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Everything posted by bigjim

  1. Heat gun, hair dryer, even warmed cloths and you can poor warm water on it. Lots of time they will thaw in the later part of the day depending on the timing and situation.
  2. As I recall it was a series of three shots and I got mine in three different locations. One was at like a public health office as for some reason I was not able to get all at school but mom (&dad) made sure I got them all for sure. At school I did not let embarassment stop me from freaking out as I got near the front of the line and it took mom , the principal, and a teacher to pull me loose from a desk or something I grabbed on to so I could get my shot but Mom made sure I got it no matter what. The other 2 went better. My dad got some kind of bone disease in high school due to a football injury. At one point in his late teens or very early 20's he took an experimental medicine for it that was collaborated with Dr GW Carver at Baptist Hospital in Memphis and he actually got to meet Dr Carver. My dad volunteered to be the first person to take it. It didn't end up helping but it did no harm. My family believed in preventative care to the max based on their experiences in their lifetime from 1912 on. That was one thing I learned from them. Interesting side note that my dad had no issue in taking something that a black man worked on considering that part of my family was pretty racist though not in a violent way. He later took an experimental treat that I believe was done through I think the Mayo clinic. His issue ended up being confined mostly to his left leg and a little in his left hip. He could walk with a severe limp and had trouble and pain at times his whole life until the died in 1997.
  3. Do what you want but in the meantime google Iron lung and picture seeing someone in one. I first saw someone in one in the 1977 time range. I had seen pictures before but this was live. I have also seen a child with whooping cough. Vacinations may have some risk but way less than driving to the store. I choose to get one. BTW Thank you Mom for making me get my polio vaccine and all the others I hated since I had a ridiculous fear of needle as child. One more Thank you USMC and USAF for making sure I got preventative vaccines for sending me into flaky locations. Just like you sent me into combat with a weapon. Now days I man up and get my shots voluntarily. I lied, one more thank you VA for giving me the shingle shot and others like Inluenza
  4. yea. I only do over the air tv so I had not heard of it. Just recently saw parts of an ad about it on tv but did not catch enough to hear it was the Dutton's
  5. I believe there is other terminology for orgininale roads refering to the "Kings Road or the Queens road." I think many times it has been Americanized. IE Kings Hwy in Texarkana. I believe there is or was one from San Antonio to Nacogdoches, Tx On just minimal googling I found there was one that went from Mexico City to San Antonio then from there through east Tx terminating in Natchitoches, Louisiana.
  6. The suspense is making me crazy. Did anyone ever find out about the Duttons?
  7. That really makes it less nerve wracking to invest and really great that you have it. I have it in a way more limited way that coupled with health issues pretty much kept me from dealing with much risk. I admired your foresight on Tesla. Not a put down just a comment that I know you have had some downs like most people. It was so long ago I am not sure if I remember it right but didn't you take a shot on that car manufacturing in Shreveport. Did you come out at all on that?
  8. In Tx you need to register in your "home" county. To do El Paso you would need an address there and it is a smog inspection county for motorized. I believe that means any adjacent county is also a smog inspection required county.
  9. I have not purchased a vehicle in TX since I became and SKP in March of 1997. All but one was a truck and the one was my current trailer which I bought used in FL in Nov. 1999. I registered the trailer in FL and changed it just months later in TX at Livingston. That cost me some money due to my inexperience at that time but not an excessive amount. The only issue I had getting it titled and tagging the trucks in Tx. was once when I used Fedex instead some type of expedited US mail. (long story) but it could have been worse. All have been through Polk County Tx (Livingston) All got inspected when I got back to TX. You could have some issues time wise due to the Covid situation. Where I am now in NM they just shut down the DMV's for 2 weeks I think due to the Covid
  10. Kirk's post shows as a series of numbers so I don't know what it says. I am guessing it might be a link to the nurse in th No. Dakota talking about talking about people dieing of covid and still believing it is fake.
  11. Vern, I would sure rather take the risk if necessary with a tech that is taking this seriously and trying their best to be safe, maybe even making it clear that they would walk off the job if the customer was not doing the same.
  12. I have been bewildered by this for some time now. Even los respect for the famous folks advetising it. I wonder if these plans may be good for many individuals in the short term, even a year or two but eventually there will be a change and not for the good. I have wondered if it is not a way to put the nail in the coffin of the Affordable Care act, and maybe down the line medicare, medicaid, or any other national plan. Everything I have been told is it costs the government/ aka the taxpayers more for medicare advantage type plans. If I am correct my supplement will not let me re-enroll if I ever drop it although that may not be correct.
  13. down in the rv marketplace on this forum they have the thread about rig exchange you might find someone that might do something like that if they are not have luck finding an exchange. Like Ray was saying I sure wouldn't try it with more than one or maybe two.
  14. It could be an issue for me if I make a change in the future I suppose as I have not had a pay stub since 1996. I do have proof of social security income and retirement income. And of course as I said I haven't had a utility bill as such even longer by a few years. A good number of years I operated mostly off my small solar set up.
  15. I am wondering if that D.L. issue is the real problem. I have mostly lived without paying rent or utilities by volunteering since March of 1997. The times I have "rented" a site the utilities were included so my only receipt was for the site with utilities. A few times I have been at parks that had a meter at the site and billed you for what I used. Most of those were Escapees Parks.
  16. People share airplanes and boats so I would assume it is possible but I think it would be very difficult. I think I remember some sit-com shows that dealt with the issues in comical way but while enjoying the show I really thought how it could be anything but funny in real life.
  17. It would depend on the person and their mobility but for me I don't like the refrig. that is floor level. I would prefer the refrig. to to be raised and maybe a large drawer or even the heater under it. That is something that is affecting my decision on making an offer on a used Casita.
  18. I had a boss once that took a vacation to Las Vegas with his best wife. They enjoyed themselves and actually won and came home with a little over $25,000.00 within about a year of 2 he would frequently say that was one of the worst things that ever happened to them. (Maybe him) They got almost instantly trained into thinking they could do that every time so they tried again and again. I worked out of Texarkana at the time and had one building in Marshall Tx. He was based out of Ft.Hood. If he made an inspection trip and we met up at Marshall as soon as quitting time hit he headed to the gambling boats over at Shreveport/Bossier City.
  19. Seems like real nice trailers but I doubt they will stay very cool in that situatioin. Maybe bearalbe with a fan. This is just my educated guess.
  20. I noticed a few that have been on in the past are not there this year and I suspect the Covid situation may be the reason. I have only taken advantge of a few of these and in most cases it felt fin but one or two I felt a little awkward for some reason. I applaud all that are making the effort to show appreciation and it does make me feel goodwill toward them and am more likely to patronize them and make a point of verbalizing my appreciation.
  21. ToddF said Rainbow Plantation which is in Alabama. You asked about Rainbows End which in at Livingston, TX. I believe the same may be true for Rainbows End.
  22. Seems to me this came up about 2-3 weeks ago and if you can find it you might find it useful. I just tried to find something and the only thing I found this year was about Good Sam's service in April on the 22nd I think. There may have been some comments in the thread about Coach Net and Escapees.
  23. Thinking about this more the conversions I believe used liquid up to a regulator under the hood near the modified carb so it seems in my weak memory at that point it was operating off vapor.???? Where I did delivery in mostly rural areas being less than 600ft altitude a fair number of farmers used propane tractor in the mid to low size. They were willing to sacrifice a smallish power loss for the longevity and some what less maint. Most of the serious farmers had their own 250gal tank built as a trailer. (not on a trailer) So at times I would do a delivery to whatever area they were working in. As Ilved in a rural area there with closest neighbor 1/4 mile some would leave there tanks in my barnyard for me to fill as I often had the truck at home. I really liked this job but the pay was just not enough with the size family and crazy wife I had. Also even though I liked the people at the company and the company in general their training was minimal at best I came to realize their operation was frequently unsafe. At first I was ignorant and did not know the difference. My second week on the job I had a delivery truck catch fire under the hood at the edge of Terrell, Tx
  24. Just thinking. This is under working while traveling so is this questions about business accounts vs individual accounts? If so is that different than individual accounts. I have opened new accounts sometimes and never had an issue. Admitedly most were CD' savings and at least twice with a "military" affiliated credit union and a couple of times at a "community" credit union.
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