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Installing residential refrigerator in 5th wheel

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I want to install a residential refrigerator in my 5th wheel.  I do NOT have an inverter only the factory installed converter.  I am not sure what direction to go.  The least expensive route seems to use a 1000 watt pure sine wave inverter to power only the refrigerator.  How would I wire this and what do I do about the converter? Do I leave the converter there to charge the batteries or do I replace it with the inverter to charge the batteries?  I do not need to have it switch automatically when I unplug.  I am not against doing it manually before traveling.  We rarely boondock, if so, I use a generator.  Any help would be appreciated.



Paul & Marsha Weaver
Bella our cat
2008 Carriage Cameo 35' SB3
2010 Ford F350 DRW
Blog: http://wheresweaver.blogspot.com
SKP# 102686

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You will install the inverter close to your batteries because of the heavy wire needed and run the 120V to the refrigerator, leave the converter alone. 

Check and make sure the truck is charging the trailer batteries when going down the road. I keep my cest freezer or dorm refigerator cold going down the road ths way so when we dry camp at night they will hold temp.


Denny & Jami SKP#90175
Most Timing with Mac our Scottie, RIP Jasper our Westie
2013 F350 SC DRW 6.2 V8 4.30 Gears
2003 HH Premier 35FKTG Home Base Nebraska

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A 1000w PSW inverter will be more than adequate for the fridges needs.  Here is an excellent place to consider when you get ready to purchase; good quality, service, prices.  You can also call them as I found them to be very helpful.


2010 Newmar Dutch Aire 4304-Spartan Chassis-Cummins ISL 425hp-2013 Chevrolet Equinox AWD Towed-SKP# 120487-FMCA #402879-

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1 hour ago, weaverworks said:

Thanks Denny for your reply.  Do I only turn on the inverter when traveling or do I leave it on all the time?

Mine has a transfer switch so when pluged in it switches to shore power. I would try and find one has that option.



Denny & Jami SKP#90175
Most Timing with Mac our Scottie, RIP Jasper our Westie
2013 F350 SC DRW 6.2 V8 4.30 Gears
2003 HH Premier 35FKTG Home Base Nebraska

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2 hours ago, weaverworks said:

Hey jc2, thanks for the link to don rowe.  They were very helpful, answered all my questions and helped me order what I need. 

Your welcome.  Glad to help.  :>)

2010 Newmar Dutch Aire 4304-Spartan Chassis-Cummins ISL 425hp-2013 Chevrolet Equinox AWD Towed-SKP# 120487-FMCA #402879-

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I suspect that you might be wise to get someone with a sound knowledge of RV electrical systems to help you figure this out. You may need to increase your battery capacity as well and if doing the things to use the home refrigerator it would also be a good time to consider getting a larger inverter and make power available to the TV and such as well. We have several on these forums who have done this, while I've only been involved superficially so I'll leave the heavy advice to them, but I do want to caution you about the safety side of things. Also in that vein, make sure that you also cap off the propane supply to the refrigerator securely. 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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5 hours ago, noteven said:

Have you checked out Danfoss compressor fridges?  My (very limited) understanding is they are DC and very efficient when installed properly - insulation in place etc. 

An article about Danfoss fridges

I've looked at them before and they are a standard AC current compressor with a special inverter built and sized to the compressor, they can also very the speed by varying the frequency. The main drawback is the size of DC wiring needed to supply it so they are only in smaller unts.


Denny & Jami SKP#90175
Most Timing with Mac our Scottie, RIP Jasper our Westie
2013 F350 SC DRW 6.2 V8 4.30 Gears
2003 HH Premier 35FKTG Home Base Nebraska

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