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Everything posted by NDBirdman

  1. I don't know a single person with that attitude. Every one I know is worried about it and is praying for a cure. Yes, there are morons that don't want to wear a mask, just avoid them. The idiots will eventually get weeded out.
  2. As posted on another forum: Therein lies the problem. The prisons are full of people with this attitude. That reply is out in left field. Whomever made that comment you quoted is correct. I feel the same way. Saying that, it is NOT mandated here, BUT we are smart enough to wear masks/social distance ourselves, it is OUR decision! When I see someone without a mask, I just don't go near them or associate with them, yes, I feel they are morons for not wearing one. Most stores have chosen to be mask only or stay out here, BUT AGAIN, is is OUR choice, not a socialist government telling us what to do. Mask wearing is slowing down the spread but the only way it is going to be stopped is the big pharmas coming out with immunization medication. This virus is here to stay, just like the flu, there's no stopping it, only controlling it. AGAIN, your comment just plain stinx! The prisons are full of people of because of BAD decisions, large percentage over/because of drugs/alcohol. Your comment sounds like you are saying because I live freely and make my own decisions in my life we belong in prison comrade??? Don't worry, I gave/dedicated 20 years of my life to ensure people like you are free to give their, albeit wrong, opinion....... Spew on....
  3. I have unlimited data plan on Verizon although it will occasionally slow down but not enough to bother me, much (my wife and I both have this service so we rarely get slowed down from one phone to the other). We use Amyzon alot so we joined amazon plus, shipping free mostly and lots of movies/shows to watch for free on prime video (well worth the prime charge whether you use their service or not). I watch youtube, netflix(pay), roku and peacock for free. Pandora works great for free radio, another free radio broadcast for rush limbough and hannity, and lots of other talk radio is also free. Even boon-docking way out in the sticks, we usually can get 2-3 over the air stations. Doc, I have not seen a wireless HDMI extender to eliminate the cable. What/where would I find one of those? I'd love to get ride of the HDMI cable! (I'm now going to go surf the interweb to see if I can find one). 🙂
  4. They do and I'm moving to dish also! It's already way too high for what you get.
  5. https://freecampsites.net/ https://www.usace.army.mil/Locations/ https://www.campgroundreviews.com/ https://www.rv-camping.org/blmcampgrounds/ Many more sites, google is your friend. I'd paste more but I'm on my way out the door. Have fun!
  6. Prefer a queen size in our RV and our SNB. Wife and I are of the bigger stature but prefer queen. Makes more room on each side in RV for bigger night-stand to hold both our CPAPs.
  7. About time they did. I left the service with crippling back pain caused by my job. I was able to prove it and have been on disability because of it (took me 10 yrs) but many are not and should be. My pain is always there making my days tolerable to some-days extremely painful to get up. I have learned to live with it and work around it but will have it the rest of my life.
  8. Yea, *I* am, and I have my wife's permission to say so.... LOL Every thing else is co-operation, she says and I does. I own pistols but don't carry any. I own lots of rifles and shot-guns, prefer the shot-gun for protection, legal in almost every state *Don't quote me... LOL* If the law says you can carry, with/without a permit, go for it. I don't need one, have bad carpel tunnel/arty-ritus so would end up dropping anywayz and arming the intruder.
  9. My virus checker warns that is a hacking site.... don't go there.... it will get your passwords to your online accounts...
  10. First, they do a big back split, and now their stock is dropping like a rock.... I'm expecting it to go up in smoke sometime soon. The only thing I've ever lost sooooo much value in is when I buy an expensive scotch and drink it, bottle is left empty/worthless, about like this stock.
  11. Welp, as title says, I winterized the camper and parked her for the winter. Wife says *nope*, we not going anywhere this fall/winter/spring. She hits too many of the age worries over this covid. Soooo, to pass the time and fill this cold seasons time, I have a new lathe fired up in the shop, learning to beat myself up on it... LOL, picked up a lot of grains/hops/yeast to brew up enough homebrew beer to keep the county buzzing. Started working on 3 antique tractors that will take a lot of work. My wife wants to know when I'm going to find the time to get her the yearly freezer full of venison sausage. Hmmmm, maybe I need to rething the winterizing and take the winter off somewhere..... I wish, I so want to be out of this winter cold. We've already been below freezing.
  12. I don't have a brand preference. I would not use any additives to your truck where you live, no need, won't gel. The biocide will help/kill the growth but it also loosens the stuff inside the tank. It can/will pass on through the fuel system into the fuel filters. I carry an extra fuel filter in this tractor for when it does clog up. Again, not needed in your truck unless you plan on letting that fuel sit for years.
  13. Diesel does not go bad I'm told by old farmers. I bought a tractor with a half full tank of diesel, left in it while it sat for 15 years. That is how long I had been trying to buy it, probably sat a lot longer. Pulled it out of the barn, new batteries/oil, filters, etc but left the old fuel in it without adding anything. It fired right up and is still running good on the 15yr old fuel. I did dump some biocide in as I'm willing to bet it has a lot of algae floating around in it. Many years I have parked my diesel trucks with full tanks and added nothing but anti-gel. Never had a problem other than batteries after sitting for 3-4 months. Unless your going to be driving below freezing alot, don't worry about it.
  14. Uh, WHAT?? Uhh... my memory is failing..... Every generation that comes along thinks *they* invented all this stuff... Old folks like us never had no fun, worked in the field, slept in separate rooms, ordered our kids from the sears catalog... LOL Yea, the stories I could tell ya, and I was one of the.... tame ones.
  15. Towards the end it is beets. I've done it, long days driving, little bit of rain turns it into a fun..... driving experience but well worth it. Lots of jobs during harvest, I've made quite a nice chunk of sugar in the past... LOL
  16. While there's a lot of things we miss not living in Phoenix for 6 years, the freaking heat is not one of them! 32 here last night but temps rose back up to the 50s. They are saying we will be hovering at night now in the upper 40s/lower 50s with a couple days coming we might hit 70. Love this time of year, can work without being covered in sweat.
  17. A good stain covering primer then paint, after the stain/water source is repaired/replaced.
  18. If your camper is not already set up for one/prepped, get a portable. I use mine for our camper but also use it around the place when I don't feel like running a miles worth of extension cords.
  19. Unless you plan to boondock on pavement, a 4x4 would be my only choice. I spent 12 years in the southwest and learned, albeit slow...., a 2x4 anywhere but pavement leads to a lot of digging. If you go that route, make sure you have some good tires, a good jack or 2, a couple good shovels, some tow-rope (for when a good samaritan stops by and gives you a tug out of your hole), etc. Also will note, a good 4x4 can get good and buried too! (Don't ask... LOL) Saying that, I've drove alot of tractor/trailers in sand/mud and a few other places without getting stuck but, when I did... whoa....... I will add, unless you think you will need extra torque on a small truck, I would avoid a diesel, in the long run, gas is easier on the pocket, especially when you get into servicing/repairs. Upkeep on my truck is not cheap.
  20. You did not say or I missed it. What part of the country do you want to buy in? Norf Dakoota land can be inexpensive and mostly RV friendly out of town. But, you don't want to winter here in an RV but spring/summer/fall is awesome. Getting a permanent lot to build up, is this for summer living, or winter living.
  21. It would not have been too bad if they had done a 2 or 4 back spit, but do the 12.... I called my broker and lost it. IF I had known they were going to do that, I would have sold it before hand. Not happy with them now but I'm stuck with a few of their shares now.
  22. My RAM 3500 has a back-up camera, I can put the ball under a trailer spot on every time. For my 5th wheel, I picked up a cheap wifi camera, put it on my tail-gate and hit my anderson hitch/ball spot on. When my loving wife gets involved.... it takes considerable time to hitch up.
  23. I have a Snap-on but it is not cheap. Have not broke any taps like I have the cheap stuff. I use mine 4-5 times a year now, used to use it alot when I worked as a mechanic. If I remember right, I paid ~$600 for mine, that was a good 15 yrs back. No idea what mine would run now.
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