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Everything posted by Dutch_12078

  1. When the car makers reach full Level 5 capabilities, the manual driver controls will be removed and there will be no geo-fencing limiting where the vehicles can go. Waymo is currently operating a Level 4 self-driving taxi service in Arizona, where they've been testing autonomous cars without a safety driver in the seat for more than a year and over 10 million miles.
  2. This may be a little out of date, but I haven't found any changes. "Cheap U.S. gas: What's allowed when it comes to bringing extra fuel over the border?"
  3. Apparently Jim Park hasn't heard about laser filters for cameras and other applications. They're even available on eBay for a few dollars...
  4. As Linda said, Lidar is used to augment the cameras. As to airplanes, be aware that not all airports have air traffic controllers, some just part time, and some not at all. I've been on planes that had to use a certain microphone click sequence on a specific frequency to turn on the runway lights for night landings. Landing that is after buzzing the runway to make sure no critters were wandering around on it.
  5. That's another advantage of dedicated AI driven vehicles. They not only can learn from their own mistakes, but the corrections can also be sent to all other similar systems.
  6. And neither do humans of course... Then again, computers can have multiple redundancies built in for safety, while humans are stuck with "run what you brung".
  7. Scroll back up the thread. There are half a dozen or so posts about changing the APN.
  8. Probably the biggest safety advantages full level 5 self-driving vehicles would have is that the specialized AI's don't get distracted and can make decisions many times faster than humans. Ideally, in a fully self-driving world, the AI's will be able to communicate their intentions to each other. At least when not distracted by planning to take over the world...
  9. Battery and charging technology is improving on a fairly rapid basis, so I wouldn't rule anything out.
  10. Most/all states in the US have restrictions on phone use, usually only allowing hands free calls. Reading or texting is not allowed at all while driving. Obviously people do get away with it since the police can't be everywhere at once.
  11. Just a few minutes research would show there are a number of other charging options now with more to come.
  12. Yes, and as universal charging standards become common place along with the new battery developments, it will only get better. I think packnrat is a little out of touch...
  13. Nissan and NASA team up on 15-minute EV charging
  14. As I said "Usually...". The earth has been undergoing changes for eons, most so suitable we don't notice them within our lifetimes. Yes, a few of those changes are more dramatic and occur quickly, but in the overall scheme of life on earth, they are minor except to those more closely involved.
  15. True, but she usually works a lot slower changing it, giving humans more time to react. It's these rapid changes that are the most disrupting.
  16. I saw the same thing on the NY Thruway last week at the three service areas we passed. The price for regular was about 10 cents below the surrounding area rather than higher as it usually is. I do know the Thruway Authority does place some pricing limits on the contractors, but I don't know what they are currently. Doubling your fuel mileage is amazing! Great!
  17. Do you know if all the service plazas are managed by the same company? Their contract with the Turnpike Authority may place some controls on pricing.
  18. Not a lot to understand. Higher demand causes higher prices, higher prices cause lower demand, lower demand causes lower prices, lower prices causes higher demand. Rinse and repeat...
  19. We reserved our January '23 Georgia State Park sites last December (13 month window) and our Florida State Park sites for February and March in March and April (11 month window) and our April return to Georgia last February. Thanks go to my Google calendar for helping me keep it all straight.
  20. State and national park campgrounds often have one or two day openings here and there. But for one or two week stays, the choices can be pretty slim. At the state park we were in a week ago for two weeks, I watched one family change sites four times over the course of 12 days.
  21. Out of curiosity today, I checked availability at the NY state parks we have booked into October, and except for a few tent only sites, they all show up as full. I haven't checked the GA and FL state parks we have booked for our "winter tour" yet. If fuel prices stay up, I expect there may be more cancellations as the dates get closer.
  22. And don't forget you need both brown and white corn cobs...
  23. We're at Wellsley Island State Park on the Canadian border in upstate NY. There's one square Starlink antenna here in our loop, and we saw a couple more in other loops while touring, one square, one round.
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