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Wyoming enforcing Temporary vehicle registration fees


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I'm wondering where you got the information? I have checked with friends who still live in Cheyenne, WY and they have heard of no new regulations or enforcement efforts. That would be a limit of 4 months so it should still be of little problem to most seasonal workers. My suspicion is that if it is true, it is an effort aimed at the energy and construction workers who spend extended periods in the state. 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
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I think the question comes from recent articles that speak of Wyoming possibly enforcing some existing laws regarding vehicle registration for seasonal Yellowstone workers. 

Article 1 - Article 2 - Article 3 - Article 4

Susan & Trey Selman | email | HDT: '01 770 VED12 | 5er: '02 40' Travel Supreme RLTSOA | '16 Piaggio MP3 500 | '15 Smart Cabrio | Personal Blog | HHRV Resource Guide | HHRV Campgrounds | Recreation Vehicle Safety & Education Foundation |

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Kirk, On the DMV.org website says that after 120 days you are by law a resident. It also refers to Temporary workers employed less than 120 days having to purchase temporary registrations.

Trey, The articles you posted were part of what got me to submit the question. 

Thanks Gary 

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A number of years ago something similar raised it's ugly head in Myrtle Beach, SC. South Carolina wanted all the college, high school students, etc. that are seasonal employees to get SC. tags for the summer. The hotel, restaurant, and other seasonal places of employment told them that the seasonal workers wouldn't come under those conditions. Well several weeks later it evaporated very quickly.    

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6 hours ago, heritage60 said:

Kirk, On the DMV.org website says that after 120 days you are by law a resident. It also refers to Temporary workers employed less than 120 days having to purchase temporary registrations.

Trey, The articles you posted were part of what got me to submit the question. 

Thanks Gary 

So every 119 days spend 1 night out of Wyoming.  That would reset the clock.  

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22 minutes ago, Alie&Jim's Carrilite said:

So every 119 days spend 1 night out of Wyoming.  That would reset the clock.  


9 minutes ago, heritage60 said:

Resetting the clock might work to avoid lawfully becoming a resident but from day 1 to day 119 they want to charge you 50 dollars a month per vehicle for being a temporary worker. Thanks to all who participated in the discussion. 


The Wyoming Dot website references Work not physical presence in the state, so unless one was terminated and rehired, I doubt that the clock would be reset by a one day absence from the state.

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  • 11 months later...

can not say for wyoming.

but in ca, it is ten (yes 10) days. including weekends and holidays. then you must apply for a ca dl, and register all motor vehicles, trailers at ca's excessively high tax rates.  and yes there is a snitch program in force.

and yes all commercial tractors and trailers running out of state plates do have a ca dmv tax paper. and cal T number (another tax).

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