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How large a rig for young active Huskies?


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We are planning to get back on the road by the summer of 2019 (son will be in college - yeah!) and the early planning is starting.  Our two rambunctious Huskies/Shepherd pups will be 2+ years old at that point - and I am wondering how large a vehicle we will need.  It will be for two people, two cats, and two pups.  Previously we have full-timed in 144 sq feet (two humans + one very-old, sweet doggie) so we are adaptable and don't need a Prevost (though it would be nice).

If you have large energetic dogs it would be great to hear your experiences and what worked for you.  We had a TT previously but are open to any type of RV. Thanks for your help!


Off the Road but planning our next trip!

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We used a 31' TT when we had a Border Collie and a Samoyed.  There was plenty of room for the two of us and the two of them.  We towed with a RAM 2500.  Today we have a 27' TT and a different RAM 2500 for a Lab and a Beagle.  The beagle thinks she is large and in charge because she came before the Lab.  A shorter TT and still the four of us.  They are both active but we always take them with us and let them romp away either in the off-leash area at the RV Park or at a local Dog Park.  They enjoy the peace and quiet when we return, sleep the rest of the time while we head back out to do any pet-restricted activity we have planned.  They both travel well and plop down when we clear the driveway.  The only time they get up is when we stop for fuel and dog walks.  Then when we head down the road again, they nap.  Doesn't take a lot of room to keep them happy.

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We travel with two dogs (185# and 100#) in a 35' class C.  The smaller of the two is < 2 yo and active.  Dog activity is as Mr Camper described.  The only issue is which dog gets to lie between the driver and passenger seats as we drive.  They figure it out.  > 2 yo dogs start to settle down.

Rich and Carol

2007 Dynamax DQ 340 XL

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I really don't think that anyone can do much more than a guess on what you will want as needed space is a very personal thing even without the two dogs. When you add the dog you again have personality issues to deal with.  Some dogs are very active and constantly on the move and so require a lot of space while others tend to stay in one spot most of the time. We once met a couple who were traveling for half of the year in a 26' travel trailer and had a very large great dane living with them. That would not have worked for us, but these folks were comfortable and satisfied. 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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