Math is more the value here, is No value in DEF as to the volumes of Natural Gas required to produce the Urea and Ammonia for the fluid. 3.5# of Urea to a gallon of water, equates to 571 dosages out of a Ton of Urea, that equates to 33,800+/- cf NG not including the Ammonia produced of it as well. The refining processes produce copious volumes CO2.
We use a HDT and I asked at the Colorado weigh station on I70 near the Utah border. They told me please do not stop. We have business to tend to and you will just disrupt things. We don't want you here. We can see that you are an RV. Sometimes I use the HDT to pull other trailers for my backhoe and other equipment for my own personal use. I stop when pulling something other than the RV and I am asked to bring in my paper work.
Darryl, where I’m from we call such statements a CYA statement. I have traveled through Colorado, many times as recently as 2 years ago, Iowa about 4 years ago, and at various times all of the states and have seen scale signs too many times & locations to count. Not one of those signs stated “including RV’s.” If someone has seen such on one of those signs it would be great if they could take a picture and post it here.
I have only stopped at a state weigh station once. It was the one on I25, just north of Ft Collins, CO and not only was I laughed at, but it was made very clear that I should not be there. That was a very long time ago, just after we got our first RV.
It is very sad indeed. There are so many better methods. I'll refrain from further expression of my thoughts on the political involvement here in open forum. But I'd be you and I are on similar pages.
We've done extensive RV travel in Washington State and Nevada and have never had to pull over to weigh. And no one has chased us down for passing up a weigh station.