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Everything posted by chirakawa

  1. What do you need more than 50 mbs for? I never get over 25 mbs and I don't have a problem, even when it drops to 5 mbs. I stream video, have several cameras going, and browse at the same time with no slow down at all.
  2. Congratulations, looks like a nice rig. I would recommend a convection microwave, if you've just got to have an oven. Get your built in generator going, even if you have to pay someone. Find the dripping source before it causes (more) damage.
  3. I'm not a flat earther or anti-cellular. I wouldn't be the least bit worried about any radio signal damage. I can certainly be an idiot at times. However, I probably wouldn't want a 300' tower of any kind in my back yard. I assume it's the residents there who are kicking up a fuss, maybe that is part of the reason. Maybe cellular service is not on the top of their priority list. I do know that it's the state of the world today, if someone disagrees with us, we call them hysterical or ignorant.
  4. More than likely, your old PC will not support any modern browser. Also, very possible that it won't run a fully functional Windows 7 operating system. Even if your processor and memory are up to standards, the weak point is usually the graphics card capability. Windows 7 system requirements
  5. Hello, squeaky wheel. Congratulations.
  6. Which is the original and which is the wrap? Just kidding, looks good.
  7. Actually, I think the Wally gets two satellite tuners when it has the dvr functions enabled. So, add an external hard drive and pay $40 for dvr and you have two satellite tuners.
  8. A replacement doesn't have to be free. If you buy a new car to replace your old one, that is a replacement.
  9. How does one recognize one of these wireless terminals? I'm going to start watching for them to see if any of the places I do business even accept Apple Pay or Google Pay, etc.
  10. I guess I'll be one of the hold outs on this phone paying thingy. It's not that I don't like tech. I was working in a computer center in 1968 when I got drafted. I've owned personal computers since they were available. During the late 80's and throughout the 90's I bought and sold computer components and built computers for others. I haven't had a landline in 20 years. I get it. However, as long as I can pay for things with my credit card and earn 5%, I guess I'll still leave my phone at home or in the truck. I just don't get the need to carry a phone with me everywhere. It's like nowadays, the phone is attached to people at the hip, can't go anywhere without it. I've heard people talking about using their phone while on the toilet. Really? There's nothing more aggravating to me than trying to carry on a conversation with someone who is constantly monkey fingering their phone. To me, the person or activity in front of me is more important than what's on the other end of that electronic device. So, when my buddies kick my butt at the bowling alley, I'll continue to pay off my bet with a couple of one dollar bills or some quarters or on some occasions a handful of pennies just for spite. When they quit taking cash, maybe I'll do something else. 😀
  11. I wasn't trying to be funny. So, my friend has to have the app on his phone also? So, everyone has to have the same app? I mean, everyone uses the same currency for a couple of hundred years now, and that's why cash works. How does my buddy take the bar code to the car wash and get coins or tokens from the change machine? My only point was, it ain't "just like cash". I've never run into anyone who wouldn't take cash. I don't have any friends who use the CASH app. I certainly understand using these apps for business. I use very little cash, mostly just for buying a cup of coffee or paying between friends, like my example. Until everyone is on the same page and using a standardized app, I think I'll continue to carry a little cash.
  12. Yep, even the Homeland Security page which Verizon linked to says April 6, 2019. I'll have to get out my old Garmins and see if they still work.
  13. Interesting. Thanks. I've got a couple of Garmin devices that are over ten years old and haven't had a firmware update in years.
  14. Not familiar with CASH app. How does this work? My buddy and I go bowling. At the end, he pays the tab with his credit card and says I owe him $12.50. So, do I just hand him my phone. or what? That's what I would do with real cash, just hand it to him.
  15. Yes, that's why I said "outside documents". We don't turn in our old license in Texas. I still have most of mine, although you'd think they belonged to a different person, judging from the picture. 🙂 I was mostly referring to the OP's statement " I am surprised that I don't have the gold star as I remember having to renew in person and show my birth certificate, social security card, passport, vehicle registration and vehicle insurance" It's been 54 years, so I may have shown my birth certificate and don't remember. It's also possible that I just signed a sworn affidavit stating my birth date. As far as those other four items, I'm positive I never presented them to DPS.
  16. Nobody's making a mountain out of it, we're simply discussing it. If you don't care to participate, then don't. To your other point, I disagree. I have never submitted any outside documents to the DPS verifying my ID or my address.
  17. If you sell something to someone and they pay with Paypal, there is a seller's fee, usually 3%. The buyer can get around it by claiming it is a friend, but I don't advise anyone to do that when buying. If you buy something and send the money as a friend, you lose Paypal buyer protections.
  18. I renewed my driver's license a couple of years ago and got the Real ID star. I didn't know I had it until this thread came up. I sure didn't bring any documentation with me. I guess the State figured that having a Texas driver's license for over 50 years was documentation enough.
  19. I didn't "NEED fulltimers insurance", bought separate liability policy which suited me fine. I didn't "want Total Loss Replacement", I didn't think the risk/cost benefit was worth it. Everyone must decide for themselves what level of risk they are willing to accept.
  20. I'm not certain, but I believe it depends on the weight of the towed vehicle in the state being towed. Many states it is over 3,000 lbs. Texas is over 4,500 lbs.
  21. It's actually a great time to buy into that market.
  22. Does NFC and Google Pay work with a good case on the phone?
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