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Hi all, 

Let me introduce you to my project. I am currently converting a Kenworth T2000 from an HDT RV to a full blown RV. I have added a 16' box and frame extension done by a professional company in Los Angeles. Here are some specs i am working towards. 

Goals -

5 Air Seats in Front Mounted - I removed all the beds and cabinets for this to occur

Front area will have two bunk beds for my boys to sleep once we are parked

Full bath with a full-size shower and larger RV toilet

Full kitchen with a 17” range and cabinets to surround.

Working 120v plugs and 12v plugs throughout for computers etc.

The rear of the box will have a queen bed on a linear actuator and dinette underneath for eating etc.

Specs on the RV:

Water: 180G – Instant Furrion hot water heater

Black: 80G

Grey: 120G

Genset: Either 7500W Onan Diesel OR 4000W Onan Gas

Solar: 2.2KW solar system – 24V 310Ah battery capacity (still finalizing)

Heat/Cool: Minisplit 12k Unit

Fuel: 200G Diesel saddle tanks


Current Status-


All the walls have been framed with metal studs, electrical has been roughed in, plumbing is almost laid out, bathroom has been framed, cabinets are built and awaiting install, aluminum stairs are built waiting to be installed, RV door is installed, dinette has been received finally (6Months) wait, all 5 new seats are mounted, rear rails for queen bed are mounted, front is laid out for the boys, and entire RV is dried in.


As you guys look at my photos, please feel free to make comments, suggestions, questions and I have pretty thick skin, so do not be afraid to say that was “silly” etc.

I will post some photos later today. Sorry for the delay.


My instagram is #toterhomeawayfromhome  - it is new so give me some time, this is a side project so some delays in updates. 

Should I use google drive to imbed photos, still trying to figure out the best way to share photos. Any recommendations??


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Best of luck with your build. 



White 2000/2010Volvo VNL 770 with 7' Drom box with opposing doors,  JOST slider hitch. 600 HP Cummins Signature 18 Speed three pedal auto shift.

1999 Isuzu VehiCross retired to a sticks and bricks garage. Brought out of storage the summer of 2022

2022 Jeep Wrangler Sport S Two door hard top.

2007 Honda GL 1800

2013 Space Craft Mfg S420 Custom built Toyhauler

The Gold Volvo is still running and being emptied in July. 

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Here are some photos - 



[URL=https://i.imgur.com/ZXwtKYb.jpg "target=new"][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/ZXwtKYbl.jpg "border=0"[/IMG][/URL]

[URL=https://i.imgur.com/TA7VH0K.jpg "target=new"][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/TA7VH0Kl.jpg "border=0"[/IMG][/URL]

[URL=https://i.imgur.com/66fHNab.jpg "target=new"][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/66fHNabl.jpg "border=0"[/IMG][/URL]

[URL=https://i.imgur.com/EPQbBDr.jpg "target=new"][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/EPQbBDrl.jpg "border=0"[/IMG][/URL]


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3 hours ago, dirtrunner0519 said:

Thank you, what did I do wrong so I do not mess up again?

Take the "[IMG]" out of the URL for the photo links (both in front and at the end) and they will work.

2009 Volvo 670 with dinette/workstation sleeper - Walter
2017 DRV Mobile Suite 40KSSB4 with factory mods, dealer mods and personal mods - now in the RV graveyard
2022 DRV Full House MX450 with customized floor plan
2018 Polaris RZR Turbo S (fits in the garage)
2016 Smart Car (fits in the garage or gets flat towed behind the DRV when the RZR is in the garage)
My First Solar Install Thread
My Second Solar Install Thread & Photos and Documents Related to the build
My MX450's solar, battery and inverter system - my biggest system yet!

chadheiser.com      West Coast HDT Rally Website




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I've been pondering doing something similar but using a day cab and using a 20 to 24' box.  I see in one picture you have passthrough from cab to living area and wondering if you used a boot to seal it and also does the cab have airride and how does it work with the seal.

"It is better to have more truck than you need than to need more truck than you have"

2001 Volvo 660, Cummins 400 ISX, Eaton 3 Peddle Auto Shift    
2014 Fuzion 40' Toyhauler
2015 Smart Car                                                                                                                                                                          



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dennisrvr- I have a boot installed - Truck Cab Pass Through Kit (accordionboot.com) - I used this company, just measured and then they shipped it. 

The Cab is air ride, along with all 5 seats in the cab. So far i have not have any issues in testing, still do not have many miles on it yet. I would say there is about 3" of free space for movement. 

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Re the generator; I'd go with the diesel model for two reasons. 1: I would NOT have to deal with gasoline. 2: You're likely to need MORE power than you expect; 7500W hands down over 4000W (heck, I'd be looking for 8K ~ 10K myself).

Re the "linear actuator" for the queen bed: does that mean that  area is "dual purpose"? If so then pretty much every day you'll have to switch between dining and sleeping use which can be a pain.



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Great looking project.  It looks like fun.  We have a 12k mini split and just love it.  It also works to take the chill off in the morning.  We boon dock a lot and found we needed more battery.  800ah @12v now and will add another 600ah for this coming summer. 2000 watts of solar.

Edited by Randyretired


2001 Volvo VNL 42 Cummins ISX Autoshift

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4 hours ago, jkoenig24 said:

Re the generator; I'd go with the diesel model for two reasons. 1: I would NOT have to deal with gasoline. 2: You're likely to need MORE power than you expect; 7500W hands down over 4000W (heck, I'd be looking for 8K ~ 10K myself).

Re the "linear actuator" for the queen bed: does that mean that  area is "dual purpose"? If so then pretty much every day you'll have to switch between dining and sleeping use which can be a pain.



I am leaning towards the 7500W right now. Yes the rear is going to be dual purpose. It will not be too much of a pain, you just drop the bed down and you are in night mode, raise it up and you are in dinning mode. We are training to do this on a budget so we can start doing conversions for other's that are not 80K and more in the 40-60k price range depending on price of the vehicle. 


Thank you for the advice on the genset. 

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