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Thanks Bob and Molly for the advice. Sorry to make you shiver. Just sharing the misery as the North wind, rain as the fun continues.


"So y'all pack on up and head down South....we can't wait to see you.....we'll be the ones wearing the Flip-flops!! "


Now you know they used to call that footwear "Thongs". I have slipped up on this change of word meanings and gotten real howls from the grandkids. Sorta changes the image doesn't it. :unsure:

Leland & Cathy

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"Thongs". I have slipped up on this change of word meanings and gotten real howls from the grandkids. Sorta changes the image doesn't it. smile.gif



That would depend on who had them on!!!!

Chasing the 70's

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I may not know what town I will be sleeping in,

But I know I'll be sleeping in MY bed.

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We arrived in Richmond, VA early this afternoon, and after 2 nights in Wally parking lots we were happy to pull into the Elks and find our favorite spot empty. Howie barely had the jacks down when I dropped into bed for a quick nap. An hour later, I was going through my email and about to answer one from Molly & Bob, when Howie spied a familiar looking green MH pulling around the corner. Yep, it was Bob & Molly Pinner! :P We just left them 3 days ago in Celina. How cool is that!!!! :o

Wonder where we are going for dinner?????

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We left Ft Huachuca this AM, headed back to Tucson, but I made a wrong/different turn when we hit I-10. We wound up at Saguaro Co-Op in Benson. We will head to Tucson tomorrow, "maybe"....

Chasing the 70's

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I may not know what town I will be sleeping in,

But I know I'll be sleeping in MY bed.

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Hey Joe are you two going to stop in here again? Hope so.


Ordered the parts from NU-WA to repair damage from tire blowout. Parts plus shipping is cheaper than our deductible will arrive in a week.

still shopping for tires will probably get at sams club ,thanks Howie.


Went looking for my flip- flops but found Thongs instead, such is life.


LeLand & Cathy gey out of there before its to late (please)


Everyone stay safe out there.

David & Kathy 2007 hitchhiker LS 34.5 IKTG

2007 Dodge 3500


Class of 2007






A true friend is one who knows your faults and still wants to be your friend

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So much concern. It's touching really. Some friends from town are going skiing up at Big Sky for a week and offered us their house as a refuge if we needed it. I said I'd keep that as the backup plan but I have no doubt that we'll be good.


We will probably hit the road Monday. Looking forward to weather for both flip flops and thongs..... Not on me of course! Don't be silly.

Leland & Cathy

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If you need help with the repairs let me know.



Yes we plan on coming there Friday, (so the etch a sketch) says.


Tomorrow the casino, Friday DM, Sunday to my aunts. A couple days there then we start "meandering" towards Vegas. Kids will be in Vegas on the 26th so we should have plenty time if I don't make too many wrong turns.




I put they plane together yesterday, and today I've been building a box to keep it in. Still haven't got it in the air yet, but that time is getting closer....

Chasing the 70's

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I may not know what town I will be sleeping in,

But I know I'll be sleeping in MY bed.

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Norah...we all know why that green MH is following you around. ;) Bob will you tell your MH to stop stalking them?


I am not touching the flip flop/thong conversation with a 10 ft pole...I only see it going down hill really fast.


Well Cary I am glad you made it to Junction City and landed among friends....this will have to be your regular stopping point now and pretty soon you'll be having an annual lunch with the repair guy.


Dave & Kathy I am glad you can fix this yourself. (with Joe's help of course!!!!)

Ron & Linda

Class of 2007
2000 Monaco Diplomat

2005 Honda Element

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are" Theodore Roosevelt

"We can't control the wind, but we can adjust our sail"

"When man gave up his freedom to roam the earth, he gave up his soul for a conditioned ego that is bound by time and the fear of losing its attachments."

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Hi Guys


Been a while since I have read the forum. Howie and Norah, we will be around the CA and AZ area for a while. We are currently in Santa Paula, CA helping Pamela's Aunt and Uncle. Uncle Billy was diagnosed with esophageal cancer and is going through chemo and radiation. It seem we are in a time where we are going around helping family members through tough times. Hope someone better than me is available when I need help.


Joe, don't you love insurance companies.


Cary, glad you are back on the forum.



Jones the Beagle

2001 Int'l 4700LP

2005 Travel Supreme 40RLTS

2006 Honda CRV

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Joe, don't you love insurance companies


Hey Tony, it is good to see you posting again and I hope all is good there.


Yes I love them insurance companies. I ask for a "cash" settlement yesterday and they rejected it, so I guess it will go into another shop, (I'll pick it this time) and have ANOTHER roof put on it. The last shop's insurance will be paying this bill. I wish they would have given me a cash option back in March of 08, we wouldn't have been displaced from our home for 20 days, (so far) but then the two shops wouldn't have made about $8K EACH.


OH WELL life goes on,....

Chasing the 70's

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I may not know what town I will be sleeping in,

But I know I'll be sleeping in MY bed.

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Linda....look out...you might see us coming into the Rufuge next!!! You just never know where we might show up!! :unsure:


Tony and Pam...it's sure good to hear from you! I would love to see you model the "Nurse's Uniform" one more time!


By the way, for all of you Cactus Queen Alumni, we did indeed, watch that Video around the Campfire in Celina one night!!! I honestly believe we could make some more money for CARE if we played that darn thing and charged admission!!! Thanks for the memories guys!!! It was neat to watch it around the roaring fire with so many who were there in Casa Grande for all the fun with us!! And a huge thank you to Rick Traver for preserving those memories forever on DVD!! :D (Bob threatens to destroy it every time we play it, but I just remind him that there are many copies floating around out there!! :))


One thing is certain, when a few of us gather, there's always a good time in store!!!


It was great seeing so many of you in Celina....we've been "hopscotching" around the East coast with Norah and Howie since early summer....we sure will miss them as we head off in different directions!


Leland...are you guys headed to warmer climes yet???


Joe....I think your roof is Jinxed..sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble. Maybe you should head to Elkhart??????? Hope we can see you in South Texas this winter!


Big hugs to everyone!!! Y'all travel safe!


Bob and Molly

Two drifters...off to see the world....
SKP #73997

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Joe....I think your roof is Jinxed..sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble. Maybe you should head to Elkhart??????? Hope we can see you in South Texas this winter!


I think the insurance company thinks so too.



We pulled into Davis Monthan Air force Base FamCamp today and were greeted by David and Kathy. They put on another feast tonight with a few of their friends here (and us). It was a very enjoyable evening telling stories, eating, throwing bean bags, and sipping from the "MARGARATOR".


We all had so much fun we decided to do it again tomorrow night......

Chasing the 70's

You can follow us using My link

I may not know what town I will be sleeping in,

But I know I'll be sleeping in MY bed.

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Molly..you guys ( and everyone else)come on, there are campgrounds near by for sure. We can hit the casinos in Biloxi..or just see what Jimmy Buffett has done with all the property he has bought there. Besides I know Bob would be in heaven with shrimp fresh off the boats down there.


Yesterday we hit the National Quilt Musuem in Paducah, Ky. today Ron got to choose and we went to the Loretta Lynn Ranch, House & musuem. That is one great singer but that girl never met a knick knack she didn't like or keep!!!!!

The museum takes a long time, the house less, however the kitchen is straight out of the 70's remember the Crisco commercials????? Since we are in Camden TN at the state park we also wondered out into the country and found the Patsy Cline memorial. Its actaully where the plane crashed....certainly a Nick Rusasell adventure for sure.


Tomorrow we are off looking for much warmer weather..it never got above 55 here today BRGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!


Rick..remember how I said we were so lucky about leaks..that will teach me to bite my tongue. Seems we have a spot in the rear where water blew up from the highway. So we have a damp spot iin th back corner on the floor in the cabinet.

Ron has found the source..now we just have to figure out a fix. It better stop raining here soon!!!!

Ron & Linda

Class of 2007
2000 Monaco Diplomat

2005 Honda Element

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are" Theodore Roosevelt

"We can't control the wind, but we can adjust our sail"

"When man gave up his freedom to roam the earth, he gave up his soul for a conditioned ego that is bound by time and the fear of losing its attachments."

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Tomorrow we are off looking for much warmer weather..it never got above 55 here today BRGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!



I am sorry, I am laughing and rolling around on the floor. Partly because of the perspective you have on Cold at 55, partly to keep warm. Heck it never got above freezing here the last two or three days. Tomorrow, along with 3 inches of snow it is supposed to get up to 34. Wow, above freezing.


We're not here to be macho, we were here for good reasons which have now all expired so we head out Monday a.m.


Leland & Cathy

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I only post such nonsense to give Leland & R.J. a really good laugh :P Its all about perspective...55 & sunny would be no big deal... heck even 30 & snow would be okay. 55 & RAIN for a week (Did I tell you frogs have been drowning here) gets in me old bones and makes me creaky. :o At least it will warm up as we drive farther south in the rain the next couple days.


Now of course Leland has the good sense to head south whats keeping you up North R.J. ?????? Aren't your 6 months north of the border up yet buddy?

Ron & Linda

Class of 2007
2000 Monaco Diplomat

2005 Honda Element

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are" Theodore Roosevelt

"We can't control the wind, but we can adjust our sail"

"When man gave up his freedom to roam the earth, he gave up his soul for a conditioned ego that is bound by time and the fear of losing its attachments."

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