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Everything posted by Darryl&Rita

  1. I never thought I'd say it, but I miss Lee (IYQ), and his cowgirl tales. We had plans to meet up his last winter on the road, but the cosmos had other plans.
  2. Lock them down, just keep access to the valves.
  3. Those who have met me will testify I look nothing like:
  4. Truck scales. Rear axle with the trailer, second pass without the trailer. Math works.
  5. What kind of meds you taking, Dave? You're not the COB you used to be.
  6. Good enough memory, Rick. They were in the same site you guys were in, pulled backwards up the hill, out the entrance road, and into the College parking lot. I think they could have got the Landoll closer, they still needed the wrecker to lift the rear to take the weight off the compromised suspension. Total distance was less than 1/2 mile. I was more impressed that the hitch took the weight of the motorhome rear. With the rear overhang of the motorhome, lifting by the axle was problematic, never mind the rear axle flopping about.
  7. Once the admin's get reports on a post, poof, it's gone. I haven't checked lately to see if ATT had an unlimited plan back on their website, but that's where I'd start.
  8. If it hasn't seen those levels of bio fuel before, have an extra fuel filter handy. Higher bio levels can clean a lot of accumulated "shmeg" out of the fuel system, and overwhelm a filter.
  9. We've got a Trailer Saver, with a 2 year old head on an old base. I had been half-heartedly trying to convince Henry to develop a hybrid Super Binkley /TSLB head. Since we replaced the Binkley with another one, we're probably not going to need to replace it again, but if the price was right, I could always find a buyer for our repaired head.
  10. That's one sexy hitch upgrade. What's the price for a swap out head?
  11. Turn more aggressively. Forces the tread face of the tire to hang onto the road surface with a flatter face. 😊
  12. Gliders were an end run around the FET on new trucks. Drive a new truck, without the squeaks and rattles, while saving money on taxes.
  13. That's German engineering in action. All smarts have that camber built in. It's part of the package that lets a golf cart handle 85 mph, and turn like it's on rails.
  14. As far as models, the options are pretty fluid. The Pure is supposed to be the base model, but if ordered from the factory with the right boxes checked, they could be had with more options than a Passion. The Cabrio is their version of a convertible, and usually has the highest options list. Just remember, these are typically bare bones cars, so options are limited.
  15. Halliburton buys more trucks than Fitzgerald. Where's the incentive to sell what amounts to a Special Vehicle Operations model to them when Halliburton's purchases fits in the regular production line? I don't see it as outmaneuverd, more likely just a business decision.
  16. 13 is the narrower body style, but is slightly longer than the earlier body. Do all the things you would do for any used car purchase. Oil sample, tire condition, brake condition, interior smell.
  17. Truck chassis manufactured and sold without a drivetrain. Brand new truck, minus engine, transmission, and rear axles. The idea is to take the drivetrain out of your old truck, rebuild as needed, then install into glider chassis. Run a brand new truck, with lower costs. Not really a huge market, most people just pay the taxes and drive a new truck.
  18. Wet. Inside, preferably. If you're an expert, dry is do-able, but there's no second chance.
  19. Running a commercial policy through Hub International. Lots of disclaimers regarding load values, personal vs. commercial loads, miles per year, miles in US, etc. Took a lot of back and forth, but we're well under the commercial quote you got. We're registered as private truck, in Alberta.
  20. Takes 12 volt power for the controls. Assuming it isn't an ancient model.
  21. I could use a line voltage thermostat, if I chose to. When you refer to a millivolt thermostat, you're referring to a system that uses a thermopile for electricity, and uses no outside electric source. No modern RV furnace runs like that.
  22. Sorry, Charlie. The flame sense circuit is micro to millivolt, but the control side is 12 volt.
  23. Seems like this is becoming a thing, so here's ours. Par-Car 2 stroke, that I paid $150 for, after dragging it out of a row of Palo Verde trees. The same winch used on the smart car was used with the golf cart. Build for multi-function, you'll never regret it.
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