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Everything posted by noteven

  1. noteven

    Fuel tanks

    I fill one side all the time. Yep mostly due to laziness 🤣
  2. noteven

    Fuel tanks

    If you fill at a truck stop with a satellite pump on the other size you fill both tanks on one meter.
  3. Nope those referred covers don't look familiar. What I had was a photocopy of a printed article in pdf format. It used to be searchable on the web 10-12 years ago but is no longer found with my pathetic skills. I might(?) have stored a copy on a stored hard drive. Anyways I am putting together a start up company to produce carbon dioxide insulation. With "carbon's" amazing infrared reflective properties and it's plentiful abundance and yearly growing supply, this should be a winner.
  4. I was in high shool in the mid 1970’s. We were taught global cooling was going to lead to “ice age” conditions possibly as early as 2020. Somewheres in the archives which I cannot find at the moment I have a copy of a Time Magazine article from that period outlining global temperature decline and the threat of annihilation it represented. It reads like a present day article but opposite cause of the same effect…
  5. The oldest grain elevator in our little prairie town was still powered by a Fairbanks-Morse single cylinder engine in the early 1970’s. They were located under the office building so they were isolated from the grain dust.
  6. There was a round of “did you know…” going on around the campfire the other night. A guy says, “Did you know the population of the earth can stand rank and file inside a square 55 miles each side?” Boy did he get a talking to…
  7. Absolutely nothing to do with RV's 2 cycle multifuel engine idles at 0 rpm at approx 11:15 in the video https://youtu.be/P2_0EhPWO50
  8. You're welcome. I'm kind of disappointed to read about the lack of Blue Tooth range you are experiencing.
  9. I was at a Barley Growers Association convention in Alberta. Prof. Tim Ball was a guest speaker. His talk outlined some factors developing: - "the climate" and "the weather" had been fairly repetitive and stable since 1940. Most people alive had lived during that period, therefore that is "normal." - "the climate" had begun to show signs of returning to it's normal, which is to go through cycles, including short periods of "abnormal" conditions. - repeated lack of moisture was beginning to affect USA crop production. No other major crop producing areas on earth lie at the latitudes of the lower 48 states of the USA. What is negative for the USA is normally deemed to be negative for the world, a message that was starting to go out on the new CNN 24 hour news feed. Even though food crop production would likely improve in latitudes further north and south. His prediction was this situation was going to balloon into an all out political uproar once the fear value was figured out. He also talked about past climactic conditions during human existence, how populations adapted, migrated, developed technology. What year? 1985.
  10. Hi Glenn - I have a 500A/50mV Smart Shunt in inventory on the projects to do shelf. The bolts are M10 x 15, 1.5 pitch. 10mm diameter, 15mm thread length, 1.5 thread pitch
  11. Check the "yellow pages" for RV transport companies that move new units for the manufacturers.
  12. Had the King Cruise control that has been sitting in inventory installed. My little Kenworth with dools is geared for the Salt Flats - it's missing about 1050lbs-ft of torques but talk about go downhill or with a tail wind 🤣. Like having cruise.
  13. The only other thing it could be is climate change.
  14. I thought you kinda thounded like Daffy Duck thifths afternoon
  15. And if you can get a good grass fire going via the gossip telegraph of social media and "the news" about something being in short supply and never again going to be available like cars or pickup trucks... folks roar out and finance in a new one because, you know.... I got one before the price went up....
  16. See Robert - now you have a "I tailgated a reefer and tricked the system" escape story
  17. What Steve said ^ I got a "Report to Scale" electronic sign motoring southbound down I-15 south of Pocatello at the Inkom Port of Entry, ID scale. I floored the little hummin Cummins in my KW with dools and ran for it while a handy cow truck on the scale blocked the windas. I escaped to UT... at least that's my internet drama/campfire/happy hour story.... What likely really happened: my BIG RIG RV doesn't have the you don't need to stop at scales commercial transmitter dealie picked up by the white antenna hanging over the highway ahead of the scale so my BIG RIG triggered the "you get your butt into our scale" sign when I stayed in the travel lane. Enforcement people on duty looked at their cameras and screen system because there was a cow truck in front of their windas and said, "It's just another one of them hobby trucker RV tourists Norm." "But I escaped...." -that's my bs story... But If enforcement people at the scale want to have a chat with you, they can, and will hop in a vehicle with flashing lights and expect you to stop when they pull in behind you. They can also request you demonstrate road worthiness, insurance, correct driver license etc. I expect most of them can see with their eyes the rig is not "overweight". They are used to what tires look like on heavy working trucks. I have no signs, sayings, stickers, dee cals, numbers of any kind on my truck. So the official needs to decide if I'm a ghost sneaky commercial RV mover/hauler guy that's made it this far without the correct required commercial markings on my truck - or a private truck on private pleasure tour travel not subject to reporting to scales under normal circumstances to have my axle loading weighed and my load dimensions and attachment looked over. So far they've all decided at least 100+ times I'm a hobby trucker. I've even had a couple officers on patrol comment on the rig in a positive manner. Oh and I almost forgot when I got yapping away: My province's registration is "Private Truck" so the registered GVW box is blank. So that would be my fall back explanation if ever I was stopped and asked why I drove by: "I don't have a registered GVW"
  18. When I travel I take all the keys with me. I learned the spare key in the kitchen drawer 754 miles away isn't useful. Tow companies and locksmiths prefer the term "opening a lockout" vs "breaking in to" 🤣
  19. Papewhite seems to be what me is leaning to...
  20. Good info thanks. A question on the Paperwhite - can manuals and such technical data available in off be downloaded to it?
  21. Which Kindle device should someone like me who regularly uses 4 features out of 2000 available on a device look at buying? I have the Kindle app on an iPad mini but I don't like reading for extended time on that screen.
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