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Everything posted by kurtsara

  1. I have nothing to hide so I don't care
  2. You couldn’t give me a Harley, well you could but then I would trade for a more reliable bike, like a Honda
  3. The original poster is camping within there state, not traveling the USA, don't have to weigh our gear, we each bring 3 changes of clothes and some food for 3 or 4 days camping. Someone said each person would bring 1000 lbs of gear, I could bring all my clothes and not have 1000 lbs
  4. Itt is my only phone so I leave it on. Don't have a house phone. Don't have facebook
  5. You know you can just not log on to facebook instead of deleting to leave the groups you started?
  6. It is a Polaris slingshot not spider.
  7. My opinion is you are crazy to think they NEED a one ton truck to tow that RV.
  8. You don’t add the people for the dry weight for the rv, they are inn the tow vehicle and added into that. And how do you figure 1000 lbs per person for there gear? My wife and I don't have 500 lbs together in gear, you are going to scare people wanting to buy a RV talking like that.
  9. You are correct, I thought they were asking if they could use it and get 30 Amps though.
  10. You need two of them to use the 30 amp plug.
  11. The group we ride Goldwing with went to Alaska about six years ago the guys left on Saturday morning and rode up to Anchorage, the wives flew up there on the following Friday and met the guys, spent two weeks sharin wandering around Alaska, then the wives flew home and the guy spent another week riding home.
  12. Yes I have. Never seen any reference to sea shells. Sorry
  13. Yes, it is true. We have a food truck, we can only air dry the dishes according to the state health department.
  14. If I was single, I would have a dishwasher, my wife likes doing dishes in the camper, at home we use the dishwasher. 38 years of marriage and I have never washed dishes, or did laundry. I have a great wife.
  15. He stopped a 1/4 Mile from you and that was a close call?
  16. Maniacal? Spell check does not fix a word that is spelled correctly.
  17. A Goodwing trike is heavy. About 800 lbs just for the bike, make it a trike and the weight of the rack it is on is heavy I would guess. You would need a tag axle and she is nervous about driving a dually.
  18. You sound like the people my wife reads on bookface asking if anyone is giving away a free car or free furniture.
  19. Fort $35.00 you are going to change companies?
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