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 I could try it in my service business.


 The other days I figured have close to 200,000 ton miles of travel with my jeep. That is it has carried about of 1 ton of parts and tools for about 200,000 miles. Just put another set of Michelin XPS tires on it.


  Have a good days,.  Vern

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This one was built by the young lady in the video. I don't know if it was an insurance salvage, or if she was willing to spend that much to get views on her YouTube account, but it did make me giggle a bit. 

I have been wrong before, I'll probably be wrong again. 

2000 Kenworth T 2000 w/N-14 and 10 speed Gen1 Autoshift, deck built by Star Fabrication
2006 smart fourtwo cdi cabriolet
2007 32.5' Fleetwood Quantum

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She posted  a video on the construction of the Truckla and she started with a brand new Model 3 and took a Sawzall and angle grinder to it.  She said it made more sense to buy new when Tesla came out with the lower priced reduced range version

I wish I had that kind of disposable income.

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