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About Striper

  • Birthday 10/31/1943

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  • Location
    Oak Harbor, WA
  • Interests
    Metal Work, Woodworking, Wine Making, Meat Smoking, and Goofing Off

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  1. Only in that I said cities, bottom line is they are back in lock down because of the outbreak.
  2. And today at noon, New Zealand went back into lock down because of outbreaks in the larger cities. This from a full time RV couple my signifacant other knows there. Joe
  3. When I look at the pictures of some of these shops, all I can say is WOW. My humble shop is 48 X 60 with 16 foot eves and 14 foot RV doors. (3) It does have the Heated Floor which I and several friends installed prior to the concrete being poured. I pretty much do whatever I want to in it. Not really a Mechanic or a Welder, but I do dable in both. Seriously enjoy Wood Working and would much rather build a table that buy one. Even though I usually end up with more in it than if I bought it. One of the things my shop gets used for several times a year is gatherings of friends and neighbors. We throw a few pieces of plywood on saw horses and have a good old fashioned get together. Sorry but all my pictures are way to big to post. Joe
  4. I operate a High Pressure Water Blaster that is mounted on a Cab over Pete. I would not want to drive that truck for any long distance. Cramped seating and with the engine right there, once it warms up the cab is a hot box. A/C either freezes you out, or is not enough to keep you comfortable. At the end of a shift I usually have a couple of leg cramps to contend with, even though we take a break every couple of hours. Not a real comfortable setup. Joe
  5. Dave, Glad you posted what you did. While I do agree with other posters that this is real so was the Swine Flu and the Bird Flu, and several other bad strains of Flu. People died from them also, it's a fact of life that when these bad strains show up, people are going to die. That said, I agree that we are constantly being lied to by ALL of the politicians and almost ALL of the news media. Case in point, 3 different news programs reported 3 different numbers of cases of this flu in a Whidbey Island, WA Nursing Home. In actuality NONE of them were right, THEY HAD ALL OVERSTATED THE NUMBER BY ROUGHLY 20%. I know this for a fact as a good friend works there. In my opinion, and those of a lot of folks I know, we the people need to wake the heck up and hold both the news media and our elected officials accountable. I'll stop there as I do not want to get banned from this sight. Just my .02 Joe
  6. Interesting subject and answers. We have been enjoying the piece and quiet of the Oregon Coast. Our annual trip to the Depoe Bay area. We were already here when the governors started shutting everything down, so have really had to curtail our usual activities. Still it's nice sitting here watching the waves and the idiot kayakers out on the ocean. Heading home soon, so will just have to see what transpires once we're there. It's not like I don't have enough projects in my shop to keep me occupied for many weeks without personal interaction with anyone. Joe
  7. Ok, for the record. I worked for the local school district for 13 years. During that time I met, and still know, a number of very good and dedicated teachers. However somewhere in the neighborhood of 75% of the teachers were just there for a pay check, and made no bones about telling you that. Also during that time, the amount of money the State payed the district per student DOUBLED, but the amount the teachers had to spend in their classroom for supplies WENT DOWN. However also during that time the amount of ADMINISTRATORS, ie higher paid folk, doubled. And of course each and every one of those folks had to have their own personal secretary. Here locally the amount spent on Administration is way out of line, but nobody seems to want to try and rein it in. Bottom line, the kids get short changed. As for the taxes part, here locally we are paying for several levies to the schools and will most likely be having another levy pass this year. We taxpayers in this area do support our schools, but our schools are seriously letting us down. Again, just my .02 Joe
  8. Having been through the process and having the Dr that examined my current hearing state that I was practically deaf, didn't mean a thing to the VA. Their stance was that I lost less than 25% of my hearing during my time on active duty, so no benefit for hearing loss. As an aside, I do not know any Veteran that is getting anything, other than hearing aids, for their hearing loss. I do get my hearing aids from the VA though and they are good ones. Tinnitus however seems to be a slam dunk 10%. Joe
  9. Your right about that. Trouble with the USA though is that our Public School System seems to take it as a challenge to keep turning out even worse idiots every year. Just my .02 Joe
  10. Just a little something that I stumbles across, food for thought. Joe
  11. HAHAHAHAHA, and I will keep it up. Sharon and I will be in Seaside, OR for New Years, maybe we can set up a meeting somewhere? Hey Linda, just not a lot to say but I do at least read the board a few times a week. Was actually in Yuma not to long ago and met up with Steve, Carol, and Jerry. Janice was under the weather that day. 😞 Joe
  12. Hey Dave, Not a problem with your memory, we have met but it was back at one of the parties at the hossienda when you were using your monster jeep to pull people out of the mud pit. Another place you might check out for help with your decals is Image 360 in Burlington. Joe
  13. Hey Dave, If you need help with the seats, I'm sure that Hoss and a couple others in that group would be more than willing to give you a hand also. No one wants to see, or hear, that you messed up one of your new knees doing this job. Joe
  14. And the electricity to charge them has to come from somewhere. Most likely from a Coal Fired Power Plant. Bottom line is there ain't no free ride. Joe
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