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Everything posted by Chalkie

  1. Seems like that should have worked. I found this tutorial that might help you out.
  2. First question, how are you breaking up the larger file? Second, have you looked at the file in a text editor like Notepad to see if it truly is "comma separated"?
  3. Or how about a large trash bag, one of those ones for yard waste/leaves, over it. It would keep out the moisture and should be just as transparent to the TV signal as the black face of the antenna.
  4. I am not quite sure how you expect this charity to work, or exactly what is the charitable part of the endeavor. There are already groups/activities such as Together We Served which has been around for a number of years and would seem to cater to the same end result.
  5. I didn't particularly need that visual. 🤣 I never knew there were torqueing screwdrivers in common use. I guess I know longer spend enough time wandering the tools aisles of Lowes, HD or Ace. However, I asked my son about it and he said that they have had them on all their trucks since the 2020 NEC was previewed.
  6. Holy smokes! That would have had me leaving the state no matter how I had to leave it. The last property tax bill I paid on our home in Colorado was $620 for the year.
  7. Anywhere that Amazon has a physical presence they are required to collect sales taxes. Now that they own Whole Foods and looking at where they have distribution centers, etc. that is likely every state.
  8. This may be common sense, but do not open the 120v panel until you have disconnected power at the pedestal. Even professional electricians prefer to work on a cold panel. Now a short anecdotal reason for checking these things. A few months ago when the temps we still quite high, both a/c's were running pretty constant as well as fans, we smelled a burning plastic smell. I finally tracked it to the 120v panel. I removed the cover to look, took a pic and sent to my son who is an electrician. His response? Shut it all down and get the heck out of there until it can be fixed. I got a local electrician to look at it and he said the problem was that the screw holding the wire had come a little loose because it had been over tightened thus flattening the wire which allowed the wire to become loose as it heated and cooled.
  9. And this, I think is the root of it. If a trucker is paid using the terminal as the place of employment, then why should the same principal not apply to those that work from home, no matter where that is, by using the office of employment as their place of employment for tax purposes? This seems to me to be simple. Yet, as the start of this thread showed, it is not as some states want to tax your income in the state where you are working, not the state where your employers office is located. This battle has been going on since long before work at home was common. I grew up in the Kansas City area and it was very common for someone to work in Missouri and live in Kansas, or vice versa, and the taxation issue was squabbled then as well. Generally you got credit for whatever you paid in the other state on your own state income tax, however, Kansas City, MO had it own income tax, and still does, to complicate matters.
  10. True, Reflectix needs an air gap. When I chose it I figured that putting it where I did was similar to putting it across the bottoms of floor joists over a crawl space which according to their literature is R-16. Now I doubt I am getting that but I figure that whatever I am getting plus the radiant barrier aspect is about as good as I am going to get short of paying someone to spray foam insulation. The foam would be a nightmare to deal with should repair be needed. I was warned when we bought our RV to never turn on the pads on empty tanks.
  11. That type of flooring is very nice to look at but as you pointed out shows all the dirt especially if it is dark colored. Our daughter had ceramic tile throughout the lower floor of her house. It was in the house when they bought it but it was a darker color, made every room seem dark and showed all the dirt and pet hair. She decided to have it all ripped out and is replacing it with a lighter colored bamboo flooring. We just clean the RV on a regular schedule and have learned to just adapt to the dust.
  12. I don't know about adding tank heating pads after the fact but I can say that they work on our trailer. You can buy the corrugated plastic that is used to seal the underbelly at most RV parts places. I took out the flimsy "insulation" that was in the underbelly and got the Reflectix insulation at Lowes and installed that instead. Seems work much better.
  13. Interesting! I always thought PrePass was for Port of Entry and Weigh Station bypassing. I never knew there was a toll element as well.
  14. For several years before retirement my wife and I had jobs where we worked from home. The company she worked for paid a portion of her internet and phone bill as well as providing the computer equipment. The company I worked for provide none of that and in fact made having all that a requirement for hiring consideration. We both were required to set up home office areas where we would have a workable, quiet area for our work. Now, a tax program is alright, but even the best to do not come up with the legal deductions that a CPA will. Things like depreciation on desks and chairs, or in my case computer and monitors or the advice on when to purchase new to maximize depreciation deductions. We had to maintain separate internet providers and phone services. Her employer wanted a traditional landline, while mine preferred you use VOIP. And the list goes on. I simply felt it was money well spent. With as many folks that are now working from home, whether full time or part time (for example, my daughter works for a school and when the school is forced to close periodically for a COVID breakout, the staff all work from home during that period) the knowledge of how to treat all that work in terms of taxes becomes very complicated.
  15. While they may not collect federal taxes, they do (in many states) use the federal adjusted gross income to calculate the state taxes. Its why a number of years ago I quit doing my own taxes and started using a CPA or tax specialist to do our filings.
  16. Our son-in-law bought this telescope and the adapter that lets you view on your smart phone screen as well as take pics and videos. Celestron telescope from Amazon
  17. If you have Windows 10 - hit the Windows key then start to type Character and it will bring up Character Map then click the link to view.
  18. Both true. We lived 30 years in Colorado at a high enough elevation that we saw some "interesting" winter temps. I never found unplugging and plugging to be a big deal and always in the winter used the Diesel Kleen winter formula when I filled up. It was really added more for the cetane boost than anything as all the fuel we bought in winter was already blended so as not to gel. I just always made sure that if we traveled to Texas in the winter visit our daughter I filled up or at least topped up the tank as soon as we got to where winterized fuel was sold (or at least a blend for real cold). When we bought a truck that required DEF I did a little research because I wondered why the DEF tank had a heater and was it something that was a constant drain on the battery. The answer was no on the battery and even though DEF freezes at about 12° the heater can thaw a frozen tank in moments.
  19. But the problem is that retirement income can also be taxed depending on what state you are in.
  20. That is why diesels sold in "cold country" are equipped with block heaters. 😉
  21. I think the library probably uses an app called "OverDrive" not OneDrive which is Microsoft's cloud storage. Yes, libraries can be a source for e-books and Overdrive is at the top of the list as a free e-book source.
  22. I am a HUGE Kindle user but I have never felt a need to "loan" any of the books I have actually paid for beyond my Kindle Unlimited subscription. Fortunately anyone, family or friend, that I know has the where with all to pay for a Kindle Unlimited subscription or a Kindle book. If I am a sampling, I can see why they are eliminating the service.
  23. Huh! I think you are right. I was only judging on what looks like a grill on the front of the one in our park. They are backed into a space so I can not see the rear of it.
  24. Eh, no you're right. I would buy a new one. Ever since I first saw one of these a couple of years ago I have thought they would be a great way to be a luxury survivalist.
  25. If I were to win the lottery, that would be the truck camper I would get myself.
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