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  1. Yea, I had problems with it a few days ago. Haven't tried again since. Don't know who to notify that it seems to be broken. May just do a new topic. Didn't need to Worked today. Thanks to who ever fixed. Rod
  2. I agree. I hate it that some Dr.'s offices seem to think "Texting" is the way to communicate. I also dislike when they leave potentially HIPAA related information in a voice mail. Any business if calling should only leave the name of the person calling, the business name and the phone number. Anything else is useless unless it's a question that has already been established and a simple yes or no type answer is expected. Of course if they don't leave a message they don't get a call back. If it's a Dr.'s office I have no problem calling every couple hours if they haven't responded to a question from a prior call. Rod
  3. Not actually on the truck, but similar size and number of tires. I tried to upload a photo but the link must be broken. It just sits and spins. Anyone have an old Porter Cable pancake compressor? I've had mine since I lived in South Florida many years ago. Just used it to air up the tires on my trailer after putting the "Cross Fires" back on last month. The indicator said 10lbs low so I set the output to 110psi and clicked on the locking "Chuck" after allowing the tank to fill to 120psi. It only takes a few seconds for the compressor to kick back in and a few minutes (but less than I expected) for the compressor to shut off again. Now have the appropriate color in the viewer on all 4 sets of duals. Will hit the truck tires tomorrow after allowing the compressor to rest for a day. All in all it took less than an hour. It would take the guys at the "Tire Shop" over 1/2 hour to do them it seemed so I will continue to use the little Porter Cable for this. I won't try to set a bead with it or do a full inflation from flat. Rod
  4. Oh, I really thought about that, but it's not my house and my daughter is only renting a bedroom and use of the common areas right now. The owner won't be back for several more days to see what was done, the parts list and how long it took to finish the job. Haven't gotten a "It's leaking" message for two days now so maybe this one is fixed for now. Thanks for the suggestion. Rod
  5. David answered a forwarded message from one of my other contacts. He reset something and hopefully it's all fixed. Rod
  6. Was hoping Vern would chime in. I couldn't find a photo of his rig either, but knew in my mind what it looked like. Rod
  7. Thanks for the reply. I will still be living in my trailer, but it won't be on the road. How does that work with your Motorhome? I'd think if you were not living in it you would just be storing. Not sure is the same would apply to my situation as the truck and trailer are sort of a package as far as the current insurance policy. Things to think about and ask the agents of both. Thanks again, Rod
  8. Used the words in the title to search and got a lot of info about Vehicle's but none about the topic I was looking for. Maybe should have put all in quotes, eh? Anyway, reading the forum and insurance renewals I contacted the person suggested by a few in Florida. I have commented on that post how it's gone so far. I decided I needed to find the exact day I'd loose insurance if I chose to go with a new company and also to inquire why I'd had such a raise in premiums. I'd forgotten I am still paying insurance on Two Trucks. Out of sight out of mind I guess. I got a very pleasant person on the phone who was pretty helpful. I still hadn't received my actual bill, but now know it will come in two days and I know the exact day in which I need to call with a CC number to do a renewal if I don't change policies. But what I found out also is something I wish I'd thought to ask MANY MANY years ago. Instead of not insuring completely the old Truck I decided to inquire on "Storage" insurance. Covers Comp and Theft. Then I had the wild idea of if I can put that truck in "Storage" Why not the other one too and only have full insurance during the time it's actually on the road and the agent said fine, just call us and let us know when it's in storage and when it's on the road. I think I remember my parents doing a similar thing "on the Farm" with grain hauling trucks that were used only once a year. Don't know why I'd never thought of it for my HDT that really only gets used a couple times a year. (Or Did). With my Semi Retirement I may move around more often. Of course the agent couldn't tell me how much the premium would differ and maybe it wouldn't be worth it. Especially if one forgot to take a vehicle out of storage and got in an accident the one day it was driven. Anyone do such a thing? Rod
  9. Thanks for the update, is this on a Land Line or Cell phone for you? Before she passed, my Mom would get all kinds of calls on her "Land Line", so many in fact if if the Caller ID didn't say a name that she recognized she would let the answering machine take the calls. She would then sometimes play them for me if they happened to leave a message. Most of them didn't. So far I've not encountered many fraudulent calls. I don't answer my phone if one of my contacts doesn't show up on the screen most of the time, but with my recent change in phone numbers. I have had to answer at times if I've left a message for a return call and don't remember to enter the contact into the list. I also make sure I don't use the word "Yes" very often and will expand that to other affirmative words in the future turning it into a Question instead of an answer. Rod
  10. Could be a long story so beware. It all started one afternoon when my daughters friend called about a water bill issue. She said the bill had gone up significantly and she had no reason that she could think of. I reminded her of the "Sprinkler" system being on when I arrived a few weeks ago, but she said it was only for a day before I turned it off. My next suggestion was to put a food dye in the toilet tanks to see if one of them had a leaky "Flapper" valve. A few days go by and finally my daughter calls to report the toilet in her bathroom in fact has dye in the bowl a couple hours after she put dye in the tank. I said fine, I will be over tomorrow and fix the "Flapper". Tomorrow would have been last Friday and today is the following Tuesday. So almost a year ago Anna (my daughter Francesca's friend) bought a house and is renting out bedrooms for Francesca and another friend Theresa. Francesca had a conference to attend just about the time of closing and unfortunately or maybe fortunately a storm came through the area and I suggested to Anna to have them reinspect the roof for damage before the closing. Of course damage was found and an new roof was needed. The problem was Francesca was not going to be present for "Moving Day". I was the first person to sleep in the house after closing and Anna and many of her, Francesca and Theresa's friends came over to move every one from two locations to One. Theresa had already moved things into Anna's spare bedroom in the duplex she had been renting, so at least it wasn't three locations. The move went pretty well for a bunch of "Grad Students". I noticed a few things that apparently the "Home inspector" didn't mention and instead of the inspector coming back to fix things he missed I would do it. Repair of the gate to the back yard came first. Filling a void in the brick façade from settling of the slab was next after a consultation from a " Bricklayer" I've known almost all my life. A couple electrical outlet replacements (GFCI type). Taught Anna and a friend on the safe way to preform changes. Help with other projects that Anna has asked for help on and sort of keeping the lawn mown. All of those projects went well. Then the toilet call. Francesca commented that the inside of the tank looked "different", I didn't imagine it would look like it did. What, no rubber flapping valve. How does this thing work? I guess that sleeve slides up to release the water and then seals back down. I noticed the stuff in the tank and thought it might have gotten on the seal, so the first thing I did was to clean around the gasket surfaces. I thought it worked, but 3 hours later the bowl was showing signs of dye again. So after a short search I found the local "Home Depot" carries the "Mansfield" brand and I make my first trip. I pick up the box to the left in the photo. I should have opened the box while there, but it was "Taped" shut so I didn't until I had purchased it. When I got to the Jeep it looked like what I needed and like most guys I did not read the instructions until I got to the part of actually installing. Of course it said you have to remove the "Tank" to install. Did I pick up the "Package" on the right of the photo with the other one on the left on my trip to the Home Depot. NO I DID NOT!! So what did I do? Went to the local Ace Hardware and asked if they had Mansfield Toilet Tank Bolts, Nope. They did sell me a set of Kohler with all the rubber washers and such. What could be different? Theresa was home and had suffered through several hours of having no water at the house. Yes I forgot about this part from my first trip to Home Depot, and here it is. So, I mentioned earlier about waiting 3 hours for the dye to come back into the bowl. I'd turned the water off at the wall under the toilet the first time I cleaned the gasket and such, but this time when I attempted to turn off the water, it continued to run so I decided while at the Home Depot getting the Mansfield part I'd also get a new valve, so I went to the street to turn off the water. There is an inside turn off, but again the "Home Inspector" failed to notice that it would not turn. That's a Plumbing nightmare I do not want to undertake. Anna at some point will have to call a "Real Plumber" for that. Anyway, there was no one at the Home Depot to provide any assistance and I picked up what I thought was the right replacement hose. Nope, "Shark Bite" for PEX and I had Copper. Then the next problem, couldn't get the "Ferrell" to come off the pipe. Called Ace, they had no idea about a "Ferrell Puller". I could find them on Amazon right away, but if anyone reads my comments. I don't do Amazon. So a trip back to Home Depot to return the wrong hose and ask about a "Ferrell Puller". The "Assistant Manager" was at the "Returns" counter and had no idea what I was talking about, another guy was ending his day, but apparently worked in the "Plumbing" area and the "AM" asked him about it. "Nope, never heard of it. We won't have anything like that." The "AM" got on his phone and did a search and said "Yeah, I don't see anything on the website". So I went back to the Jeep to search the internet more. A "Home Depot" many miles away shows they have a puller, but they are closed (it's late Friday now.) So I decide to go back into the store. Look what I found. And it worked like a charm. Got the Ferrell off, new valve (bought at Ace) and the water turned back on. Told Theresa The water is on and I'm done for the day. Told her about "Bucket Flushing" or just use Anna's bathroom. Saturday morning I go over and explain everything to Francesca telling her to remind me about this in the future if I ever say I can fix a toilet. She heads off to work at the If you are ever in Norman, you should check it out. Now back to your previously interrupted story. and I start the removal process of the Tank. Thankfully the new shut off valve is still working. I didn't mention that I tried not changing out the "Ferrell" and of course it leaked Friday afternoon when Theresa got home. I'd been waiting on someone to come home so I could go out to the street to turn on the water while someone was watching the valve for a leak. Of course it leaked and that's when the late Friday trip to Home Depot was required. I'll try to stay on subject, but has anyone ever noticed how messed up the traffic patterns in Oklahoma are? And they are just making them worse with "Traffic Circles" and "Diverging Diamonds". The Traffic lights also don't have a pattern. Some days if you are in the left turn lane you wait till the end of the cycle for the turn light and then other days it's at the start. For me it's infuriating. Anyway, I take the tank off, use the Ace Hardware Tank bolts and put everything back together. Works fine so it seems. Get a text later that there is a "Leak" and Francesca has noticed drips on the floor after flushing the toilet. I'm at home and do a bit more "YouTube" searching and find that there are actually "Mansfield Specific" Toilet Tank bolts and washers. Make a trip back the Home Depot and several feet away from the "Flapper" repair kit is a kit with new tank bolts and tank to bowl gasket. Why couldn't they include them with the kit or at least position them side by side so one would think about needing both for the repair? Almost done I think. Nope. The warning "Don't overtighten at risk of cracking the porcelain" was heeded too well it seems. I was also just using my "Eye" to determine "Level" and not an actual level for a bit. (Until Francesca said "why not use a level"). It took three more trips to the house. I'd think it was fine and then I'd get a text of drips. I finally said I'm just going to keep tightening it until it either stops leaking or I break the toilet and then I will have to replace it. The last tightening I left the wrench on the counter thinking I'd be back but thankfully it hasn't leaked since. I've told Francesca and Theresa if they ever buy a home and it has "Mansfield" toilets. Make sure they are changed out before closing day. I also suggest letting me come and follow around the inspector if they choose to have a "Professional" inspection done. (I have a Nephew who has done it for a few years now, first in Florida and now I think he is in Hawaii again." He also did Professional Moving in Des Moines, IA for several years.) So I think this is the end of this story. We had major weather last night both North and South of Norman. Thankfully my Home on wheels is still safe. I'm here for another few weeks and then in Iowa for a bit. Rod
  11. Congrats on the new stuff. Hope to see you at the National Rally in October. Rod
  12. I called and spoke with Nicci who was glad to hear the HDT folks are sharing. The quote came back quickly and initially I thought it was very good until she said the NADA would only value my Trailer at $50K at max. I'd never be able to replace it for that amount. Spacecraft I think will send a letter of value that I will share, but who knows what that will do to the "Reasonable" quote. Now the waiting game till late May when I'll get my next annual bill. Rod
  13. The Possum Belly (as Spacecraft calls it, basement to me.) Is open from in front of the axle to the front jacks. Not insulated on the sides or floor and that's where the water tank lives and most of the plumbing. So far I've gotten by with a "Milk House Heater" where the pump and most of the exposed plumbing is with only two freeze ups that thankfully caused no damage. If I put a large battery bank there I will need to be sure it doesn't get cold enough to cause an issue. Last fall I reconnected a thermostat to the Gas Furnace and used it during the coldest days to keep the area warm. Had no protection from the North winds where I parked. I did have my second freeze up even with that, but I didn't put the heat tape on the exposed pipes like I have before and that may have been the issue. Keeping the basement warm in the winter will help with the living area floors. I will try to insulate at least the doors and hopefully the floor. I could do skirting, but putting it up and then taking it down it doesn't last very long and is a pain. Rod
  14. Yea, I looked on my limited access and didn't find anything. I will keep looking though. Rod
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