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21 minutes ago, GeorgiaHybrid said:

I don't get to guess, I know but will keep my mouth shut (no comments from the peanut gallery). Looking good Henry.

Keep in mind that overall length is 39 inches, couldn't make it any shorter without a "pucker factor", could be a problem on "some trucks", or the one you are interested in.

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Looks to me like that might fit a truck that hasn't been singled without needing to extend the frame...  The ET Shortie?

Shawn and Andrea
Elvis the Cheagle Dog
2013 Volvo 730 / iShift / D13 XE Package / ET Hitch
2016 DRV Mobile Suites 43 Atlanta
2018 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon Unlimited

Read the blog at 40foothouse.com


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Hey Henry,  Just a thought......  Could the hitch be built so that it's reversed, with the head in the front and the pivots towards the rear?  It would be handy to shorten overall length of the rig.  I know it would require some magic on your part to lower the pivots, but I have confidence in you.

Newmar X-Aire, VATICAN
Lots of old motorcycles, Moto Guzzi Griso and Spyder F3 currently in the front row
Young enough to play in the dirt as a retired farmer.
contact me at rickeieio@yahoo.com

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Probably more than 90% of action on any hitch is pulling, the rest stopping. So on an ET most of the time the dogbones are "stretched" (pulling) vs. "compressed" (braking). Dogbones go up when pulled upon and go down when they are squeezed (that's the anti chucking behavior).

That's pretty evident in this video  


Theoretically it should work in a reverse, but I have (for a pet) this engineering gargoyle that sits on my shoulder and whenever he starts whacking me on the back of the head I have to seriously re-examine my thought and he just whacked me. 

Also having an up-angle from the head to the pivots is a critical design component and that goes for all "pivoted" hitches, I actually would like to have even more. So lowering the pivots is a non-starter. It hasn't escaped my eyeball that the latest entry into the HDT hitch world has the hitch head sit way above the pivot.

The above video is pretty long, but in several sections you see the truck taking off, note the pulling and anti-chucking action, particularly at the start and the first few gears. Every time  the tranny shifts and there is a break in power input (and a chuck is introduced) note how the ET absorb that chuck and redirects it downward into the air bags instead of into the truck. Also note how the trailer stays smooth while the ET absorbs all the road "stuff" that the truck sees and does not dampen out.

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Henry,  Your above explanation seems to support my idea of putting the pivots to the rear and below the head, thus lowering the overall height of the hitch, leaving a cleaner bed when not hooked up.  Flipping the hitch/pivots still achieves the anti-chucking, lets the head be placed further forward thus shortening the overall length of the rig, lessening the need for frame extensions......

I don't see a down side.  You're about to turn the hitch industry on it's "Binckley" head.

Newmar X-Aire, VATICAN
Lots of old motorcycles, Moto Guzzi Griso and Spyder F3 currently in the front row
Young enough to play in the dirt as a retired farmer.
contact me at rickeieio@yahoo.com

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On 3/27/2018 at 12:39 PM, Shawn Patterson said:

Looks to me like that might fit a truck that hasn't been singled without needing to extend the frame...  The ET Shortie?

Shawn, since all the ETs are anti-chucking designs, Super Senior anti-chucker, Senior anti-chucker and the smaller Junior anti-chucker I was thinking about the new "smallest addition" as a   SON OF CHUCKY       might go along with the older sibling's name the JACKALOPEE

What do you think, what everybody thinks?

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