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VA releases order of Vaccination for veterans, staff

NamMedevac 70

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7 minutes ago, Friz said:

Another oversite by Stars and Stripes or maybe the VA. What about that large group of vets between 50 and 85? Where/when do they fit in? 

While not worded well, I think that when the article said 85+ first and 50- last the implication was that they would start with 85+ and work down in increments to the 50- group.



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28 minutes ago, Chalkie said:

While not worded well, I think that when the article said 85+ first and 50- last the implication was that they would start with 85+ and work down in increments to the 50- group.

That would be how I read it. 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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