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Are Laptops Ready for Windows 10


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So I ran check your PC off the Windows 10 Reservation page and this is what I came up with on our 2 laptops.


1: My HP Probook 4530 running Windows 7 Pro


A) Bluetooth Audio Device. You well Experience Problems with your Media Device


B) HP Mobile Data Protection Sensor. HP


C) Bluetooth AVRCP Device: Artheros Communications


D) Bluetooth Hard Copy Cable Replacement Server. Artheros Communications


E) Virtual Bluetooth Support. Artheros Communications


F) Bluetooth LWFLT Device. Artheros Communications


G) No problems with any apps



2: Linda's ASUS X502C running Windows 8.1


A) Intel ® HD Graphics. You'll experience problems with your display


B) No problems with any apps.




So it looks like on my Windows 7 Pro machine I would have a problem with the Bluetooth device which I do no use. I have no ideal what the HP Mobile Data Protection Sensor does. On Linda's Windows 8.1 machine she would have a problem with her Graphics Card? So what are the chances that these issues will be covered with new drivers issued by Artheros Communications and Intel HD Graphics? Should I be concerned with these issues on both machines?



USA Master Sergeant Ret.

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Dennis that is weird but likely updating your drivers from HP's website may solve those issues. I would suggest going to HP support pages and ASUS' and see if they have newer drivers. You might also want to email them about those results to both HP and ASUS Support especially if they are in warranty. They should have long ago received their vendor copy of Windows 10 to create their images for their hardware with as MS does every time.


I just did the test on my ASUS T200 Hybrid tablet/ultrabook and it came up 100% compatible. Drivers and hardware not sold and branded Microsoft are the responsibility of their respective vendors.

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Retired AF 1971-1998

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“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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I did as you suggested RV. On my machine everything on the new driver but the Virtual Bluetooth Support and the Bluetooth LWFLT Device loaded without a problem. However those 2 areas failed and thus made no change in the PC Capability for Win 10. After a search it appears the HP Mobile Data Protection Sensor has a problem with Win 7 Pro recognizing it. I also downloaded the Intel HD Graphics driver update for Linda's ASUS 8.1 machine and it made no difference in the check your PC capability.



USA Master Sergeant Ret.

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If you have windows 7 pro, you are better off than with W 10. At least for a few years.

Based upon what?

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If you installed the newest drivers for your system, the time wasn't wasted. I guess you, like me for different reasons will need to wait. Email your vendors asking if they are going to be making Windows 10 drivers when it become available for your models. Like Windows 8, I expect MS to also be doing a lot of tweaking the first six months via updates and patches.


Hang in there, I would guess that any computers that came with Windows 8, and with only a few older failures, those with Win 7 should be accommodated.


We'll just have to wait a couple of months.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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I signed up for the download on my Win 8.1 Toshiba with no problem. I tried to sign up the wife's Toshiba Win 7, no go. :rolleyes:



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Even though I fully expect lots of new drivers to be released over the next year, I think there may still be issues with computers that are using customized versions of standard drivers. For example, my Toshiba Satellite uses a customized version of the Intel driver for its HD Graphics 4600. That driver is flagged by the Windows 10 compatibility app as not being compatible.


When I go to the Intel site and use its driver utility I am warned not to use the newer Intel driver and that I should wait for Toshiba to release one. So I'm stuck waiting for Toshiba to release one, if they ever do. No doubt Toshiba will update drivers for its current computers, but there's no guarantee that those will be compatible with a device that is ~a year old.

Sandie & Joel

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I hope for drivers too for my backup system. It has been sitting in pieces waiting for me to get back to it and install the fresh factory restore from disks onto a Crucial SSD.


Many will stay with Windows 8/8.1 or Windows 7 by choice. For the rest of us, using the system we know won't be a giant burden. I could use Windows 8.1 and 7, which is only on my wife's computer, until it is time to get new desktops, or we decide we want a new toy that requires a new system, we'll all be alright. If anyone really wants 10, they can always get a new system.


I'm prepping my backup Windows 7 unit for sale with a new drive and reverting it to the original Win 7 first, removing the two added cards for USB 3.0 and dual band WiFi, both of which worked great on it but might hamper Windows 10 on it. Then I'll see if it takes or not.


I'm dying to see how Cortana works on a desktop.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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1 down 1 to go. After uninstalling the Atheros Bluetooth driver and reinstalling it all my Win 10 objections with the Win 7 Pro HP Machine are gone and now it shows 100% compatibility. DW's Win 8.1 ASUS machine is still having an issue with the Intel HD Graphic Card and I get the same message as docj.



USA Master Sergeant Ret.

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I have a feeling we'll see more from the vendors as well a MS in getting as many compatibility issues fixed soonest. MS's Vista was a departure from XP, and I dare say the howls and complaints were almost as loud as for 8.1! But the lesson learned then for the vendors especially, was that dragging their heels on setting up drivers for the new Vista Operating System for originally XP hardware. That was the major problem with Vista's debut and the vendors, especially Nvidia and a few other majors lost quite a few customers. Notice that MS ha gone to previews for Betas through Alphas with 8 and now 10? Everybody learned? We'll see.


Good news so far, batting .500.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Based on history, the first relase of Window's operating system has many problems. I will wait untill W 10-something, and then get a machine designed around that system. W 8 was a disaster, half fixed with 8.1. W 7 pro is a proven system on the machines designed for it and I will stay with it untill no longer suported. w 7 home is a differant beast. (wow, do i need spell check)

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The days of waiting around for the x.1 version of a Op system are long past. These operating systems have had extensive Beta testing by not just a selective group but by a large number of trial users. That is why the final release versions have some tweaks from the trial version.


Windows 8 was a "disaster" only because it had a different user interface. Windows 7 was far more unforgiving of old hardware and programs but we forget that now.


The disadvantage of staying with older operating systems is that new features in hardware are not always available with older op system upgrades.


I had a friend who stayed on Windows 98 forever and cried every couple of weeks when a USB device would give him problems.


You choice to stay in the past but it is not a good recommendation.

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I have been testing pre-release versions of Windows 10 on the desktop I have primarily for that purpose. Now that the RTM is very close I decided I should install Win 10 on my daily driver, a laptop that currently runs Windows 7 and Linux. Much to my dismay, I discovered the Intel chipset in the laptop is not, and will not be supported in Windows 10. :angry:


This is a mainstream chipset used in many Windows 7 laptops. Other than the driver issue, there is no reason this laptop could not run Win 10. It more than meets the system requirements. I would think Microsoft would exert a little effort / persuasion to the OEM's if they really want mass migration Windows 10. I guess I'll stick with Win 7 until it reaches end of life in 2020. If the hardware is still working I could switch to Win 8.1 for another 3 years...


After the fiasco with Windows 8/8.1, I was really looking forward to Windows 10 and now I feel Microsoft has let me down again. :(


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Two weeks ago when the first "invitation" for Windows 10 was issued, the "check my pc" app indicated that I would have problems with my Intel HD4600 display adapter. Today, out of curiosity, I went back to the "pc test" and discovered that my pc is now free of issues and I can upgrade. Just shows that driver developers have been hard at work making more machines compatible.

Sandie & Joel

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Thanks for the reminder, docj. I also had an issue when I first ran the "check my pc" but after just reading your post, I ran it again on my Lenovo IdeaPad and had 0 conflicts for either devices or apps.


Good News for me as far as I'm concerned as I have done nothing on my part such as looking for updated drivers. I guess, as you said, somebody has been hard at work to make either Win 10 accept more drivers or the companies whose drivers were shown to be in conflict have been quietly making upgrades.


At any rate, I guess all we need to do now is wait and see how the roll-out takes place and whether or not there are a lot of problems before actually installing the new OS.


Capt Joe


PS Since I am currently in my sticks and bricks home with a pretty fast cable modem, I'm not too concerned about the download and AFAIK, we will be able to schedule the install at such a time as we are comfortable with it. I do feel for you guys on the road having to look for ways to get the 2 GB+ download without torally destroying you data usage for that month. But, I'm sure y'all will get it figured out.

Capt Joe

2004 Winnebago Brave 32v on WH20 Chassis w/8.1L and Allison

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Woo Hoo!


I also re-ran the update app and my laptop is now good to go :D


I guess Microsoft IS working on providing drivers...


Safe Travels...

Roger, K4RS and Toni, K1TS
Amateur Radio Operators - Motorcycle Riders (Harley Davidson Tri-Glide Ultra)

Fulltime from 2003-2016 - Now longtime RVers

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When folks see the Win 10 test and run it Microsoft sees the results and knows where to put their efforts, works out well for almost everyone that way.

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Everyone has to understand, there are thousands of different devices out there with their own unique set of characteristics. MS and the OEM vendors are diligently working on making as many as possible compatible with Win 10. And yes, there have been many regular user that have been testing Win 10 and sending feedback to MS. In the past (Win 7 and back I believe) only select users could beta test a new OS, and these generally were advanced users. The Beta tests were opened up more with Win 8 (although Win 8 was such a divergence from Win 7 that this alone turned people off to Win 8). It seems with Win 10 about everyone who wanted could test it. I believe this gave MS much more feedback from the "common user" than at any stage in the past.

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Like I said in post six here. ;)


Glad to hear it.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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