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Pat & Pete

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Everything posted by Pat & Pete

  1. We had the same happen . I simply cleaned and tightened the contacts for the eyebrow and everything was as it should be . It's still doing fine after a couple of years of daily abuse .
  2. You are right . I did miss that 'no power' point . Sorry for my assumption . Now that I think of it , we have made coffee with it , using only our propane stove . Maybe that counts ?
  3. Maybe you didn't have enough mud on those plates . LOL
  4. Gee , our 16 dollar Mr. Coffee makes great coffee in about 5 minutes for a party for 12 .
  5. Doesn't Google maps identify all toll passages ?
  6. Well yeah , more than likely. The PO could have had a bunch of different email addresses . Or , maybe the one linked to that account was with a long since defunct service .
  7. True that^ . But , who says the PO had any kind of memory or wrote stuff like that on paper or ... . LOL
  8. I suppose it's possible that the new owner never rec'd the admin password to be able to access the site .
  9. The real reason should have been know up front . What's being hidden and why ? The whole thing stinks .
  10. That might depend on how long it's been since the last shock treatment . LOL But , overall , I agree .
  11. Most likely the overall condition of this countries water supply . Use to be the creeks were fairly clean . Now they could probably be used for acid washing .
  12. Might have to change that to 4 . Or , however many jacks are involved .
  13. This might help : I know it's likely not exactly what you had in mind , but it definitely speeds the process . That Is one of the better ones , but they came in lesser qualities also . https://www.amazon.com/DEWALT-DW059K-2-18-Volt-2-inch-Cordless/dp/B0001LQLE2
  14. Oh , you pour soul . Glad you're made it through to be able to tell us about it . LOL
  15. That might do a good job on the tank , but , the hose from the spigot needs doing , as well as the plumbing from the hose to the tank , etc ... Nothing is as it seems .
  16. I do the same , except I don't bother with any measuring cup . Straight from the bottle into the hose . A little too much is better than not enough . If too much it just takes a bit longer the 'rinse' the system .
  17. It all depends on what and how you eat . Could be as much as multiples of everything or as little as tin foil and a hot dog fork .
  18. Even the paid for VPNs have their drawbacks , just fewer .
  19. Little piece of horse heaven there . If I still had my horse ...
  20. Just seems like the best course . Better safe and less worries .
  21. I'm no expert . I would think it a good idea to replace the springs in pairs for a couple of reasons . First , they likely came from the same run . One had an unknown defect , causing the failure . Is the other one about to do the same thing ? Second , the bad spring failure put unknown stresses on the still in one piece spring . Are those stresses going cause or add to that spring failing ?
  22. Everyone has to have something to do . LOL
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