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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. Make sure you are diversified because the days of putting all retirement into "conservative" investments and living off the interest are long gone.
  2. As far as an employer having rights to any work produced while working for them, you would need to look at your employment contract. It would be spelled out (in small print) somewhere in that contract, or by reference to some general publication of the company that no one reads, as to how intellectual property rights for things developed during your tenure at the company are to be treated. For something like a written story, etc., Copyright is yours the minute you publish it, whether you formally Copywrite it or not - but a lot easier to protect if you go through the steps to Copywrite it, which you can now do online.
  3. It isn't. The magnetic poles are important for the magnetic fields that surround the earth and allow life to exist here. Shifting magnetic north will affect how far south from North Pole the auroa borealis can be seen.
  4. Try this https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ato/service_units/techops/navservices/gnss/gps/howitworks/ to see how GPS works and go take an earth science class at a community college because what you think you learned is obviously not what you should have learned. Poles flipping takes a long period of time and as long as we have sufficient decaying transuranic elements at the core of the planet to keep iron molten and moving everything is ok. We the core goes cold the planet dies if the sun hasn't gone supernova first.
  5. The OTA broadcast has the commercials. That's what pays for them to be free. When you stream off of the network website, you see the exact same thing because you aren't paying NOT to see commercials.
  6. Passports also work for establishing citizenship. My mother never had a birth certificate, so she always kept her passport up to date.
  7. Lots of insurance companies require one to receive primary care in the area they serve. It is important to read and understand your coverage.
  8. How sad that one can not see the difference between hostile workplace treatment of another human being and the fussing of people who buy a house next to an existing airport.
  9. Zulu, does the ACA cover people who are on vacation, or do they have to immediately file a change of address when they arrive at Disney World? If one is traveling, and millions of people on all types of health insurance do, and one becomes ill, one does not schedule a cross-country jaunt that day to find out of the ankle is broken or severely sprained. Usually a stop at an urgent care clinic or an ER is in order, and they will all take insurance payments from people visiting from all over the country. Now, if one designates a primary care physician and has numerous visits with them outside of the coverage area for that insurance, then yes, the insurance company will flag that and probably refuse to cover it. So when applying for the insurance, one should be in the area where they want to have a primary care physician.
  10. We used our voters registration card as one of the address card, along with a copy of our insurance on the motorhome. You could also use cell phone monthly statement (print online one) or DirectTV/Dish, etc. Used passport for citizenship proof. Don't make it overly complicated. Are you renewing by mail and not online because you have to do the certification for the Class B (A?) license?
  11. Kirk, in 1913-1923 years, the Livery Stable in Dotson, Montana that my grandfather jointly owned with a friend slowly become the repair place - - started fixed broken wheels/tires and expanded until hard times hit on the prairies. That's how things evolved, businesses seeing a need and figuring out how to provide service.
  12. Do you have some links to those reports. Here's one about this past summer: https://www.nbcnews.com/science/environment/northern-hemisphere-summer-was-hottest-record-scientists-say-n1240049 You might want to go look at NOAA's website for some verifiable information. Just saying ....
  13. As everyone is noticing, their limits are really designed for people who are fueling up cars and pickups for normal daily traveling. We normally fuel up the motorhome at 1/2 a tank (about 50 gallons) and that will run between $150-$200 or more depending upon which state we are in. Now it could be a couple of weeks or more between fueling, or if we are doing several days travel in a row, then it might be every other day, or back-to-back days when we fuel before pulling into our overnight stop so we can head out in the morning.
  14. Knew Gas Buddy has the card, but the limits are useless when you are talking about summer driving with the motorhome, and in the winter I use which every supermarket gas station has points about to expire from using my app at their store.
  15. Wait until people see the increase in insurance costs for homes because of all of the property damage last winter during the big freeze. Not to mention usual tropical storms doing damage all along the cost and tornadoes/thunderstorms with hail in the interior of the state.
  16. When you have no state income tax, then property taxes become very high in order to make up the shortage for schools, etc. People want services and these things must be paid.
  17. Why would anyone go south from SLC to pick up I-40, when they can pick up I-80 and head west right out of the driveway? Please tell us that was a typo.
  18. Why shouldn't people in ALL states driving these huge potential energy down the highways have to show they can handle them? It was a 20 minute driving test, nothing complicated, and knowing it was coming up made me take time before hand to make sure I hadn't gotten sloppy in using my side mirrors, in my turns, etc. Anything over a weight of 26,000 lbs is a lot of potential energy that can KILL.
  19. Albertsons/Safeway company also does this with their loyalty card program. I alternate between shopping at the two and during the winter only fill up when one set of points is about to expired. With just the two of use, we don't go through huge amounts of food, but the 2x and 4x specials can make a difference. And the Safeway near us remodeled the layout of their fuel station adding diesel pumps and a great in and out for a motorhome. We do a final fill there before putting the motorhome to bed for the winter.
  20. Plus downturns are buying opportunities.
  21. We had lived in Texas for 5 years before retiring, but I really didn't want to make my daughter responsible for receiving our mail and forwarding it, plus her husband was still in graduate school and they moved and changed apartments every 18 months or so. And yes, they were (still are) in Texas.
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