the 2 month unoccupied, disconnect from power, check water level on batteries and disconnect them from the coach. Saran wrap the pottie with water in it to keep the seal from drying out. Put RV antifreeze in all traps. For while you are in the coach, use silver foil in the windows, in roof vents. It makes it dark but does help keeping some of the heat out. When it does get hot, don't open the doors or windows like in the AM, let the AC on. I don't like the cave atmosphere but it sure does help. You may want to scope out the possibility of adding a window unit to supplement the coach AC if the coach AC won't keep it cool enough. Window sun screen material on the outside also helps. Try to use the microwave or convection oven to help keep the interior heat down. Use crockpots etc. outside. Fans and ceiling fans really help too. If I can be of more help just PM us. We usually leave the first week of May but could depend on the RV park situation. Just thought of something else. While you are in the RV use pipe insulation or pool noodles over your hoses. And foil the water filter. You won't probably need to run the water heater, just don't scald yourself when opening a faucet. Tire covers will help to keep the sun off the tires.
  3. Ah, twotoes was hoping to see you on PCH TV commercial.
  4. Great news folks. Keep him under control Barb!
  5. Pinger it was open today, Wed. There were folks going back and forth. But I think most dentists have shut down.
  6. We used Rainbow Dr. from 2003- 2017. Only reason we changed, we bought an RV lot in Yuma, AZ. and we now use that address. Still use the mail service during summer travel.
  7. pinger, have your friends check with the dentists in Algodnes before going. A friend was called by their dentist in Algodones canceling their appointment. Next month, who knows? If I hear anymore I'll post the info. Have a great day!
  8. Lou, you hit the nail on the head. Commerce will drive this. Just a reminder to folks thinking about crossing the hours are 6 AM to 10 PM.
  9. Some friends of ours are booked for a week at Riverside in Laughlin. They called and no problem coming in for the week. They and another couple have a 5 day reservation for Sam's Town KOA. Called to check on that situation. Both were told "you may have one night only". The Avi Casino in Laughlin is closed but their KOA is open according to an email we received yesterday.
  10. https://www.yumaaz.gov/article/yuma-fire-department-press-releases/motorhome-fire-1
  11. Pete & Pat, that is a plus here in Yuma, except today as it has poured most of the day.
  12. In the same boat as Kirk. As far as Pat & Pete's question, I do unless there is a first down play or a dunk! Then I have a tendency to get behind,
  13. I too looked at the Onan/Cummins P2500i at Q. I found the box they come in and this is what was printed on the box. Engineered and designed by Cummins/Onan in Indianapolis, IN. Manufactured in China. Then somebody fired it up, sounded louder than a Honda. As we walked on somebody put a load on it, then it was louder. Never heard a Honda that noisy but I didn't have my DB meter with me. I was hoping that when Cummins got together with Onan the gennys would get better, but personally haven't seen improvement. They have had a terrible time trying to get into the "light portable genny" market to start with. If I didn't want to spend the bucks for the Honda, I'd be at Harbor Freight.
  14. Well one of the reasons so many winter visitors in Yuma, AZ. and probably other snowbird areas, always say they need "to beat feet home" is to do taxes. Well the Feds just extended that out 90 days.
  15. Chuck, I think you will find that some of the insurance companies, not all, that write travel policies for out of Canada travel told their policy holders that starting last Friday, they had 10 days to get back across border. The notice said that medical problems while in the US would be covered but nothing with the coronavirus is covered. Besides that, they will be self quarantined after crossing into their home province. Several of our Canadian friends have bailed in the last couple of days from here in Yuma, AZ. I won't get into their medical up above the border but most of our northern friends have no problems with it.
  16. The Pennsylvania Turnpike due to the Corona situation is is stopping use of cash and credit cards. But not to worry, read the whole article. https://www.pennlive.com/coronavirus/2020/03/pa-turnpike-will-temporarily-not-accept-cash-or-credit-cards-because-of-coronavirus.html
  17. So far today, I've gotten basically the same form email from DQ, NAPA Auto Parts, O'Reillys Auto Parts, Golden Corral, Sizzler stating "we are open and looking out for you etc. I wonder what outfit got the contract for this useless memo?
  18. Yes, but take note "We are remaining open". What is difference if the line is long for an ice cream cone or the lunch time crowd. Also they never mention that the BOGO on a Blizzard runs thru the 15th, tomorrow, is still going on. Of course that involves a purchase and a partial purchase. We went the other evening and the line was long.
  19. Pappy, looks like they are still in Great Falls, MT. at least running under the name of "Marden".
  20. This Wednesday, March 11 at 10 AM. is the March Get Together at Foothills Food and Spirits, exit Foothills Blvd. off I-8, southwest corner of S. Frontage RD. and Foothills Blvd. As always, breakfast or lunch may be ordered. All SKPs in the area re invited to attend. Real good turnout at the February event.
  21. Sorry about that, Candelmann. I remember that I typed in F-450 rather than E-450. Probably would have come up the same video like you said. Just glad you found it.
  22. This shows how to clean it, but also shows location.
  23. This is what many of us have used for pumping water into RV water tanks for years. No power of any kind needed. https://www.harborfreight.com/self-priming-copper-jiggler-pump-47334.html
  24. This Wednesday, Feb 12 at 10 AM. is the February Get Together at Foothills Food and Spirits, exit Foothills Blvd. off I-8, southwest corner of S. Frontage RD. and Foothills Blvd. As always, breakfast or lunch may be ordered. All SKPs in the area re invited to attend
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