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500 feet to covid


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2 hours ago, GeorgiaHybrid said:

He could die of a stroke, heart attack or the flu as well, my comment was to Linda saying "stay far away from him until all this is over. He's not worth the risk."

My wife has HAD Covid-19 and I stayed with her, slept in the same bed, rode in the same car and ate my meals with her. Yes, she was sick but I married her for better or worse, sickness and health.

I never came down with anything and she has active antibodies and is donating plasma for others to fight this disease. So because she is recovered and has active antibodies I should stay away and abandon her until this is "over"?.

Grow a pair and make your OWN decisions about your health. You don't need someone to tell you how to live your life. Make your choices and respect others as they make their own.

By the way, neither of us wore masks and I have been tested multiple times for the virus and antibodies with negative results each time.

I refuse to crawl in a hole and live in fear and that is MY choice. Respect it as much as I respect others choice to isolate from everyone.

My daughter had a similar experience.   Both of her daughters caught covid and tested positive along with her mom.  She cared for all of them and never caught covid.  When one of her daughters needed  care she took her to the ER.  They told her she couldn't accompany her daughter but she said bet me.  She stayed with her.  My daughter has been tested for covid 3 times and antibodies but always negative. All have recovered.  There were many times none of them used masks during their illness.


2001 Volvo VNL 42 Cummins ISX Autoshift

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For me wearing a mask when around other people and practicing clean hygiene is only a minor nuisance especially in cold and flue season.  After I left Vietnam and the Army I spent many years working in all of Asia as a civilian pilot and the Asians routinely wore mask out in public when they were sick with something or there was a flu outbreak, etc., etc.   They also wore black arm bands when in mourning over death of a loved one so others would show respect and not be boisterous around them.  Lots of common sense in Asia in those days.    

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1 hour ago, Barbaraok said:

How lucky that your immune system is able to fend of infection and your wife was able to develop sufficient antibodies to recover.  250K were not that lucky.  And for many of us with ongoing chronic conditions getting the virus would be a death sentence.   To brag about not wearing masks when your wife did catch the virus seems strange to me.  BTW - have you been tested for antibodies? 

We do wear masks when required but we do NOT wear them inside our own home. As far as chronic conditions go, I am in my mid 60's, have COPD and Emphysema as well as high blood pressure. I was tested twice for Covid-19 after 11 days exposure to my wife and at 15 days post exposure as well as being tested for antibodies as I was also going to donate plasma if it would help someone. All of those tests were negative. Was I lucky, I think so but I don't stay up at night worrying about it either.

We know a LOT of people were the entire family have recovered from Covid-19 and yes, thousands of people have died from the disease. Having said that, I also believe that many of those deaths occurred when someone had Covid-19 where that was not the cause of death. With the government incentives to report a death as a Covid-19 death, ANYONE that passes who has Covid-19 or likely symptoms is counted as a Covid-19 death no matter what they actually died of.

Again, do what YOU feel is right and what you are comfortable with with your risk factors.

2017 Kenworth T680
2015 DRV 38RSSA Elite Suites
2016 Smart Prime

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2 hours ago, Danandfreda said:

We wear masks in public but not at the campground where we have been with the same people for months. Don’t stop living your life just be careful.

So being careful doesn't include me stopping going to our fitness center just before one of the staff people tested positive? I should have gone anyway because they were part of my group? I recently saw a graphic that showed several people inside a circle labeled how many people you think are in your group. But each of those also had a circle of people in their group so you are actually being exposed to all of them as well.

How would Vern know if his neighbor developed enough antibodies to not be at risk of reinfection? Vern cares enough to stop working but you think he should risk exposing himself to that careless neighbor?

It's interesting to me how many people feel a need to defend themselves choosing not to wear a mask and how often they feel a need to make fun of others who do choose to wear one. Why do you think they are so defensive? Might it be because they doubt their own decision?

Linda Sand

Blog: http://sandcastle.sandsys.org/

Former Rigs: Liesure Travel van, Winnebago View 24H, Winnebago Journey 34Y, Sportsmobile Sprinter conversion van

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Georgia, Floating conspiracy theories.  Hospitals bill by codes of treatments provided.  Since COVID interferes with several body systems, if you have it, are ill and being hospitalized,  if you die it will be COVID related.  Could you have died of your underlying pathology that week, the following month, year.  Yes, but COVID exacerbated the process, so a COVID death.   

Edited by Barbaraok

Barb & Dave O'Keeffe
2002 Alpine 36 MDDS (Figment II), 2018 Ford C-Max HYBRID
Blog: http://www.barbanddave.net
SPK# 90761 FMCA #F337834

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1 hour ago, GeorgiaHybrid said:

Having said that, I also believe that many of those deaths occurred when someone had Covid-19 where that was not the cause of death. With the government incentives to report a death as a Covid-19 death, ANYONE that passes who has Covid-19 or likely symptoms is counted as a Covid-19 death no matter what they actually died of.

AMEN Georgia.  I know china virus is a serious public health threat but also know there is a lot of dishonesty in reporting numbers of covid deaths.  Just one of several examples I recall is a dude who died in a motorcycle crash but was counted as dying from covid because he tested positive for covid.  To say his crash resulted from covid is a far fetched stretch IMHO. This happened in Florida and it was discovered in that county the ME was falsely reporting covid deaths.  Motive for all this is economic and/or political.  Another news report I heard was doctors received $2000 more for treating covid patient than a good old regular flu patient.  This goes on and on.

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