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The Class-less Class

Sandie & Jim

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I'M POOPED, I called out the infantry this morning on the goat hear war. (read I walked.) it is a little on the warm side this morning and humid. I'm in the shop resting up now before walking on home. ( about one block.) There was a little bit of rain last night. Just enough to keep the Hula Hoe all gummed up. I'll clean and re-sharpen it before I go on home.


Steve, I'm glad to see you on the road again. Especially glad you're out of OKC and the worst part of tornado alley. And also that the Ice cream machine should be easy pickings now. I'll have to see if I can get my pin unstuck long enough to go over and fetch it.. I'll bribe the casino guards with Mesquite pancakes and prickly pear syrup. It's good. We are having another Mesquite pancake breakfast weekend after next. We were going to have it this weekend but one of our old timers is hanging up the keys and going to OKC to live with her daughter. So, we are having a going away party for her this Saturday. When I leave they will really have a celebration. Not because they are sorry to see me go but because the are celebrating the occasion. They might even make it a national holiday. Well I've got to pull a little weapons maintenance. (read re-sharpen the Hula Hoe) Smile folks it will keep everyone else confused.

Lee (IYQ)<p>Moving from Campground to Campground so the Grim Reaper can't find me.http://www.flickr.com/photos/iyq/2013 Chevy 2500 HD Diesel pulling a 2008 Hornet TT with Hensley Arrow Hitch. Plus a 2015 Itasca Navion iQ 24v to run around in.

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Who else but Jeri would go to Hawaii and have two hurricanes and an earthquake expected while she is there. I can't wait for her to tell us about it at the campfire. Hope she gets home safe.


I agree - only Jeri. Sure wish she could get on a plane.

Sandie & Jim Dixon

Traveling with Scooter and Skittlez


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Linda - when will you find out about the Valley Fever? My friend Dianna has been fighting it for two years now but is feeling much better.

They drew the blood and urine yesterday. Now we are waiting for the culture. I don't know how long that takes but I get lab results by email as soon as they are done then I get feedback from my doctor about the results. I sure do like this electronic charting that lets me go to a different lab but get the same quick report. My doctor doesn't want to start treating it until she is sure that's what I have since she doesn't want me to experience side effects of the treatment unnecessarily if that's not what I have.



Blog: http://sandcastle.sandsys.org/

Former Rigs: Liesure Travel van, Winnebago View 24H, Winnebago Journey 34Y, Sportsmobile Sprinter conversion van

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Tina and Jeff,


Sorry to hear about your loss. It is a hard but good decision to make. Wishing you well during this time of grieving Megan. (Not that I don't wish you well other times too, you know.)



Blog: http://sandcastle.sandsys.org/

Former Rigs: Liesure Travel van, Winnebago View 24H, Winnebago Journey 34Y, Sportsmobile Sprinter conversion van

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Thanks Linda and Joe. The sadness comes and goes.


Linda, hope the Dr. gets a handle on your health problem and you get to feeling better soon.


Jeri, what a time to be in Hawaii. Be careful and have a goodtime.


Tina and Jeff

Tina and Jeff

Class of 2011

"RV there yet?"

2005 Gulfstream Endura

and a 1987 Jeep Wrangler



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I just heard from Jeri and she is back on the mainland.



I launched an infantry attack on the goat heads this morning and didn't get very far. I seems they were massing for an attack on me about 50 feet from my trailer door in an area around the septic tank for a couple of rows of sites in the park. I had cleared this area about 10 days ago and had not been giving it much scrutiny since. It was loaded with goat heads this morning. I'll have to keep survalance on that area in the future.


I just got a note from my niece about my GG niece's wedding. It sounds like it was a gala affaire. I sure wish I had been able to attend. If I don't get this lung problem cleared up I might be depending on her to look after me sooner than I had planned. Today I think I'll rest up the rest of the day and answer my niece's note. I may launch another mechanized attack on the goat heads after it cools down a little tonight.

Lee (IYQ)<p>Moving from Campground to Campground so the Grim Reaper can't find me.http://www.flickr.com/photos/iyq/2013 Chevy 2500 HD Diesel pulling a 2008 Hornet TT with Hensley Arrow Hitch. Plus a 2015 Itasca Navion iQ 24v to run around in.

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I can't remember if you eliminated Valley Fever as a source of your lung problems? That's what my doctor is checking relating to my shortness of breath now. Shortness of breath is not listed as a typical symptom but I also have the fatigue and red bumps that look like bug bites. Although we were not originally considering valley fever as a source of either of those they are listed as potential symptoms and we haven't been able to find another source of my shortness of breath. Minnesota doctors don't see much valley fever so that was not considered until I brought it up then my doctor thought was an excellent idea to evaluate. My fatigue started last year when I was still in Arizona so it seems worth checking it out. Now we are waiting for a culture to develop enough to tell us whatever it is going to indicate. I don't expect to hear anything about that before Monday.


Linda Sand

Blog: http://sandcastle.sandsys.org/

Former Rigs: Liesure Travel van, Winnebago View 24H, Winnebago Journey 34Y, Sportsmobile Sprinter conversion van

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I can't remember if you eliminated Valley Fever as a source of your lung problems? That's what my doctor is checking relating to my shortness of breath now. Shortness of breath is not listed as a typical symptom but I also have the fatigue and red bumps that look like bug bites. Although we were not originally considering valley fever as a source of either of those they are listed as potential symptoms and we haven't been able to find another source of my shortness of breath. Minnesota doctors don't see much valley fever so that was not considered until I brought it up then my doctor thought was an excellent idea to evaluate. My fatigue started last year when I was still in Arizona so it seems worth checking it out. Now we are waiting for a culture to develop enough to tell us whatever it is going to indicate. I don't expect to hear anything about that before Monday.


Linda Sand



The culture for my valley fever test is not back from the lab yet. They think the shortness of breath is because of the Bulla that showed up in the CT. And valley fever can cause bullae in the lung. Nobody thinks I have active valley fever now but they are checking to see if a past infection of the spore may have been what started the problem in my lungs. More than half the people that contact valley fever never knew they had it but the antibodies show up in their blood for many years after. Older people are more pron to an infection than younger ones. They only started to check for valley fever when I told them I was in an area with a high incidence of it when I started having breathing problems. There is a good article on valley fever on Mayo clinic.

Lee (IYQ)<p>Moving from Campground to Campground so the Grim Reaper can't find me.http://www.flickr.com/photos/iyq/2013 Chevy 2500 HD Diesel pulling a 2008 Hornet TT with Hensley Arrow Hitch. Plus a 2015 Itasca Navion iQ 24v to run around in.

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Okay Lee...I finally had to Google goat heads and found this at Wikipedia... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribulus_terrestris

"The plant is widely naturalised in the Americas and also in Australia south of its native range. In some states in the United States, it is considered a noxious weed and an invasive species.[1]

It has been reported that the seeds or nutlets have been used in homicidal weapons smeared with the juice of Acokanthera venenata in southern Africa". Crikey, that it one nasty plant! It also explains what chemicals that can work but ya gotta apply early on. Hoping that you get your health issues resolved.


Got the windshield replaced yesterday before we left for Yellowstone. Took five hours because they had to clean all the caulk/adhesive that Lazydays had used when they replaced the old one. The glass should have just rested in the rubber gasket which allows it to flex. That place keeps biting me in the butt...grrr. Drove through the Tetons and then Yellowstone. Got into West Yellowstone around 6:00. Took a long time but, according to our glass installer we didn't want to take the gps route that had a lot of 10% grades. It was slow going but beautiful!


Roger & Lynn Rempe

Class of 2012 & "Class-less"!


"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime" -- Mark Twain (Innocents Abroad)



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Was a great five days with Lynn & Roger here!!! We had to work around the rain a lot, but managed to get in at least a short campfire chat each evening! Lots of catching up to do after nearly a year-and-a-half since we were last together... and I think we about covered all the bases :) Their "new home" is beautiful, and we are so grateful that they made it safely to Jackson and that the windshield replacement has been taken care of. Now they can travel on without worry. Will post some photos on our blog update around the middle of the month... thanks for visiting us, Lynn & Roger!

Tom & Dianne Wartman
Class of 2012, and happy members of the Classless Class
2004 Newmar Mountain Aire MH
2005 Chevy Trailblazer



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Golly .. a lot has been going on.


Lee - get better. We don't like it that you're not feeling good. I hope the doctor's figure out what's causing that and can fix it fast.




Tina and Jeff - So sorry to hear about your furr-kid. That's so hard and I know you've struggled with health issues of your "kids" for a while now.




Well, it seems just as soon as we arrived in Hawaii, Tammi's company wanted her to get off the island. Eeek! We drug our feet but eventually got back. However, now we're thinking we need to go back in a couple months so we might do that ... maybe.

Just Wanderin'

On a permanent vacation!



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Was a great five days with Lynn & Roger here!!! We had to work around the rain a lot, but managed to get in at least a short campfire chat each evening! Lots of catching up to do after nearly a year-and-a-half since we were last together... and I think we about covered all the bases :) Their "new home" is beautiful, and we are so grateful that they made it safely to Jackson and that the windshield replacement has been taken care of. Now they can travel on without worry. Will post some photos on our blog update around the middle of the month... thanks for visiting us, Lynn & Roger!

We sure enjoyed you guys too...thanks for being such great hosts and friends!

I forgot to mention in my post that we ran into a problem with the windshield WIPERS while driving through the rain in Yellowstone. Turned them on and they kept flopping or getting stuck on each other. Apparently, when they screwed them back on after replacing the ws they didn't tighten or attach correctly. I stopped and got the wrenches out and found that all the flopping had stripped the spindle teeth. Now I'm tryin' to figure out how fix that...just another tricky day! ;)

Roger & Lynn Rempe

Class of 2012 & "Class-less"!


"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime" -- Mark Twain (Innocents Abroad)



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Well, we made it to Carol's sister's "secret" 30th anniversary in Jackson, Wisconsin. We are parked in front of her sons house awaiting the party at 7:00pm. Drove in the rain for most of two days, so I'm ready to sit for a few days. Good news is the new ice maker works. It took 24 hours to cool back down after the install, but now it seems to be working fine. Nice up here with no need to run the A/C last night, and clear skys. Son & new DIL are moving into the renovated house this weekend, so all is well for a change. Steve

2007 Tiffin Allegro Bus 42 QRP
"BessyBus ll"
ATT hot spot
Winegard Traveler
M&G Braking system
Roadmaster Sterling tow bar
08 Dodge Dakota toad
Sea Eagle 10.6sr Inflatable

1957 Johnson 5.5
SKP 98998 Class of "08"

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Ah, It looks like piece has returned to the classless class at last. Now if we can just stay that way. No more break downs or illness.


I got a little farther on the goat head war this morning. Out about 100 yrs from my rig there was a mass of them. It sort of looked like the supply area for the advanced troops I cleaned out yesterday. I led an Infantry attack on the area I found this morning to keep them from reforming an invassion force. But the troops got over heated and had to return to base camp at my rig for a short Steve. Maybe I can induct Lil Red Rooster to command one of my units now that he is educated in the tactics of Goat heads or Puncture Vine.


Forgetaboutit Pizza finally got their new place opened here in town. I took one of the cowgirls there to opening night last night and the pizza is still top notch. The restaurant looks very nice and above all they own it and don't have to fight with landlords all the time. But I think they forgot to pay the light bill is was so dimmly lit I had trouble reading the menu. Note: carry a flash light. Apitites are optional but highly recommended.

Edited by IYQ

Lee (IYQ)<p>Moving from Campground to Campground so the Grim Reaper can't find me.http://www.flickr.com/photos/iyq/2013 Chevy 2500 HD Diesel pulling a 2008 Hornet TT with Hensley Arrow Hitch. Plus a 2015 Itasca Navion iQ 24v to run around in.

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Sunday morning and time for a couple cackle berries for breakfast. I went to Denny's for breakfast then came back to the ranch to do my monthly battery maintenance. Then went on survalance duty with the golf cart and got into a couple ambushes on the way. Fortunately I had the hula hoe with me to fight my way out. This afternoon is reserved for a GI party to get cleaned up and ready for inspection. It's only In the high 80's today but a little on the humid side. A good afternoon for sneaking in a nice long Steve.

Lee (IYQ)<p>Moving from Campground to Campground so the Grim Reaper can't find me.http://www.flickr.com/photos/iyq/2013 Chevy 2500 HD Diesel pulling a 2008 Hornet TT with Hensley Arrow Hitch. Plus a 2015 Itasca Navion iQ 24v to run around in.

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Tina & Jeff, so sorry to hear about Megan. Know that she's probably romping in the place where all good dogs go when it's their time. We lost our little dog Cuddles that hung with us for 14 years and we still think of her all the time. Here's a hug from us to you. Steve & Carol


We did get our "pin pulled" and are now in Marshfield Missouri. Small little campground at the information center, but had full hook up and a pool. Right next to a fine Mexican restaurant too. Feels good to be rolling again. Steve


Getting closer and closer for us. Can't wait. Congratulations.

Doug and Toni Laird

2008 Gulfstream BT Cruiser 30'

2014 Nissan Versa

Our newest furfriend - Zoe - a beautiful black and white cat

Our blog - http://stixandbrix.blogspot.ca





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I can't remember if you eliminated Valley Fever as a source of your lung problems? That's what my doctor is checking relating to my shortness of breath now. Shortness of breath is not listed as a typical symptom but I also have the fatigue and red bumps that look like bug bites. Although we were not originally considering valley fever as a source of either of those they are listed as potential symptoms and we haven't been able to find another source of my shortness of breath. Minnesota doctors don't see much valley fever so that was not considered until I brought it up then my doctor thought was an excellent idea to evaluate. My fatigue started last year when I was still in Arizona so it seems worth checking it out. Now we are waiting for a culture to develop enough to tell us whatever it is going to indicate. I don't expect to hear anything about that before Monday.


Linda Sand


My doctor had me tested too when I had flu like symptoms. Probably a good thing for all of us that spend time in the south to do every year.

Doug and Toni Laird

2008 Gulfstream BT Cruiser 30'

2014 Nissan Versa

Our newest furfriend - Zoe - a beautiful black and white cat

Our blog - http://stixandbrix.blogspot.ca





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I'm a little slow getting around this morning. First of all the pill that I take that requires no food an hour before and after I take it used an hour of my morning. I played around yesterday and didn't get my shower taken so that wiped out another hour this morning getting all the sweat scrubbed off plus a half hour for breakfast. Then I was going to take my walk and took along the hula hoe so the goat heads wouldn't attack an un armed man but ran into a regiment size bunch of them and started fighting for my life. About two hour later I was so tired and sore that I retreated to the safety go my rig, I never did get the walk in but I think I got enough exercise to make up for it. Now it's time for lunch already and I'm just getting around to posting my daily blarb. I think I'll just take a Steve and start all over.

Lee (IYQ)<p>Moving from Campground to Campground so the Grim Reaper can't find me.http://www.flickr.com/photos/iyq/2013 Chevy 2500 HD Diesel pulling a 2008 Hornet TT with Hensley Arrow Hitch. Plus a 2015 Itasca Navion iQ 24v to run around in.

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Lee, I think you need an Army surplus flame thrower! Burn your way out!!

2007 Tiffin Allegro Bus 42 QRP
"BessyBus ll"
ATT hot spot
Winegard Traveler
M&G Braking system
Roadmaster Sterling tow bar
08 Dodge Dakota toad
Sea Eagle 10.6sr Inflatable

1957 Johnson 5.5
SKP 98998 Class of "08"

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Lee, I think you need an Army surplus flame thrower! Burn your way out!!

STEVE, You're right I wish I had one almost as bad as I wish I could get my hands on that illusive ice cream machine. It sure would be nice for starting campfires. But, if I remember right my campfires seemed to start themselves. Especially when someone puts a Christmas wreath under the cable reel end.

Edited by IYQ

Lee (IYQ)<p>Moving from Campground to Campground so the Grim Reaper can't find me.http://www.flickr.com/photos/iyq/2013 Chevy 2500 HD Diesel pulling a 2008 Hornet TT with Hensley Arrow Hitch. Plus a 2015 Itasca Navion iQ 24v to run around in.

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