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New Draconian pet regulations

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On August 1st, the CDC is bringing in draconian new dog regulations with regards to rabies that is going to make it very difficult for Canadians to cross into the US with their dogs and for Americans to transit Canada to Alaska, It also puts those traveling to Mexico at risk of not being able to get their dog back into the US.

It is a serious threat to our business which is RV Caravans to Mexico and other companies running ones to Alaska. It is creating issues w1th dog rescues, musher organizations and dog shows.

I have been working with a few organizations like pet rescues to try and figure out these new rules and I am finding out more each day. I have also been in touch with the CDC.

If these new rules are not modified I suspect chaos will break out after Aug 1st and the tourism economy on both sides of the border will be seriously affected.

I have a web page with all of this and I am sure it is not 100% accurate, but it is dated and I am updating and/or correcting as i find out more information.


Paul Beddows

Summer-Abbotsford BC, Winter Jalisco Mexico

Co-Founder of NATCOA

Wagon Master for Caravanas de Mexico RV Caravans

2010 Majestic Class C


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Posted (edited)

This has serious implication's for those with dogs already in Mexico, unless you can get it into the US before Aug 1st and have it re-vaccinated by a USDA vet if it has not already been done so. You also require a Chip. I do have have a contact in San Carlos who can do the chipping.

It is also going to make it very difficult for Canadians to cross into the US with their dogs and for Americans to transit Canada to Alaska. It  puts those traveling to Mexico at risk of not being able to get their dog back into the US.

It is a serious threat to our business which is RV Caravans to Mexico and other companies running ones to Alaska. It is creating issues with dog rescues, musher organizations and dog shows.

I have been working with a few organizations like pet rescues to try and figure out these new rules and I am finding out more each day. I have also been in touch with the CDC.

If it remains as is, the tourist economies of both Canada and the US will be seriously affected.


As for Mexico you will have to find a government vet (one with a gov.mx email). Good luck with that.

I have a web page with all of this and I am sure it is not 100% accurate, but it is dated and I am daily updating and/or correcting as i find out more information.


Edited by telcoman

Paul Beddows

Summer-Abbotsford BC, Winter Jalisco Mexico

Co-Founder of NATCOA

Wagon Master for Caravanas de Mexico RV Caravans

2010 Majestic Class C


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We have CHIPPED our dogs since they became available.  Responsible pet owners will want their pets chipped.  I hardly consider it a bad law.


Amateur radio operator, 2023 Cougar 22MLS, 2022 F150 Lariat 4x4 Off Road, Sport trim <br />Travel with 1 miniature schnauzer, 1 standard schnauzer and one African Gray parrot

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Posted (edited)

The chipping is not the issue, its all the paperwork you now need to complete to get your dog across the northern or southern borders and back again. You also have to revaccinate your already vaccinated dog if you want to do that, with a USDA vet. Considering all 3 countries are considered rabies free, its ridiculous. For example if your dog was vaccinated by a non USDA vet as most are and you go into Canada, you will now have to fill out  a form and have it stamped and signed by a CFIA (Canada Food Inspection Agency) vet in Canada to get your dog back into the  US. There are only about 100 of those in the entire country, and if you can find one it will cost you. If you cross into mexico you need a vet that works for the Mexican government who has a gov.mx email address.  Only one of those in Baja for eg.  I have spoken to USDA vets, The CFIA and the border services and they are all confused about all of this. It will be a mess. 

Edited by telcoman

Paul Beddows

Summer-Abbotsford BC, Winter Jalisco Mexico

Co-Founder of NATCOA

Wagon Master for Caravanas de Mexico RV Caravans

2010 Majestic Class C


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As of 5-23-24 (more than a week after the CDC announcement), front line CBP officers had no knowledge of these new CDC rules for importing dogs into the country.  There might be discussions happening higher up the chain; this will be difficult for front line CBP officers to manage due to the documentation, verification, including photographs of the dog(s), which the traveler needs to upload to the CDC website before crossing. I suspect this will be watered down for travelers before August 1st and more focus on the intended target group, the importers of rescue dogs from high risk countries.

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As part of a rescue group which gets dogs from outside the us, the issue is the accuracy of the papers from other countries. The new change may be an add on from the current refs which were changed just a few years ago (limited countries where documentation was trusted, and quarantine rules).

Our current personal pups are survivors of the meat trade and while their documents were good at the time, I did not trust they were real. 

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Posted (edited)

The big issue is the requirement for a government vet (USDA in US or CFIA in Canada) to sign off dogs NOT vaccinated in the US by a USDA certified vet (not all are), In Canada this means a CFIA vet of whom there are less than 100 in the entire country. I have spoken to them and they have said they will not be able to handle the volume. Mexico is worse, they simply will not deal with individual pet owners. .  This is alarming expats with dogs  who visit home, and dog rescues in Mexico.  

From Mulege (Baja) dog rescue"

"The CDC criteria for a licensed government veterinarian are that they: 1) Have a government email address (a personal or business/private practice one will be rejected), and 2) Have a government stamp/seal (required after signature for the document to be valid). Because the CDC wants this whole process to occur digitally, government licensed veterinarians are also supposed to use an electronic digital signature program such as DocuSign (creating yet another barrier). A wet signature will be accepted but at the time of writing, we have yet to receive response from CDC special Animal Imports department if a wet signed document scan and upload will be accepted, or if the original will need to be brought in by the person traveling with the dog. Mind you, all of this needs to happen in this 30 day window, and if not, the original exam will need to happen anew to reset the clock"

The only way around this is to go to the US and have your dog re-vaccinated before Aug 1 or go through that procedure afterwards. Many are rather alarmed at double vaccinating a dog unless the renewal is close to being due. This will potentially kill short term visits by Canadians that represents a lot of the economy of border states. Casinos, RV parks and related or dependent businesses. I am already seeing news reports in Canada of people canceling trips to the US this summer.  Add to that CBSA officials, (border personnel in Canada have just voted 97% to strike this summer, so that will also have an effect. If you are planning top transit Canada to Alaska this summer you had better prepare yourself.

I suspect this will be modified before or shortly after Aug 1st once the impact becomes obvious.



Edited by telcoman

Paul Beddows

Summer-Abbotsford BC, Winter Jalisco Mexico

Co-Founder of NATCOA

Wagon Master for Caravanas de Mexico RV Caravans

2010 Majestic Class C


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To me "draconian" was having quarantine and pay for the quarantine boarding of our dog for 6 months when we went to live in Scotland. However, the intent of this regulation is the same, to have the country be 100% rabies free. 

What's the saying? "The road to h*ll is paved with good intentions." In this case the intention is good because rabies is 100% preventable,  but like many things it seems it is also running afoul of the "Law of Unintended Consequences" and hopefully it will get sorted out.


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