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Escapees Magazine


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So, last evening I was thumbing through the latest Escapees magazine, and near the back found an article extolling the virtues of an "engine tuner". The author made it seem as though it had only positive attributes, with no lasting ill side affects.


Perhaps they should now publish DollyTrolley's piece on "duty cycles?"

Newmar X-Aire, VATICAN
Lots of old motorcycles, Moto Guzzi Griso and Spyder F3 currently in the front row
Young enough to play in the dirt as a retired farmer.
contact me at rickeieio@yahoo.com

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Unless, of course, your original intent was to smoke the dualies and "puff" the guy next to you with a bit of unburned fuel...

Paul & Paula + Daisy the amazing wiggle worm dog...

2001 Volvo 770 Autoshift, Singled, w/ Aluminum Bed - Toy Draggin

2013 395AMP XLR Thunderbolt Toy Hauler

2013 Smart Passion

2012 CanAm Spyder RT

2013 Harley Davidson Street Glide

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I have a 2008 Dodge 2500 Diesel with a "Juice With Attitude" tuner....I can't speak highly enough about it. Turns the truck into a totally different vehicle when towing any of my three trailers. And it is a hoot to put it in #4 and blow off Ford Mustangs!........But you can over do it. I've never activated #5 as I like my universal joints too much.... :rolleyes:


South of Boston

2021 Dodge 2500 - 6.4L

Forest River 19RR Toy Hauler

Roofnest Falcon Rooftop Tent


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I have a 2008 Dodge 2500 Diesel with a "Juice With Attitude" tuner....I can't speak highly enough about it. Turns the truck into a totally different vehicle when towing any of my three trailers. And it is a hoot to put it in #4 and blow off Ford Mustangs!........But you can over do it. I've never activated #5 as I like my universal joints too much.... :rolleyes:

Your transmission will hate you after awhile. Rear U-joints can be upgraded, front shaft has a cardan joint that you have to replace the whole shaft to beef it up. Torque converter is the first item that will fail, clutches and steels will start disintegrating and warping, then the rear seal goes out.

I played with a 2006 Dodge that ended up at 600hp, 1100tq, that was really fun to drive. Just expensive to build...

Jim's Adventures

Old Spacecraft.... Who knows whats next

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No way to get around the old speed shop adage:


Speed costs money. How fast do you want to go?

Jeff Beyer temporarily retired from Trailer Transit
2000 Freightliner Argosy Cabover
2008 Work and Play 34FK
Homebase NW Indiana, no longer full time

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So, last evening I was thumbing through the latest Escapees magazine, and near the back found an article extolling the virtues of an "engine tuner". The author made it seem as though it had only positive attributes, with no lasting ill side affects.


Perhaps they should now publish DollyTrolley's piece on "duty cycles?"


Bad engine tuner day.........too much duty cycle...


So......there we were climbing just past 21,000 feet and we were conducting cooling climb tests on a new “mod” to “upgrade” a pair of 325 HP engines up to 360 HP.......piece of cake....oh ya.


On the copilot throne was a OLD geezer flight test engineer Preston that had seen it all.......


Pretty much both set of engine gauges running at or near redlines but this is to be expected on a hot day cooling climb test..........all of a sudden hard thump and then a shudder and a hard yaw to the right so without looking I knew that I would need a pay raise for this flight.......briskly lower the nose.....dead foot =dead engine so now that it took almost all of the left rudder to hold course that meant that the right engine was dead..........just then a soft and very Calm voice in my headset said s l o w l y........

m i k e....m y ...l e f t ….m a g …..i s ….o u t....n o.....n e e d … t r y....a ...r e s t a r t......


I thrust my head forward to the instrument panel and looked out the window past Preston and sure enough the left mag was indeed was OUT and Preston meant what he said.....the darn mag and it's drive gear was hanging out in the slipstream jutting out the torn-open oil access door......not only was the mag quite a sight but the fire and smoke was pretty impressive.........Ok enough for the sight seeing it's time to get to work........the right was spinning jerking slower and slower and if I did not get busy I would lose the opportunity to feather the prop (feather is a emergency prop blade pitch setting that aligns the blades to the lowest drag configuration and stops the engine rotation) ….....so now comes the part where us macho-bird-boys make the chicks swoon..... I place my right hand on the right prop lever and say in a high-pitch voice.......”right prop”.......then I say.....”right prop feather”........and just in the nick of time that darn prop reaches full feather just as the engine locks up really HARD........darn just that was easy just like the book says.......ok where was I …....Preston just then tugged my elbow and handed my the engine out secure check list so as I call out each item Preston confirms each item and we make it all the way through the entire engine secure check list WITHOUT killing to remaining good engine.......wow just like real birdmen.......so now whats next …....oh ya …..what about that fire......oh ya the FIRE....hummm......ya still burning......darn.....all of a sudden Seattle Center (air traffic control) chirps up in my head set and ask me why I and descending (without a clearance) …....I key the mic and drawl in my best John Wayne high-pitched voice......”Uh......Seattle......711Golf has a engine out....please standby”..... Center responds.....”Roger 711Golf cleared to 16,000 will you need special handling?” …......I responded …....”Seattle 711golf......we have a failed right engine and a small fire so am declaring an emergency” Center responds and says......”711Golf ….Emergency ….say intentions”.... I respond …....”711 Golf....would like to land at Moses Lake but we will need to slow to attempt to deploy the fire bottle”.........Center responds …..711 Golf …...radar vectors 140 direct to Moses Lake ….descend a pilots discretion.......we have rolled the equipment a Moses Lake (fire engines)”..........Preston has the fire checklist out and I configure the aircraft and deploy the fire bottle and …......poof......out goes the fire.......almost........nose over to Vne (redline airspeed) and.........sure enough fire is out.........configure for landing at Moses Lake and get the fire truck royal arrival treatment.........whew.....were do I go to get a pay raise.......


Epilogue: The 360 HP “Upgrade” was not a good idea afterall.........


Drive on..........( Too much Duty Cycle......you might need a pay upgrade)

97 Freightshaker Century Cummins M11-370 / 1350 /10 spd / 3:08 /tandem/ 20ft Garage/ 30 ft Curtis Dune toybox with a removable horse-haul-module to transport Dolly-The-Painthorse to horse camps and trail heads all over the Western U S

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Dollytrolly, I could read about you airdale adventures all day. Do they get better in person? How about with a drink in hand and one in standby? Will you be at the ECR so I can find out first hand? Hope so. Anyway glad you made it back to earth in a somewhat controlled manner. Pat



The Old Sailor

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After reading that, I do believe I just walked away from the back seat...


Spin .....indeed you have a valid point ....and in fact I did have to get out past the back seat but when I later saw the scowl on the "Old-mans" face I chickened out on my plan to ask for a pay upgrade.......some birdboys are just...... chickens at the end of the flight..........


Somehow I did not get fired .........or......killed......


Dollytrolly, I could read about you airdale adventures all day. Do they get better in person? How about with a drink in hand and one in standby? Will you be at the ECR so I can find out first hand? Hope so. Anyway glad you made it back to earth in a somewhat controlled manner. Pat



The Old Sailor


Hey Old.....


I would love to sneak away to ECR but my 88 yr old mother-n-law has very chronic anger and rage issues with her memory-loss so the wife and I and one sis-n-law are dodging thrown walkers and butcher knives just to stay alive these days......(my wife says her mom only started going crazy after she met me.......).


Never gave it much thought.....but I suspect my stories are better written down at least that way you do not see my ugly mug.


For the most part most of my "Adventures" tend to have a fairly reasonable but some times costly ending........some events were bad.


Life is a mix and sometimes I look back and wonder how I made it this far........and some folks that have known me a long time are amazed that I am still here as well.


I do have a great story of flying a load of very nasty venomous snakes around in S. America........its so funny now.....not funny at the time....


Stay tuned ......right now I have to make sure that mom did not find the electric chainsaw again.........


Drive on.........(How did we get this.....far)

97 Freightshaker Century Cummins M11-370 / 1350 /10 spd / 3:08 /tandem/ 20ft Garage/ 30 ft Curtis Dune toybox with a removable horse-haul-module to transport Dolly-The-Painthorse to horse camps and trail heads all over the Western U S

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DT, Understand the mother-n-law issue. My Mother had 96 great years but the last 3 months were straight off of the cliff. So take care of her and the rest of the loved ones. Thoughts and prayers are with you. Pat



The Old Sailor

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