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Everything posted by bigjim

  1. I have used NavyFederal mainly for savings, CD's and an IRA for at least 5 years maybe more and I have been happy with them. I am in the time where I have to take the RMD required minimum distribution and that has gone smoothly. Since I am a member my kids are eligable to join and my daughter (45) switched to it about 18 months ago and is happy. I have no experience with Security. I really prefer credit unions over banks in most cases and have been a member of other military affiliated ones in the past including a second one at this time. My estimate is that if you use the branches some can be a little better than another but all have worked well for me.
  2. I can't say how much I wish you complete success. It is ultimitly your decision. Its just something I wouldn't do and I don't pretend to be an expert. I don't have any issue with what it will tow just the connection. I do want to remind you of the weight of your belongings, water, groceries, propane. Even your spare tire and wheel and jack. I am not digging too deep as I am not the one who is doing it. cool video
  3. John after that video I wouldn't pull any at all heavy. I used to have a 13 Scamp and I would think twice.
  4. That was based on what John M said. Aug 11 post. I don't know if the subaru is considered unibody construction but suspect it is. If so it could be that it would not be substancial enough to handle much weight safely. Both tongue weight, and towing weight. Even wind resistance could affect the safety. I don't want to rain on your parade, I just want you to have a safe, fun parade. Knowledgeable Suby owners and some mechanics and body work people will know far more than me but I would sure check it out sooner than later.
  5. This sure could be a critical consideration.
  6. I wish someone could figure out how I could eat grapefruit and drink grapefruit juice. I am sure there is some good scientfic reason why I can deal with oranges but not grapefruit. I have 2 meds grapefruit interfere with.
  7. I just wish I still thought it was a brand of beer.
  8. I would say your current post is very good and is usefull. You have serious insight based on your experience. The only issue I have is with the above quoted statement. It is really more aimed at others than you as I think your experience will cause you to do the right thing to the best of your ability. One of the biggest issues I have with a lot of folks is in not letting the facts control their life THEY are to a degree controlling other peoples lives. It would be kind of like someone being infectious and not informing you when you responded to a call in your EMT positions.
  9. Dan did say out of context and he wouldn't know if someone has been to the WHO site or anywhere else. I thought Novel meant new and also had heard it meant unknown before by specific strain. Not that this makes any darn difference much to the layman. I think Dan may be a technical kind of guy. Often the kind of guy you want dealing with an issue but please please please don't explain it in detail.😀 Since stuff here come out "flat", I could think Ray was being sarcastic funny, or just sarcastic. Ain't always easy to tell. '
  10. It may not be the case but it sort of looks like your are looking for a reason to discount the severity. There is sure enough people and "news" sites that seem to be trying their best to convince as many folks as possible that it is either fake or something akin to fake. I want to know how many are taking their children out and mingle with higher risk people and situations. There are people out there that are being affected by this mentally. Young girl about 20, born with severe cerebal palsy. Already living a very restricted life. Now trying to stay safe she is even more restricted. Develops major depression. wraps an electric cord around her neck and rolls out of the bed trying to commit suicide. Would this be a covid death if she were successful. While it would be indirect I would say covid and the people that don't want to do what it takes to knock it down are both guilty of contributing. And I really don't give a big rat's A what anyone else thinks about it. D&J not aimed at you specificly. Your question just triggered me.
  11. I can't speak for anyone else but even with having to get a new battery for mine on average of 3-3 1/2 years it has still been a boon. I know it is unusual for the batteries not to last longer but it seems I am just working it hard.
  12. good answer. I volunteered at a state park that had 355 sites. Lots of sites for long ones. Lots of site for short ones. Most times no problem. Really busy holiday or weekend and a long one may be out of luck at least for a day or two. I think I have seen at least one or two that had weight limits. I am pretty sure Saguaro SKP Co-op has a weight limit. As I recall Big Bend NP has a length limit on ONE of its campgrounds. I could look it up but I think I will let someone else get the joy of discovering that fact or fake information.
  13. Nwcid, I confess I am more interested in the conclusions at this point than the process although the process is interesting.
  14. 😀i had a good idea about your thoughts and they dovetail with mine. I was basically trying to understand Ncwid a little quicker since we have been around a lot longer.
  15. I meant to say I only wanted to focus on the first one. Sometimes I understand things better in small bits. I did not want anyone else to maybe cloud what you had to say or the way I might interpet it.. I gave the example to help me understand kind of like someone teaching using parables. I may or may not get it better but I am open to consider other views. I know a lot of these folk so I have more understanding of what they say and mean but I don't know you yet so I thought I might be able to better understand quicker. I admit that I think I understand what the Dr. is saying but I am not sure at this point. Kind of a long winded explanation but I do the best I can. And to be clear this is not some sort of a trap. BTW a couple of things I say is, "Clearer is better" and "too much information is better than not enough." On the gist of the second one it looks like to me that the decision to get the "shot" should depend on how well it is tested. (see I can be succinct on occaision)
  16. For the ones that do are they worn with the Hood? In your case are yours perscription?
  17. Have you read all the information in the links you provided or heard him explain it. I assume so and I wonder if your understanding of it can be stated simply. I will say on the first link using myself as an example. I have a heart issue that is not my fault. It was discovered in 1996 and I could live 20 more years. If I get Covid and am not able to survive it due to a weakend heart, what did I die of. Covid or heart failure or both as co-factor? Please let Ncwid answer first folks.
  18. Not going beyond this on the subject as we are discussing something else. This is your opinion and you are entitled to believe it. I don't.
  19. I like the way you explained this actually in your entire post. I wish I could have done as well.
  20. I'm tapping out for the time being. Now seeking a good route to La Mancha with a few windmills along the way.
  21. Glen, I am late to the party here so I hope the others that replied were helpful in explaining it. Sometimes my head nearly explodes trying to understand but in real simple term you co uld have and be carrying it to others. Without good and proper testing there is no sure way to know unless you get it in a bad way. You may have developed immunity or you may not. If you have there is no guarantee how long it will last if at all. We just want you to be as knowledgeable and as careful as possible. Besides if something were to happen to you I would have to go back to insulting Kirk for fun.
  22. Maybe the best answer is, it depends. Which is a sucky answer. The good answer would be to have the separation Randyretired referred to. It comes down to who you are in close contact with that may have been exposed. In one post RV talked about keeping a greater distance from others and even trying to be upwind of anyone you are suspect of when outside. If you can find his post it is good information as is information from many others posting here. A lot of these people are scientist with years if actual experience. I am just your average everyday D.A. that has to work to understand them sometimes but we have had some loss in my family due to it. You take it way more serious then. Try your best to sort it out and keep an open mind.
  23. The ones that claim they can't or the one's that really can't. Everyone that says they can't will absolutely find a way under the right incentive. Once again I should have read all the posts before I responded to one. Inmy defense I am semi working as volunteer at the front desk of a FS ranger dist. And I am currently perturbed with a new employee who is not following the guideline in the slightest. Some of this has me seriously reconsidering how and where I volunteer.
  24. I concur that is ideal but realistically not all business will be able to do this as much as we may wish. Some of the larger ones with more staff might be able to deal with it better. As always now W-mart is able to do better with more clout than many other stores. Stores with enough staff to moniter security cameras and respond will obviously be able to do better. I have noticed stores are rewording their signs to state you have to wear one the entire time instore and wear it over mouth AND nose. Applause, Applause for the ones that are trying to protect us. Now if the one that I tend to use would finish their upgrade I would be happier. I average about once every 10 days and almost everything seems to be in a different location every time I go. (probably exagerating a little in frustration)
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