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Today is the day


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Welp, today is my wife's long awaited day!  She cleans out her desk and turns in her keys today, then she's mine, all mine.  She's a little nervous about retirement but it's here.  Our first retirement camping trip is coming real soon.  Next week I take the train to Seattle, pick up daughter/grand-daughter and drive them back to ND to go on a trip with us.  We'll be back here for 1, maybe 2 days then head out with the camper.  First stop, grandpa's annual pheasant hunting trip.  Granddaughter will hit one year of age during this trip so a little to young to take in the field with me.  Although, grandma might watch the little one and daughter may go out shooting holes in the sky with me!  After 3 days of sky shooting, we are going to head to central Indiana to celebrate my mom's 80th birthday.  Hopefully it goes well, she is recovering from hip replacement and a broken arm a few weeks after from a fall.  She's getting much better now, able to walk a few feet at a time, taking less meds so she can stay awake longer then 10 minutes.  We will make this a short party and short visit, last thing we want is to wear her out with the medical problems she is going through.  After that, we are going to head a little south and head west until south of ND, most likely somewhere in Kansas.  Then slowly trek north until we hit home.  When we hit home, I will drive daughter/granddaughter back home to a probably anxious hubby missing his gals... LOL, then I get to take the train back home to ND.  From there, probably stick around until after Christmas, if everything is going smoothly with all financials set the way we want them, we will head back south until it gets warm again then look for a place to stay for a little while.  Of course, the first trip's length will be controlled by how well a year old handles the trip/camping.  We will be running on Gemma time.  2nd trip, or escape from whatever minus temps and snow momma nature hands us, will begin.  Goal is to get south, jump from campground to campground every 2 or 3 weeks.  From there, the adventures begin!  Retirement has been a long time coming!

2022 Coachman Leprechaun, traveling around to dark sky areas and chasing the stars.

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19 minutes ago, 2gypsies said:

Congratulations!  Sounds like a lot of fun in store for you.  Keeping busy keeps you young!

Thank-you!  I keep telling my better half she needs to find hobbies (other than me... LOL) to keep busy or she will not be happy.

2022 Coachman Leprechaun, traveling around to dark sky areas and chasing the stars.

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2 hours ago, NDBirdman said:

After that, we are going to head a little south and head west until south of ND, most likely somewhere in Kansas. 

My old stomping grounds! If you want something to see while in Kansas, check out the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, home of the only 3 story, stone barn that I have ever seen. In Kansas City the Arabia Steamboat Museum is also well worth a visit. 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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2 hours ago, bobsallyh said:

ND Birdman, sounds like you decided on the train to Seattle. Good idea with the weather that is moving into Montana!

Yea, but driving a car back a couple days later.  I think it's going to be fun.... LOL... I hope.

2022 Coachman Leprechaun, traveling around to dark sky areas and chasing the stars.

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5 hours ago, Bill w/bus said:

When you head south use US 83

Well, I feel like a clueless imp... LOL  Thanks for the suggestion!  I use to live in Minot, had no clue it went all the way to the bottom of TX.  Wife and I just discussed it, she did not know it either.  We have put it on our list of snowbirding travel.  It might just be fun to get on the same road and just drive it to the southern end even if it is TX!

2022 Coachman Leprechaun, traveling around to dark sky areas and chasing the stars.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We have used as far as Nebraska from the south. And last summer around Minot. And no we didn't think about the highway number until I checked the road atlas. By Then it was obvious, same road as passes by the winter site. 


Bill & Lynn Baxter

MCI102A3 Conversion, Detroit Diesel S50  


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