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Everything posted by Jaydrvr

  1. The penalty increases for each year you don't have Plan D and it never goes away. Ever. Probably a good idea to get the cheapest plan you can find to avoid the penalties. There are some very reasonable ones available. Jay
  2. You need the Part D drug plan to avoid the future penalties for not having it. You don't need a supplement. Most of the time, the supplements cost far more than the Medicare deductibles. Jay
  3. Okay, this is EXACTLY what I need! Sign me up!! Jay
  4. It actually is X-rays. "Computed tomography (CT) scan is a useful diagnostic tool for detecting diseases and injuries. It uses a series of X-rays and a computer to produce a 3D image of soft tissues and bones." (Courtesy the Cleveland Clinic)
  5. This isn't going to be much help, but the reality is that FL is not friendly to the HDT way of doing things. You can't just convert the HDT to an RV registration. They don't really allow a fifth wheel (load bearing) setup. I'm currently just staying fully commercial, but haven't figured out what to do when I retire. Jay
  6. When you get to a certain age, those random things just sort of pop up into the conscious part of the brain. I had a lot of those experiences recently while emptying our family home of fifty years. As I responded to the post I was visualizing the little six inch extension cord I made to use use with my new Honda EU-2000 for the sole purpose of providing a bond. I had just installed a Xantrex RS-3000 inverter and a 525 a/h battery bank so I wouldn't have to ever idle. But the inverter wouldn't recognize the output of the Honda, until I figured out the bonding thing. Good luck, Jay
  7. Yep, that's all it takes. Not exactly kosher, but it works. Jay
  8. Are you familiar with the bonding hack generally necessary to "fool" the management system? Usually, the power management block requires bonded power. You can make a "bonded" plug to insert into an unused outlet on the genny to bond it. Jay
  9. Often the original poster chooses not to participate in the ongoing conversation. That shouldn't stop others from carrying on a conversation about the general subject matter, or peripheral topics as well. Just my opinion. Jay
  10. For about $5000 (each), you can have the fancy Bose seats with active suspension.. As I recall, they're based on the same principle as active feedback speakers, using sensors to track and accurately counteract the motion of the seat. Jay
  11. If you're ever in the Joplin neighborhood, stop by 4 States Trucks. They have an extensive collection of seats and usually have a decent selection in stock. I can't remember how many have air to them, though.. Jay
  12. I agree, there's not likely to be much of a market for this, but obviously the seller thinks there's enough of a market to be worth it. Jay
  13. I don't have any preference for this battery either way, but the ability TO TURN ON AN INTERNAL HEATER below 41° is certainly a unique feature and one I haven't seen on any other LiFePo4 battery. Very cool! The other features listed appear to be common on most similar batteries. Jay
  14. Okay, THAT is cool! I missed that the first time around. Jay
  15. I have to agree with vermilye on this subject. I am not an expert of any kind, but I have built my share of audio equipment chasing the dream of perfection. I cannot listen to any lossy compression audio files for more than a few minutes before the "sizzle" and distortion gets to me. All my albums are ripped to lossless FLAC files. I've included a link which gives a perspective on lossy compression codecs, specifically mp3s. Jay https://productionadvice.co.uk/why-mp3-sounds-bad/comment-page-3/ P.S. I have SXM on the app so I can use it anywhere, in any vehicle, but mostly listen to news and old time radio.
  16. I have my Mobley set up on a twice a day timer, but it no longer seems to need resetting. Occasionally, it'll quit though and I have to manually reset it, but that's rare. That seems to be more a function of location than anything else. Jay
  17. You can buy phones, TVs, etc. directly from Samsung with no interest. I do that regularly, like when I buy one of my kids a new TV, for example. I like the Shop Samsung app. Jay
  18. The SilverLeaf system was a topic of discussion for this use some years ago and I considered adding one to my truck, but the ScanGauge KR does what I need, so I'm good for now. It does seem to be a very well developed system, with lots of customizable options. I just don't have room for yet another display on my dash. Jay https://www.silverleafelectronics.com/
  19. We use Eufycams at home. You can get the outdoor units that have a 360 day battery. I don't know if they really go that long, because they've been up less than a year, but I can confirm that they last many months. We really like them. You do need an internet connection if you want to monitor them in real time, otherwise you can have them record to an sd card to review at a later date. Jay
  20. Okay, got it. At least that makes some sense. Jay
  21. The link and its contents specifically refer to the Commercial Driver's License. There is a section referring to exemptions for non- commercial use. My point was that this is an RV forum, therefore I can't see how commercial regulations are relevant here. Jay
  22. Mr. shawnloring refers to "Commercial Driver's License" or "CDL" at least 4 times, by my count. Again, I could be wrong. If so, I apologize. Jay
  23. If you say so, that's fine by me, but in another viewing of this thread, I don't see anything about obtaining a CDL, only the upgraded class of TX driver's license required to drive a larger RV. As I understand it and has been discussed here multiple times, that's not a commercial license. I do personally hold a CDL, so that does give me some perspective. Of course, I could be wrong and it wouldn't exactly new the first time. Jay
  24. This thread is NOT about obtaining a CDL.. Reading some of the preceding comments would've illuminated that. Jay
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