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Everything posted by noteven

  1. Lou I am driving my Kenworth around today with no trailer. So I would be “single towing” in the RV dictionary? 🤷🏼‍♂️🤪
  2. Ya whenever I get all proud of some tremendous modern day journey I have done in an air conditioned RV outfit I have a look at the image of the inscription left by link Sir Alexander Mackenzie in 1793. see: Sir Alexander Mackenzie Provincial Park There is an archeological site an hour south of my summer camp where Clovis artifacts have been found, as well as later indigenous peoples’ artifacts. The Lost City museum in Overton, NV is an interesting visit. People living where they weren’t know to be.
  3. My .02cents is - there is a difference between low hour personal use vehicle sales ("what it says about your lifestyle, beliefs, wealth, credit (oops sorry), status) and service vs commercial vehicle fleet sales and service. (Hi, Joe here from Logistics Solutions? Ya we have 5 vans down again today when the **** will the parts show up for the ones you have in the shop now?? Whaddya mean Amazon fleet is taking all the parts...! Lemme talk to the manager...!) Messing up new tech in the commercial business is a slippery slope...
  4. I don't remember for sure ... it seemed to me it was in present day Italy - When does graffiti become petroglyphs anyways?
  5. noteven

    My Bed design

    OR ... if you don't want to use the boring old "generator" description for that fuel tank, they are also used on inline bale wrappers manufactured by: Groupe Anderson Inc 5125, rue de la Plaisance Chesterville, Qc G0P 1J0 (Canada) Just filled one with gas the other day...
  6. noteven


    A couple local wand wash facilities around here have truck bays. These bays have stairs and a catwalk with guardrail down both sides you can go up dere and warsh the top of tall vehicles.
  7. Ray from the u toob channel Love Your RV has StarLink beta - they are using it on south Vancouver Island. He moved the rig from home base camp this way and that and put up a video showing how far away it would still work.
  8. Update - I bought a replacement plug. It happens to be the one sided style but that was what they had. No way for it's contacts to move away from the truck socket contacts. I opened it up and "yaaay!" The wire colors were marked beside the connections and were correct compared to oem plug. This replacement plug was made in Taiwan and of nice quality. So they aren't all junk. Now all connections to tow vehicle are working I will open it up and apply the dialectric greases. Now to repair 3 clearance lights...the rest are working. I open the first one's lens. It's up high on the rear of the body. Must be the bulb. Bulb tests good continuity. Power is present in the socket..... bent the little wire contacts out a bit, plug in bulb, nuthin.... lens'sz are old and brittle and gravel tattered - don't want to open up another to borrow a bulb - USA made trailer, lens and lights are unknown to our local suppliers. No replacements bulbs in stock. 30 miles to town tomorrow... Mebbe it's time for that "LED conversion" ...
  9. Of course! Why wouldn't there be two wiring standards? Hydraulic fitting people also design wires?
  10. This ^ is the problem. Bent prongs - all lights work - wiggle plug - running lights quit. Bend prongs -all lights work. Wiggle plug a bit right turn/brake goes out again. No longer reliable. I picked up a new plug. Thanks for the replies. Hope this thread might be of help to others.
  11. No it was shown on a TV program about the Romans hosted by Dame Mary Beard.
  12. noteven

    Jackalopee Plug

    Thanks for learnin' me somethin' today Steve.
  13. There was some Latin writing chipped into a wall or something discovered outside of Rome. Must be significant to be in a place like that. Turned out to be graffiti…
  14. Yes and good idea to check it Kirk - in 1. of my post I had signal beeping on and off from the truck socket blade. but is it solid? I just connected the circuit tester to that blade and set it to beeping. I carefully wiggled that blade this way and that - signal kept coming through loud and clear - indicating nothing is loose or broken in the socket side. Thanks
  15. noteven

    Jackalopee Plug

    rick it is said the electrons scurry down the surface of wires, so many strands are beneficial to prevent voltage loss on low pressure systems... Here ends the extent of my knowledge...
  16. noteven

    Jackalopee Plug

    I just posted a RV 7 way plug mystery issue I'm fixing... Anyways... when you are cleaning connections ever wonder why did the RV world engineered it's industry plug with flat blades? Booooo!! On a Big Truck with "commercial" round pins you pick up that nifty tool with the rotating wire brushes and clean the pins...
  17. Brought to you by me, noteven, a self appointed electrical dummy... The issue: RH turn signal / brake light no work on enclosed trailer. Diagnosis: 1. output from blade on truck connection - check - light blinking and beeper beeping in circuit tester. Good. 2. remove sealed beam lamp from trailer - check - connections clean and greased. Good. 3. check for signal at lamp connection, brown wire. - nope. No signal. 4. open junction box of sealed Bargman cord from truck to trailer wires. Clean and dry. Check for signal at turn/brake wire (brown) while connected- nope. Wiggle junction box wires. Nope. 5. disconnect cord and trailer turn brake wires at connection in junction box. Connect jumper wire from truck blade to trailer wire. Light operates correctly. Reason that trailer wiring from junction box to rear lamp is ok. 6. check right turn/brake wire with circuit tester for signal at junction box end of the wire. Nope. 7. Decide broken circuit must be in Bargman cord. How? I dunno... it looks strong and sealed and undamaged... 8. Clean the contacts on the truck and cord one more time in faint hope. Test circuit again. Nope. 9. Connect jumper to truck and trailer wire one more time in junction box. Lamp flashes normally. Works as it should. 10. Say phukit and go for 5 hour motorcycle ride. 11. Return to issue this morning. Must be the cord... don't see how... hmmmm.... 12. Do I want to do a whole new cord? Or put one of those junky repair ends on the existing cord? idea! (imagine Wile E. Coyote "getting an idea" image)... cut plug off, test the cord, test the plug. Could be repaired with new plug if not the cord. They don't call me a Sooper Genius for nuthin... 13. Cut the plug off neatly and carefully. Strip and bare the end of the offending circuit on the trailer cord. Connect jumper to truck blade. yaay! lamp works as it should. 14. Test the cut off plug circuits for continuity with test meter. Test apparatus on the known good circuits. Good, good, good, etc. - and now for the grand finale - the "bad" circuit... and... good! Whaat?!? No!! did I cut off a good end for nuthin!? Waaaaaa! Now for the mystery part: How can the plug and it's cord both test good for continuity but not have a good signal to the trailer wire? 15. Plug the cut off end into the truck. Remember, all circuits have continuity when tested from the blade end to the cut off wire end. Light up tail lights, turn on signals - good, good, good and You guessed it - no good through the right hand turn/brake circuit when plugged into truck. All circuits good continuity through the plug when unplugged... Near as I can figger, when the plug is installed into the truck, there must be a break in the plug blade wire connection inside the molded plug or sumpin that causes an open when it is plugged in, but closes and has continuity when the plug is removed from the truck.... Just so you don't think this is stupid electrical problem number 1 ever I have had... ask wrknrvr Vern about using his fancy wire tracing equipment on my trailer one time... Anyways - I'm going to wire a replacement end on the cord... I will report back. What do you vehicle electrical diagnosis experts think?
  18. Ray what is a federal tire placard?
  19. Is there much talk of how and where battery materials will be mined, under what regulation, what legal system vs generating hydrogen for combustion engines where that makes more sense?
  20. Yabut Kirk… the US fluid volume system isn’t English (Imperial) unless it is based on gallons that are older than me before imperial gallons (10lbs of water)😁
  21. Why behind? Petrol in Leeds UK is USD$1.80/litre x 3.78 = $6.80 per gallon. Electricity grid is well developed and dependable. 220volt.
  22. These Battery Electric Vehicles only fanboy media outfits are tiresome, like any media that relies on put downs and sarcasm vs good reporting. One wonders if stock positions are involved 🤔 Politicians seem mesmerized by the church of “battery electric only”. Anything else is out of the question and must be heckled and ridiculed.
  23. noteven

    Jackalopee Plug

    It’s a set of connections to a Bluetooth dongle to transmit real time current to the third decimal data for each individual trailer light.
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