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Door catch for New Horizon


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Hi Everyone,

I am looking for a door catch for the New Horizon trailer. They use this latch to hold open the man to the trailer and also to hold open the storage doors. I have not seen this style of catch on any other trailer brand. The catch looks like  horizontal bar about 1" long. The catch is held on with rivets.  I have done a Google search with no luck. Does anyone have a link.


2012 Volvo VNL 630 w/ I-Shift; D13 engine; " Veeger "
  Redwood, model 3401R ; 5th Wheel Trailer, " Dead Wood "
    2006 Smart Car " Killer Frog "


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It's a plastic friction door catch that degrades from UV light.  Looking thru my old marine supplier online, they don't carry it any longer.  Try NH as they might have an extra somewhere.

The next step would be to measure the mounting holes and find another style catch that would use those same holes.


Something like this might work if the mounting holes line up https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwi7nKmky-DTAhWUVw0KHZdED_AYABAfGgJxYg&sig=AOD64_3_V3GmsCqaeulfDur3bMxOZB4MVg&ctype=5&q=&ved=0ahUKEwiB9KWky-DTAhVL8IMKHVyyBBUQwzwIRA&adurl=

But I would find it in stainless so it doesn't rust.

Double edit- 

Do any of these look right?  Google Plastic friction door catch- https://www.google.com/search?q=plastic+friction+door+catch&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjnypGOzODTAhWGxYMKHWz9AykQsAQIdw&biw=1536&bih=735#imgrc=MHxzo7Ud3PIrMM:


Jim's Adventures

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If you go to Pacific Rv Parts  (www.PRVParts.com), it's called a TopLine Heavy Duty RV Compartment Door Retainer Black T1005-01C.  We had to replace ours just a few months back. They're only $3.00 each; we ordered 3 & it cost $14.00 including shipping.



Dave, Renee & furkids Casey & Miss Kitty
1998 Volvo 610 Straight 10 "Leather n' Lace"; Herrin bed w/Rampage motorcycle lift; 2010 40' New Horizons Majestic; 2008 Harley FLSTC; 2006 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited; 1999 Yamaha 4X4 Kodiak (that is NOT with us!)

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Thank everyone for the help. The parts are a Top Line door retainer (heavy duty). My parts are white.

I knew you guys would know the answer,

2012 Volvo VNL 630 w/ I-Shift; D13 engine; " Veeger "
  Redwood, model 3401R ; 5th Wheel Trailer, " Dead Wood "
    2006 Smart Car " Killer Frog "


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54 minutes ago, strawdog said:

If you go to Pacific Rv Parts  (www.PRVParts.com), it's called a TopLine Heavy Duty RV Compartment Door Retainer Black T1005-01C.  We had to replace ours just a few months back. They're only $3.00 each; we ordered 3 & it cost $14.00 including shipping.



Thank you Renee.

2012 Volvo VNL 630 w/ I-Shift; D13 engine; " Veeger "
  Redwood, model 3401R ; 5th Wheel Trailer, " Dead Wood "
    2006 Smart Car " Killer Frog "


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