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  1. I called and spoke with Nicci who was glad to hear the HDT folks are sharing. The quote came back quickly and initially I thought it was very good until she said the NADA would only value my Trailer at $50K at max. I'd never be able to replace it for that amount. Spacecraft I think will send a letter of value that I will share, but who knows what that will do to the "Reasonable" quote. Now the waiting game till late May when I'll get my next annual bill. Rod
  2. The Possum Belly (as Spacecraft calls it, basement to me.) Is open from in front of the axle to the front jacks. Not insulated on the sides or floor and that's where the water tank lives and most of the plumbing. So far I've gotten by with a "Milk House Heater" where the pump and most of the exposed plumbing is with only two freeze ups that thankfully caused no damage. If I put a large battery bank there I will need to be sure it doesn't get cold enough to cause an issue. Last fall I reconnected a thermostat to the Gas Furnace and used it during the coldest days to keep the area warm. Had no protection from the North winds where I parked. I did have my second freeze up even with that, but I didn't put the heat tape on the exposed pipes like I have before and that may have been the issue. Keeping the basement warm in the winter will help with the living area floors. I will try to insulate at least the doors and hopefully the floor. I could do skirting, but putting it up and then taking it down it doesn't last very long and is a pain. Rod
  3. Yea, I looked on my limited access and didn't find anything. I will keep looking though. Rod
  4. I think the mounting arm is the failure point and if you remove it from the install I would think you would be fine. Do take the mounting bolts out of the bracket and ensure they are "Machine" thread and not a "Wood Screw" type. Apply a bit of Locktite and monitor it. You could put a 25lb weight on it and take it for a spin to see if anything loosens up while on the road. Depending on what season you plan to use it most would be my biggest location concern. You want it above you if you plan on mostly hot weather use and below you if it's mostly cold weather. I guess in the middle if you want to use for both but, make sure you can tolerate if it's "Blowing" directly on someone who is trying to sleep in front of the outlet. Noise from the ODU is also a potential issue I didn't take into consideration when having the upgrade HVAC install several years ago. The ODU still is TOO NOISY at times and soon I'll have to turn the IDU in the living area off because even with the temperature set to my comfort level in that area if the kitchen wants more cooling it transfers that desire to my desk. So far I haven't figured out how to keep the super cold chill from going down my neck. Rod
  5. And if you really don't use FB you see nothing. I check this site daily to review the "Unread Content" it's simple to go through follow up on new things and ignore the few things I have little interest in. "Mark site Read" until the next visit. Rod
  6. It just says "Heat Pump" and from the looks of the photo, that's all it is. Way too expensive also. Agree. The LG unit I have works very well so far. I think most of the ones installed by Spacecraft and maybe even New Horizions have worked well too. I wouldn't go for the Cassettes that mount on the roof. The low flow unit mounted at the far end (Garage) of my home will keep me warm and cool without the 9000btu unit I have in the "Living area". In fact I often times have to turn it off since it's right beside my desk and will give me a chill sometimes with the air blowing directly on me. Am going it inquire about relocating it to the "Basement" with the Solar lithium battery conversion for full time off grid attempt I hope to do one day. Rod
  7. Yeah, I found that out after posting but didn't come back to edit. I did get a response from my other email and if anyone has David Dixon's email address ( I do but not sure why I cannot locate it.) You could send him an email. I did send one to the HDT email address I have, but no response to it yet. Did get a big surprise from the email and if anyone else is in on it, PM me I'd like to send a gift. Rod
  8. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FNationalhdtrally.org%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0mJDUkxHId0eaZ0N818G1l-YM2V2Y24gyK3CCSk7Hdq8m3YfNLjv5gFBw_aem_Ac012TNCHsO58iCboyrrK8gT86-OVcrvM39JkM4A9ILazG4TipvHkMStbN_p3S2_7lLiDHZ5Pq3estPH7EagAygA&h=AT3gFfFiFYWz7PnIjbgqWOl8MbdH_6fnqJPuaj6LdEHsu7ZQwVYdjn9nZ8gk3bWyrn3qTWgEPiNGh4i_3eJIMr6SBbSWIp9ZzqJW9mTrNU1KQZM9jWX4bV8IbP36fbef_wKnfj2yUWNyidoQWk2Y&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT0yG_PBpIU6Z83y0MR3C3q5QRYBcaBEAILQufnvEA5Ttq-w5NOZrCi25rGklSCXQRMRYSHRuwfZCbmAyZxLLRAqFCrTylMi5Ns-55ReI6a9CnXcx7iVU30Bma9AKWha0CutdKwMZpaDRMQmwVIjajvGUd-TgLYH2lfRa-1tlJiaCDbj1ceIFybzlU4-t2s FB Page?
  9. Do you remember seeing Steve's rig at the HDT Rally? He has a older 2 door jeep on a bit of a ramp, as others here have also done. I missed seeing him winch it up after the rally, but saw him tie some things down after it was up there. Here is a link to his FB group, you might see photos there. Rod https://www.facebook.com/groups/163040000390459/user/1083517645/
  10. So you have been paying a company for a while who wouldn't do what you expected you paid for. Why run that risk again? Mobile mechanics or towing companies are available when you need them and you know they will at least do what you pay them to do at the time. JMHO Rod
  11. That's sad to hear. Wonder what's happening this year? Anyone on the Facebook page put a comment there? I don't think Steve visits here very often and haven't seen him post in a long time. His counter shows 5 posts. Rod ps. Sent an email to some folks that may be able to help. I'll report back if I get an answer. rl
  12. Kirk, I think you gave the answer in the rest of your comment. I don't do Facebook like I used to and don't want to get back to that addiction, so I'm not the answer. Apparently you do participate on Facebook too. How often do you remind them of the rvnetwork.com? The HDT Rally was a big activity stimulator when I first started here and it's mostly gone to Facebook. Every year I try to remind the promoter, organizer or head honcho that some of us don't do Facebook, but come to the Rally still. I get "oh yeah, I keep forgetting about the forum". Rod
  13. But do they participate on this forum? That's the big question about how long the forum will continue to exist. I have visited a Forum for VehiCross owners that used to be very active. There is nothing on it now except for a ad for something useless on repeat. It's the only new thing and I've tried asking questions and posting but there have been few if any responses. I don't even check it any more. Rod
  14. My Uncle many many years ago said he had aggressive water that attacked his copper piping after he replumb a house I grew up in. Had to go to some sort of plastic for it to last. Have no idea what it was when I lived there till I was maybe 10. I'd not use JB Weld or a patch. If you can "un-sweat" the solder joint and then put another elbow in it's place, that would be the best, but first find out what's causing the Blowout. Is something rubbing on the outside to cause a weak spot? Photos may help the more handy members of this forum. Rod
  15. That was a great plan. I don't have that type of "Family" members. Congratulations. Rod
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