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Everything posted by lappir

  1. I was in EMS as an EMT, Paramedic and finally an RN. You are correct on my error in the vaccination. Thanks for having the correct 50+ year memory. Mom's not so lucky. I no longer work in the Emergency Room and have not for many years. I will stay in Surgery. One patient at a time and there is always someone else there too. Rod
  2. I disagree. I means a whole lot to me and if you think about it, it could mean a whole lot to you. I have chosen to not vote for an evil person and you could do the same. I have chosen to vote for a person I feel could do a better job than those who have been presented to us, maybe you feel the same way about the same person, but they are not on the ballot so you think you can't vote for them. Maybe, just maybe if enough people choose to vote for a person who is not on the ballot an epiphany can be felt across the country. The voters do have the power to change the outcome of an election. If you are going to just vote the lessor evil why vote? It's going to be evil and wrong anyway. That's my thought and I will stand by it. I hope the topic does not go away, but if you wish to pm me when it does I'd be happy to share. Rod
  3. I don't believe most are "OK" with "our dying", it is an inescapable event though and my feeling is when it's my time it's my time no matter what I have done or actually did at that particular time. Those who think "Why was he there, why did he do that, what was he thinking?" Were not there at the time thinking what I was thinking, doing what I did or my rationale of doing. I'm not ready for it to happen and when it does I will probably think the same way. It will happen anyway. I do not think the Virus is a Hoax. They are real and have been around for a long time. I think the media reaction to this is the real problem and it certainly has not been around all that long. The simple answer is to allow trained professional medical persons to evaluate and treat their patients with no regard to who or what they think they have. To remove the ability of anyone to "PROFIT" from the sickness, illness or injuries of others. In my lifetime it was that way and it no longer is. That is the true HOAX and the Americans have fallen for it Hook, Line and Sinker. It is the simple things that will help us. Being helpful and kind to your neighbors, considering others before you consider yourself. Do what is right no matter the cost and to not choose the lessor of two evils. You will still have what you thought was the less evil but in reality it was only the true evil and you fell for it again. Rod
  4. I no longer work in the Emergency Department or in EMS, but that's where I started my Healthcare Career. I most likely was exposed to most every virus, bacteria and body fluid known to man over the years. Thankfully not many of them ever took over my immune system. If I did come down with something, I stayed home until I no longer had a fever. Thankfully over the years it's been very few times where I actually missed more than a day of work due to an illness. I came down with most of the childhood illnesses before the "Vaccines". I did get my Polio shot, but not in the usual place where others in my age group have the scar from it on their arm. My Mother said I was in a study group where they tried a different location. Have no idea where it was and she cannot remember. I have avoided the "Flu Shot's" over the years, but do try and keep my Tetanus up to date. Until this year I have required no daily medications. I currently work in the Operating Room so I have worn a mask much of the time at work. I would wear it when ever I was within 6 foot of a patient during the "Flu Season", due to my decision to not have the "Flu Shot". Wearing it constantly at work hasn't been a problem for me. I'm not sure it's doing what everyone seems to think it's supposed to, but I will wear one if asked to away from work. The biggest problem with the use is the reuse, the misuse and the lack of hand hygiene after touching the mask. If the reason for using is to "Trap" the virus in the mask, then placing your hands on the mask and then touching anything is offering the "Virus" a ride to another location. The infected person is wearing their mask around their neck while outside. Is preparing to enter a location so they pull the mask up and happen to exhale at the same time spreading the virus over their hands. The hands go to the door handle and who knows where else once inside before there is a thought of hand hygiene. Even if there is a thought, it's not well done. I really don't see how the masks will help the majority of the people. The virus will go through it's motions and hopefully our immune systems will develop a resistance. With the talk of it's mutations and multiple forms I have the gut feeling it's similar to the annual Flu Virus and we will never be rid of it despite the multiple attempts at developing a vaccine. I don't believe most people are trying to be "Dishonest", it's more of "I didn't think of that." Many of us are very tired of all of it and while it's keeping a lot of the political banter away it's also hurting many of us in several other ways. If you are wearing a mask keep it in place until you do not need it any longer. Remove it by the holding devices and refrain from touching the inside or outside of the "breathing" area. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, stay hydrated and well rested. If you are coming down with a fever stay home and contact your local health professional for advice of what to do, when to do it and what signs you need to be aware of that indicate your immune system may be struggling. Be smart, be safe and be helpful Rod
  5. Has anyone considered writing in your choices for this years election. I for one will not vote for either the Democrat or Republican that have been forced upon us, but I will vote against them. Haven't seen much in for form of an independent or other. If this isn't allowed, please delete or lock. Rod
  6. I most certainly would not pay for any more than your prior highest ever normal usage and force them to expend as much money as you will spend paying an outrageous bill. Now if you filled your swimming pool multiple times then............... Please do not allow a public utility to do this to you. Rod
  7. Someone told me recently the path of air through a commercial air craft was designed to limit mixing before going through it's filtering. It comes out of the vents above and exits below the seat you are sitting in. If you are in a window seat it's even better because there is very little disturbing of the flow by a person or object moving through the isle. Loading and unloading of the planes are the worst times. I don't know these to be facts, but they do seem reasonable. I will continue to limit my interaction with people unknown to me to the best of my ability, but as a RN it's quite difficult. I do work in a location where Face-masks have been used for a very long time. I know the types and the best ones to use depending on the situation and also know the proper use techniques. Some of them have slowly been adopted in public, but at the beginning the use was atrocious. Personally I'm not feeling good about the way this has and continues to progress. Many of the knee jerk reactions have not proved to be very beneficial and it seems they keep coming. The "quarantine" apparently has not worked at all and the search for the vector seems to be totally unknown. If it's truly just in the air then there is really no way to avoid it. The continued use of the multitude of chemicals and snake oils seems really wrong. I think of others every day. Rod
  8. My worry about using an HDT as a daily driver is the number of trips I do a couple miles and then shut the vehicle down for 8 hours and then do the same at the end of the day. Those are the hardest miles on any vehicle. I'm strongly considering an electric motorcycle (or bike) for these trips. My next visit to the BMW motorcycle shop may affect this if a potential repair bill reaches anywhere near the price I'm afraid it will. With the virus, and the summer heat I have limited my weekend rides. If you can ensure your trips are long enough to fully warm up all the fluids in the truck it will love to be used. Rod
  9. lappir


    I too seem to see at least one HDT pulling either a "Horse Trailer" or a conventional 5th wheel on my trips. I usually notice them when it's too late to actually wave. Often the profile of the trailer isn't noticeable until the rig is really close. On my last trip I had a traffic camera and searched for a couple ours for a view where I could capture a screen shot. No luck. Have decided to put a pad on the dash so I can jot down the exact time I see things I want to find later. I thought I knew about when it was but no luck in finding. If I were home more or actually outside more when I'm there I am sure I would have many more come up to me and discuss my rig. It's usually 2 to 5 per stay depending on how often the parks population changes. Some report seeing my trailer when new on Utube. Rod
  10. That's a lot of data and way too many plans for me to manage. I'm on an unlimited Verizon plan and am happy with it with my single phone. I do wonder about adding a line and just leaving it at home to be used strictly for internet use but really don't have that need just yet. If I decide to get a pet I may want to monitor the home from a distance to ensure there is nothing amiss causing a unhealthy environment. My cell connection has always been much better than any "Park" WiFi signal, even those who say "It's OK to Stream, we have upgraded our system." Rod
  11. Won't just turning off the phone do the same thing? Inside the "cage" the phone will be constantly searching for a signal and may have the battery depleted when you pull it out to use it. I keep my "location" off the majority of the time unless I'm using the phone for the Waze or Google Maps GPS functions. Rod
  12. Have decided not to attempt a repair of my S7. While it was working well, I'm finding the S5 is doing almost as good. It will take me a while to locate what I really want I think. I have seen the "Note's" but haven't actually held one. Will try and do that over the next few weeks to see how they feel. I'm thinking a Note 9, but am open to comments on the pro's and cons. I will look for the USB C connection. I will be happy knowing it can be plugged in either way. I'm always fighting with the mini usb connections on all my stuff. I think I have it the right way but then have to turn it over and then back over. What a pain.
  13. Thanks to all who replied. I have used my S5 for a few days now and it's working pretty good, so far. I will not repair the S7 just yet and will be on the search for a newer Samsung at a reasonable cost. I do need to plug my phone into my computer so if one has a better connection than another I'd want to know. I have looked for the "Magnetic" cables in several areas but have yet to find, except in an online order and I will only to that at the very last resort. I'll buy a phone from ebay, but don't want to buy a simple cord. Strange I know. Rod
  14. I unfortunately had my cell phone take a dive off of my motorcycle earlier this week. It was a Samsung S7 that I've had for a few years now. My first smart phone was a Blackberry, then I had the Motorola Razor and finally to the Samsung family with the 3, 5 and now the 7. I have reactivated the 5 and it actually is working very well, so I don't have to replace or repair the S7 immediately. I did take it in and have a estimate of just under $200 to replace the screen and hopefully it will be "good as new" again. I asked about replacing the charge/data port, but they cannot do that on an Android currently. That's usually what stimulates my need to replace the phone. I use them for my internet and the extra plugging in and out usually causes problems. So far my S5 and S7 have been better. I think I had two of the S3 and maybe a couple Razor's too. The question I have today is: What is the best Android to look for? I will be making the purchase through Ebay most likely. Is a 5G phone really the next best or will it be like the beta vs VHS? Two years ago I would have though we would all be using 5G, but not I don't know. Earlier this year I would have turned to Facebook and my friends there. I hope I'm not out of line asking on this forum. Thank you in advance for any and all responses. Rod
  15. I have worn a mask at work for many years. During the "Flu" season I would wear it even more. I don't have a problem wearing one, but do not feel they do a lot for the general public. There are several rules for wearing them and for the lay people very few of them are being followed. One person comments about wearing them for others and keeping your germs to yourself. That's all well and good if that in fact actually happens. To keep your germs to yourself you cannot touch your mask, scratch your nose or in any way reposition it unless you are going to immediately cleanse your hands before touching anything else. How many times have you seen someone pull up their mask right before touching something that many others will touch or have? How many times have you seen the same person touch a well touched door handle and then adjust their mask? Will it help, maybe but not as much as they say it will. Especially with the way I have witnessed the majority of people in public using them. Professionals have a hard enough time when they are "Scrubbed in" in the beginning of their career when it's really important and people are watching to ensure. I along with the rest of us are ready for this to be over. For it to end, for it to have run it's course. The sad thing is it will never be over. It has proven to be a near unlimited source of discussion, exploitation and sensationalism. It keeps most people at the edge of their seats watching for the next "unexpected" event. The "unprecedented" rise in cases due to an actual increase in testing at a particular location. I was part of the healthcare team before "Universal Precautions" and had to relearn how to do things wearing gloves almost all the time. It was when HIV or AIDS was the scare. Before that we used gloves only for "Sterile" procedures. Otherwise washing was all that was necessary. Before that there wasn't much of a worry and we humans did survive. Maybe not all of us, but a good number has and will continue to do so. I use the term which is not popular in certain circles and I apologize. Evolution. We need changes, stressors, challenges to continue to grow and improve. I think it's part of the plan and we can do little to change it. I'm just happy to be along for the ride and will do my best to make the most of it. Rod
  16. I would always get permission before spending the money to stay, if they didn't have a 50 amp service for me. The park I used had 30 spots but only allowed 5 units most of the time. It was on it's way out. Too bad because it was a pretty good location for me. Rod
  17. One thing I'm not sure was mentioned, but when I had to use the technique I was using two separate supply sources. The one on my side pedestal and the supply for my none existent next door neighbor. If you have a neighbor who is using the 30 amp plug, you are out of luck. Rod
  18. Important info above. I had to do this in Cedar Rapids, Iowa a couple years ago to allow me to use my Mini Split. I did check to be sure I had the 110 on each side before plugging in. All was well for my 3 month stay. I opted for a box built by Spacecraft for me. The cost was about the same, but I will be able to repair individual parts if I need. Rod
  19. I hook up my sewer lines only when I need to empty. They last much longer that way and I have very large tanks so I can go over 2 weeks. Am contemplating an incinerating toilet and will be further able to lengthen the times between dump requirements. My first experience living in an RV in South Florida I had neighbor children who seemed to delight running over the hoses despite my politely informing their parents of the actions. "My kids would never do that. " was the response I got. Rod
  20. I'm not in Arizona for the summer heat wave but in SE Missouri. There certainly is humidity in addition to the heat. I have a single ODU (Outdoor unit) and two IDU's (Indoor units). I don't have a lot of windows, but I do have a few and certainly would have less if I were to build another trailer. Actually I would probably more aggressively investigate the possibility of having "Horse Trailer" like windows over a conventional window. You know the kind you see on the horse trailers on the road that are hanging down and open when the horses are being transported in the warm weather and closed when it's cold out. I'd turn them upside down and only use them when parked as a awning and keep them closed while on the road or during inclement weather protecting my glass. Potentially could do this as a retrofit someday I guess. Now back to the Mini Split. I have finally figured out how to use both of my IDU's and not have it wake me up in the middle of the night. I have to keep the larger unit (18000 btu) in the garage end of my home set at a lower temperature than the smaller (9000 btu) unit in my bed/living room. If I try to put the living area unit at a lower temperature I am bothered about a very high pitched squeal that seemed to come at 3AM when I first started using the Mini Split system. After a full month here in Missouri I'm happy to say my sleep has not been disturbed by the Mini Split. Depending on the location my electric bill has ranged from $18 per month to $40. With the highest I was also allowing electricity to heat my water. At the lowest I would use my gas as an instant heat. It only takes 5 minutes for me to be able to take a comfortable shower after flipping the switch to light the burner. When it's on electric I just leave it on. I haven't tried to find out how long it would take with just turning the electric portion on. On arrival to a new spot I sometimes use both, not for any good reason it seems today. I started this message a few days ago and thought it was lost. Came back to redo it and found the prior written part still there. Will have to remember that. Rod
  21. Kirk, My account used to reimburse my debit card fees, if I would use it at least a certain number of times per month. I always did, but the decided to remove the reimbursement anyway. It used to be a small hometown bank that had great service and great people. Now it's a Larger Regional Bank that cares nothing about the people and only about the money. The tellers who had been there for years are all gone and it seems they can't keep any of the new ones. I will move once I find a location where I may be for a few years. Right now I plan to continue to move and change my thoughts of pulling cash with each purchase instead of a lump sum when I think I will need it. Now to find the hiding places and remembering them too. Rod
  22. Have to wait for the last deadline before knowing if I will be working or not during the event. Will attend for at least a day if I am within a reasonable motorcycle ride. Rod
  23. With the 4 door Crosstrek I am able to open the door and exit. There is a bit of body contortion, but so far doable. My previous Isuzu VehiCross required me to exit through the drivers door window. One time I was able to squeeze out between the door and car, but my mild claustrophobia prevented me from additional attempts. The Crosstrek is more difficult to use the over the tire straps I had used for years with the VX so I have found a better and actually easier method to secure the rear wheels. It's still tough to tie down the right front. Rod
  24. Same people who build the huge offices, and fancy buildings. What about the salaries paid to a CEO and others. I resent your suggestion that I am not paying my bank enough to be convenient to me. It's not "My bank who is charging me." It's just a game to them. How much can we charge the customer before they try someone else? Banks make money on their deposits, loans and investments. They spend lot's of money on advertisements, big buildings, executive salaries. Why should we not expect fairness? Thanks for your comment and please agree to disagree with what each of us think is a suitable expectation. Rod
  25. My first trip pulling my trailer with my Volvo and the cruise control wouldn't work. My brother had driven the truck to Florida for me and was right behind me. We had radio's to communicate and I asked him if it had worked on the trip. He said you have to apply the brakes before the cruise control will work. Since starting the trip I had not had to apply the brake, hit all the lights and was on the freeway in nothing flat. I pressed lightly on the brake pedal and nothing. I quickly stabbed the pedal hard and then hit the cruise and success. I now try to stop once before I head on the interstate so I'm not hitting the brake at 70 because the cruise won't engage. Didn't see anyone above share the fact. Rod
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