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  1. I have. And the Escapade volunteers did a good job. But a guy at one of the Escapee Co-ops did a terrible job. As have I. I'm not a good director. I have the hand movements down but my geometry skills are lacking. Linda
  2. Most of us quickly learn that it doesn't matter how many parking directors you have; you pick one to follow and ignore the rest. Although, I'll admit to even ignoring the one when he doesn't seem to know what he's doing.
  3. Hah! We got you beat. We were both 19 although Dave turned 20 a month later. This year we will both be 76. Linda
  4. I only looked at the floor plan and tank capacities. I could live in any of those. I like that the theater seating actually faces the TV. I like the table that would let you put an office chair on one side. I don't like that the fridge is blocked on two of them if the slides are in--that makes stopping for lunch along the way harder to do. I prefer having counter space on each side of the sink for washing dishes so you can have dirty on one side and clean on the other. These are my preferences; you get to decide on your own preferences so these are just things to consider. Linda Sand
  5. I suspect the best solution in today's residential world is the two-level flush toilets that use less water to flush liquids than solids. https://www.bobvila.com/articles/best-dual-flush-toilet/
  6. When we hosted a family picnic at our campsite, Dave's sister was amazed at how little water our toilet needed when flushing. Wouldn't it be nice if we could plumb those toilets into residential plumbing? Linda
  7. Maybe just the feeling we all have when about to embark on something new? If so, heading out will make it go away. Linda
  8. Years ago we rented an RV from a dealer for a 3-week vacation and when we brought it back they said no one had ever brought one back so clean. Linda Sand
  9. Covid changed the way a lot of things get done now. We like the appointment system in Minnesota but we are no longer on the road. You used to have to arrive, pick a number, then wait a couple hours for your number to come up. Now you arrive at appointment time and are seen quickly. Much less stress for me. Linda
  10. The things we learn to consider as we age. Linda
  11. I certainly would want it done. Would you want your house to be in someone else's name? Or to still be responsible for someone else's house? Linda
  12. Welcome! You will do well. I hope other classmates join you. Linda Sand Class of 2008
  13. That sounds like an excellent start! Hope it continues that way for you. Linda
  14. Are you worried about choosing the right rig for you? Mechanical problems? Safety on the road? Ability to drive/park a rig? Finding people to camp with? Give us some clues, please. We'd like you to enjoy your journey as much as we all have so will do what we can to help you. Linda Sand
  15. What I know is that you are to raise the flag all the way up then lower it to half mast--not just raise it to half mast.
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