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Shakel grease fittings.


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I have a 3 axle toy hauler and the question I have is...is there a easier way to grease the under carriege.  I have a zerk fitting on each side ....that's one on each side and I can't get my grease nozzle in between all the hardware to grease the zerk.  Do they make extensions for grease fittings and where can I get them?

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I use a flexible line on my grease guns, removed the hard line that comes on grease guns.  If you can get to the zerk, you can replace it with a 45 or 90 degree zerk to hit it from a different angle.  About all hardware/auto parts stores carry them.  I have seen extended zerks like you are thinking but I don't recommend them, being under the RV it might be easy to bounce a rock or wood into it bending/breaking it making it a bigger pain to repair/grease.  IMHO

2022 Coachman Leprechaun, traveling around to dark sky areas and chasing the stars.

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3 hours ago, chief916 said:

Well still no luck on getting to the zerks.  I'm thinking that if I jack the frame it will take the pressure off the springs and possibly rotate the cams to maybe change the angle to get into the zerks.

I know this might not work for your inmmediate need, but when I worked in industry, we often would run grease lines to a bank of zerks, using 1/4" poly flow lines.  A common bank could serve many bearings.  Perhaps this could help you in the future.  Another option could be to use some 1/8" pipe nipples to extend the location of the zerk to a more accessible spot.


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19 hours ago, rpsinc said:

I know this might not work for your inmmediate need, but when I worked in industry, we often would run grease lines to a bank of zerks, using 1/4" poly flow lines.  A common bank could serve many bearings.  Perhaps this could help you in the future.  Another option could be to use some 1/8" pipe nipples to extend the location of the zerk to a more accessible spot.

Thank you.  I didn't know about this.

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18 hours ago, Lance A Lott said:

There is a right angle gun tip that slides on from the side. They only need about 3/8 of an inch of clearance.  Also if you jack up one axle the shackles for the one will come down.

This is my thoughts as well.  Will try it today.  Thank you

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  • 2 months later...

pending your set up.

a rt angle zerk fitting,  (45, and 90 degree out there)

longer zerk,

cobble up a pipe to move the zerk to a better place,

flexible hose for the grease gun,

there are "other" hose connections .

one looks more like a ink pin,  -push up to the little check ball and pump grease in-.

one looks like a super huge hypo needle, for those non greaseble tie rods.

one looks just like the standard fitting, but is smaller in dia.

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