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How to contact tech support


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How do I contact tech support? I tried "Staff" and that did not enlighten me.

My problem is I get very few notifications. In the past every thread I participated in would send me notifications. Now I rarely get any notifications and only know of a response if I go specifically to a thread and see it.

I haven't changed anything and checked to make sure I had everything set up correctly.

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Click on your picture in the upper right corner, scroll down to "settings". On that page, right hand side, is "other settings" and under that is "notification settings". Look in there. Does that show you want you want?

~It's my tolerance to idiots that needs work.~

2005 Volvo 780 VED12 465hp / Freedomline transmission
singled mid position / Bed by Larry Herrin
2018 customed Mobile Suites 40KSSB3 

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Thanks Linda. I don;t think I ever went to the bottom before.

Does anyone else get this message? I get it frequently when trying to post. I repost and everything works.


The request could not be satisfied.

CloudFront attempted to establish a connection with the origin, but either the attempt failed or the origin closed the connection.

Generated by cloudfront (CloudFront)
Request ID: w1gusRIJNgfg384OoYHIh87IN-Rojha134NsYfbLwIN25s2mpkw93Q==


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I've been sending them messages for months with no reply. I can't figure out why I can't post to the SPK blog section when I get other peoples posts and often 3 or 4 copies of the same post.

I get a fatal error message every time which I copied into the message

I even called in at Livingston but was told to "Go to the website and send them a message"

No reply and no acknowledgement of receiving the messages.

Very frustrating.

2009 Monaco Cayman DP 38'


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On 11/3/2017 at 8:41 AM, SWharton said:

Thanks Linda. I don;t think I ever went to the bottom before.

Does anyone else get this message? I get it frequently when trying to post. I repost and everything works.


The request could not be satisfied.

CloudFront attempted to establish a connection with the origin, but either the attempt failed or the origin closed the connection.

Generated by cloudfront (CloudFront)
Request ID: w1gusRIJNgfg384OoYHIh87IN-Rojha134NsYfbLwIN25s2mpkw93Q==


I am guessing your internet connection goes through "Cloudfront"?   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_CloudFront

If so there could be some sort of interaction between Escapees server and Cloudfront. 

Is there a way you can bypass Cloudfront and see if it works?

Al & Sharon
2006 Winnebago Journey 36G 
2020 Chevy Colorado Toad
San Antonio, TX


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I never heard of Cloudfront until this message came up. I thought it was on the Escapees end. Only occurs with the Escapee site. Just like I can't print from the Escapees site without a lot of blank paper. Browser is Firefox.

Escapees need to realize how many members this site brings into the organization and give it better treatment.

I use the ATT Mobley as my mifi.

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8 minutes ago, SWharton said:


Escapees need to realize how many members this site brings into the organization and give it better treatment.


How many members does this site bring into the organization?

Everybody wanna hear the truth, but everybody tell a lie.  Everybody wanna go to Heaven, but nobody want to die.  Albert King


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I doubt if there are any statistics on that but I have been following many different conversations over the years and the forum seems to be a starting point for many Escapees, first time they have heard of the organization is when the Google a problem and the site shows up.

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10 minutes ago, SWharton said:

Just made a discovery, even with the Cloudfront message my posts are being sent through. Hence, multiple posts................that I can't delete..................

What I have figured out is that to push the Submit button once, then wait about 10 seconds or so. After that hit 'F5' (that refreshes the screen) and I will see my post even though it doesn't look like it posted. I also run Firefox.......

edit: I just had to do the F5 thing on this post!


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2 minutes ago, SWharton said:

Hence, multiple posts................that I can't delete..................

Once a post is up, only a moderator or admin can remove it, just as is true for all forums that I am active on. You can edit your own posts but not remove them. Not quite sure why but that is pretty common and is mostly set by the software it is usning

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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2 minutes ago, Mntom said:

What I have figured out is that to push the Submit button once, then wait about 10 seconds or so. After that hit 'F5' (that refreshes the screen) and I will see my post even though it doesn't look like it posted. I also run Firefox.......

That is exactly what I was going to suggest. It is the proper way as every push of the submit button adds another copy. That slow response is most likely a host problem but I'll make sure that the admin is aware of what is happening, just in case they aren't. 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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1 minute ago, Kirk Wood said:

Once a post is up, only a moderator or admin can remove it, just as is true for all forums that I am active on. You can edit your own posts but not remove them. Not quite sure why but that is pretty common and is mostly set by the software it is usning

That is actually something that is set by the administrator. There is a setting that can be set to allow members to delete their own posts for a set amount of time. Most set it so that a disgruntled member cannot go back and delete all their posts. Yes, that does happen. I have had it happen on one forum I used to own.


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3 minutes ago, SWharton said:

How did you learn about F5???

The f5 key is and has long been a refresh key. Speaking only for myself, I don't recall when I first learned to use it, but in the present situation I began to experiment when I first had the slow refresh problem. I was highly suspicious that was what was happening as I tried hitting submit again as a test and soon learned that you would get the number of posts of the times you hit the button. To me that said that it was posting every time, just failing to refresh. Since I can hide my duplicates, you never saw them but they did happen. One try with f5 and  BINGO!

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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24 minutes ago, Mntom said:

I really don't remember! I have a great memory....... Short, but great. My nephew calls my memory a "three stepper"!! :lol:

Actually, I really don't remember, but I have been using it for along time for a lot of different reasons.

Are you talking about your memory or the F5 Key . ;)

Goes around , comes around .

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I knew about some but it seemed to me they keep changing them around. F@ had been to turn your wifi on and off, now I it is under PrtScr.  F8 to start your computer in SAFE? mode totally disappeared. Other things have moved around also, I think I gave up trying to keep up. Tired of hitting the wrong keys.

I'll try F5 next time I have the problem(which is daily but random).

I see other people with multiple same posts so I think the problem may be more widespread than just me.



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1 hour ago, rm.w/aview said:

There's a very good chance that during my attempt to participate in this forum I'll seemingly get timed out. I'm making this assumption because after clicking the Submit Reply tab, there's a long pause along with that tab showing Saving. Sometimes I'll wait for the action to take place, but after about 60 seconds I'll discover that I am no longer logged in. I only add this post in case Tech Support is monitoring as it doesn't seem to be the same issue of the OP. I'd like to participate, but it's to frustrating.

In your case try the F5 trick.


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