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Everything posted by bigjim

  1. I still love the poster. I don't know how to get it out there but someone sent me a pic of a Panhandler at a street corner with a sign saying he was collecting to build a time machine to go back to 1945 to give someone a condom. I am afraid to say anymore as it could be considered political. I do still find his approach to getting money as creative and therefore humoruous in concept.
  2. I had an older 13' and it had no toilet except for porta potty. I can adapt to no shower or bathroom sink but if I never have to use a porta potty again it will suit me fine. Mine had no hot water heater which wasn't a big issue. It had a furnace that vented exhaust outside but no blower fan and I actually prefer it over the newer rv style force air furnace. It did make the heat a little spotty at times but I did not have to worry about running the battery down. Once it warmed the space there was not much issue of the spottiness. I gave up one back window with a small window unit. I don't think mine had crank windows but they did open out in such a way that you could leave the window open without it raining in. It towed real good but it was actually al little harder to back than my now 30ft. TT. When I sold it I got more for it than I paid for it.
  3. Well Vern, you poked a hole in my hope for positivity.😀 I know what you mean about diagnosing based on sounds over the phone. The last thing of significance I did that was the side by side refrigerator at my daughther and SIL house. He held the phone near the mechanics and I could hear the Klixon opening and closing on the compressor. He was able to get on and an appliance parts place I told him about and replace it. Had him get a hard start kit for it at the same time. 3 years later still working fine. Richfaa, this covid is so hard to sort out so far. Nurse daughter's mentor who is a nurse that was married to a nurse slept with him several nights before they realized he had it. 49 and healthy he died in 2 weeks and she has yet to test positive. Where she works she gets tested every four days. And I know of another case similar except they were not nurses. Good for you for foregoing Sturgis this year.
  4. I would judge this to be a pre -emptive strike. No question this thread could quickly go political. Vern, in being hopeful is there any chance the restaurant noise could have been tv sound?
  5. If the underlying was what takes you due to being triggered or exacerbated by the Covid then I think the covid still gets the score or blame if you will.
  6. Discussing this with some friends today it dawned on me that I know of at least one Walmart that has signs saying no but if you go inside and ask they will say yes and tell you what area to park in. I think they use it like the 10 year rule in that if they need to they can say no or if you don't ask they can ask you to leave. It appears they are tolerant up to a point. I have spent 15-30 minutes picking up litter with my litter picker there in the morning just to keep them friendly.
  7. I would guess it was at least 10 years ago I checked it. I am surprised I remember at all. Getting so 10 days is a long memory for me. I am tickled it was brought up and we got the fresh information. It could possibly affect a future purchase for me.
  8. Here in NM they are currently restricting State Parks to day use and only for state residents.
  9. Me too but I think they should change it from rednecks to Dumb A----s. There are all different kinds of rednecks. IE; Jeff Foxworthy and me. And a fair number of rednecks are also Dumb A---s. Derek, I may be reading it different but I didn't think Kirk was referring to you just people in general that deny facts. Uh oh, the poster is partly wrong in the first statement. He may have spent 50 years of his working life studying but he was born in 1940 and is 79. Still pretty damn smart and he sure is able to put up with a lot of crap to try and save peoples lives. Just so I won't be left out I think I will go on some site and call him a fraud and threaten his life and his family. (THIS STATEMENT IS A DEMENTED STATEMENT TO MAKE A POINT. for what it is worth)
  10. That does make good sense. I know at least one in Albq. that still allows it in the shared parking but the layout and the amount of customers does not make this a good one for that. Especially when the balloon festival is going on. IMO there are some that allow it that I consider it to be inconsiderate to use, especially for larger rigs. Not my call just my feeling about it.
  11. I think this thread most likely won't be alive long but while it is without naming anyone or any party I heartily agree with TXiceman. I have made that mistake in my early life. At this point I believe you need to poop or get off the pot. I now think this type of idealism is seldom if ever useful when you get to the final vote. It might be different if your person had a chance of winning. All thoughts meant to be respective of anyone on the forum
  12. Like Ki Like Kirk I thought I had seen the figure 4,500lb listed in the past and even double checked with Livingston and was told the same. Your links definitly read 7,500lb to me. When I checked it was really a long time ago. Just wondering when you first did yours. I''m sooooooo confused.
  13. I don't like it but I gave up fighting that. Really frustrating.
  14. Where I volunteer our front office is closed for most purposes but we still have to have some people come in. Some are from major employers like UPS for example. Nice lady but she invariably does not wear a mask. She likes to use our indoor toilet and fill her water bottle at our water fountain. Some will have it down and pull it up just before they come in or when asked but some won't. I had a real hard time letting an elevator inspector come in since he claimed he could wear one for medical reasons. I just kept my distance but I think he might have heard me say bull----. It doesn't help that some employees are "just over it" are going to "enjoy" their life. Most will never get how serious it is until someone personal in their family gets it. It may just be a matter of time before I quit volunteering here. I have stopped working the front desk with one employee but I will work alone if she is off.
  15. They have built a lot more Wmarts. since then and location could factor into the equation. The new Wmart stand alone groceries are still Wmart. stores but most surely are not able to accomodate rv's.
  16. You may have started out a little too quick. I think maybe as you get more experience on less challenging roads it very well may get better. One issue that I know aggravates my issue at times is tinitus. Your sense of balance is mainly in your ears I am told. I knew a guy once that often appeared drunk but wasn't. It was caused by some type of ear problem. He didn't even drink. Another thing that can make it worse in relation to vehicles is if they have a "mushy" suspension system. I have sensed that in a car, on a motorcycle, or when I have towed a trailer with too soft suspension. I am sure the added height of you rig doesn't help in these early days of your adventure. I had a Class A CDL for years and towed lots of stuff but for some reason I have had a mental trepidation about driving a Class A. I truly believe I could do it with some practice in a large mostly empty parking lot. I think it has had at least a little relation to why I have preffered a Travel Trailer over a 5th Wheel.
  17. i bet they sure do. climbing it is impressive but the descending is the real impresive part.
  18. hondo that really seems extreme. I am certainly not making light of it in any way. We may have some folks on this forum that can help but I kind of think the best bet is someone extremely professional. Like you I was active Marine 66-70. I have always hated heights but doing the stuff repetitively in the Corps seemed to get me out of it. After all my main goal in life was to please my drill instructor. It worked then but turns out it was not permanent. Even though I had a job that had me working on ladders later in life and was mostly able to cope it got somewhat worse when I quite doing it on a regular basis. I wish I had a good answer for you and one for me. It may get better the more you do it but then again it may not. I sincerely wish you the best of luck. Like others it might be useful for us to know what you are towing and what you are towing with.
  19. If Santa Fe Skies is where I think it is I believe it would be more convienent to Santa Fe. I just thought that there is a pretty good size one maybe 20 miles west of Santa Fe on Hwy 84 called Road Runner. It may be Indian operated. I have no experience with either of those. It is about 50 scenic miles up Hwy 14 from Turquoise Trail campground to Santa Fe and there are 3 smaller post offices very near. The best one is the Cedar Crest post office in my experience. That is where I get my mail forwarded to from Livingston. I think they have one In Madrid about halfway between Cedar Crest and Santa Fe but I suspect they may have more limited hours. Hwy 14 is almost all 2 lane.
  20. ken if that happened to me or anyone I know I would feel the same. I am even mad that it happened to your Mom, maybe even if it happened to you, 😄 but I guess I have been lucky with not a single incident in over 25 years.
  21. I think it means that they are attracting customers by letting folks stay there overnight. And it is usually a group with decent amount of disposable income to spend. I know I buy most of my groceries there. Get oil changes and buy tires plus more. Most business do things to attract customers. I know I have occaisionally stayed to time arrival at a local campground or even find one sometimes.
  22. Was meant to be tongue in cheek for the first part. The second part I was just being an old guy relating a sort of humorous true story that I experienced. I think I have cabin fever from the Covid situation. Please don't tell me now that the sky is falling. I might just believe it and I have enough to worry about.😀 Also if it gets to upper levels of the government it might get tweeted out as fact.
  23. Oh course there is the possibility in some cases that the local campground is full. Then of course you may have to leave the town without spending any money to go to some other place to park even for one night. All hypothetical of course. I did leave a place once that treated me poorly right off the bat. I was just driving through and saw their lovely campground and it was so nice and not one other camper there so I said to myself, Self, I might just stay here for a few days and check the place out and visit local restruants and stores. I'm usually pretty patient but they just got my goat so I moved on without spending a dime. That resulted in me driving longer and having to spend the night on a Wmart parking lot a few towns further east. And of course you almost can't stop at a Wmart without spending something.
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